From 1957 to about 1962, I taught Sunday School at
St. Michael's Anglican Church, Rossburgh, Durban, Natal, South
Africa. From the time I was 9 years old, I attended St
Michael's, walked barefoot three miles. The parish was very poor.
Sometime in the first half of the 1960s, the financially unprofitable
Church was closed, permanently. As one of the Sunday School
teachers, I felt it more important to involve the children in
creating holy fun memories rather than in learning more and more and
more about our religion. Our works-in-progress rehearsals were always
wall-to-wall joys. Our 'finished' stagings were mainly for parish
friends and families. Free. Sometimes nowadays, in retrospect, I feel
fleeting moments of regret for having neglected our religion, in
those fun-filled poverty-stricken times.