Michelangelo - Sistine chapel ceiling at Wikimedia Commons.
1947 the discovery began of written records of a Society of people
that lived in the arid countryside which is continuous with the
northwest shores of the Dead Sea in Palestine, less than twenty miles
East of the present-day site of Jerusalem. The records date from at
least a thousand years before Jesus. Some contents pertaining to
religion, predate the oldest contents of our Bibles by centuries.
far, over twenty-five thousand records have been found. Some have
been deciphered from the many original native languages. Most of the
records have not yet been deciphered. The records are of various
ordinary secular civic and personal activities such as business
transactions, marriage, divorce.
the records of religion are some beliefs that not only are older than
the oldest books of our Bibles, but are, as well, radically different
in interpretations.
Scrolls cover such a long stretch of continuous history, that it’s
not unreasonable to expect beliefs seminal to their religion
continued into our times to be found in them. However, inexplicably
so far, such is not the case.
most radical of all different interpretations has to be that almighty
god Jehovah, was a junior far-from-perfect god among the many gods.
No other explanation, supported by credible evidence, has been
offered of why there is no mention of Jehovah in the Scrolls. In the
beginning, no mention of the god who, in a few centuries, was to
become the only accepted supreme god of the local Hebrews?
absence in the Scrolls is confirmed in the Bible in the words of
Jehovah himself: “I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto
Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by the name JEHOVAH was I not
known to them.” Absence of mention of him by name in the
Scrolls dares to suggest either he was not there at all, or his
presence at that time was of no significance.
Jehovah was a junior god, some of his childish inventions were not
accepted as worthwhile additions to Creation.
Eden was ignored and dismissed as mere immature antics.
begun perfect, became forbidden, because of Jehovah’s immature
negligence, to the very lives for which it was created. All Jehovah’s
creations beyond Eden became accursed. Horrifically and cruelly
ironic, the adult gods obliged Jehovah himself to downgrade his
creations, in his own spoken words, to ugly realities, and, given to
childishness, he did it with willing and spontaneous and over-the-top
ugly vengeful zest:
Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art
cursed above all the cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon
thy belly thou shalt go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy
life. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt
bruise his heel. Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy
sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;
and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of
thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee,
saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake;
in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life. Thorns also
and thistles shall it bring forth to thee. In the sweat of thy face
shalt thou eat bread, till thou return to the ground; for out of it
wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”
adult gods were not amused by an almighty god mixing divinity with
dust in the creation of human life, which is what Jehovah did in his
creation of the first two humans, Adam and Eve. Inanimate dust
inserted into divine nature, or the other way, was bound to make
divinity a failure. The story of Eden, to this day, is about the
failure of the divinity in humanity; of Jehovah’s signal
failure at Creation.
in the Scrolls is there any indication that there was an attempt by
other gods to offer an alternative to Jehovah’s failures. But,
then, to this day, is not an irrelevant meaningless childish thing
done by a child, quite naturally, normally, healthily, and
necessarily ignored by mature adults?
far, there is nothing found in the Scrolls about “made in the
image of god.” Nor is there anything in the Scrolls about gods
having imitable forms. Omissions of such facts crucial to a people’s
theology can mean only that the facts did not exist, and, hence, that
part of that people’s theology was not yet in existence.
failure, in the eyes of the other gods, was exacerbated by his
failure to carry out his repeated threats to exterminate his
stiff-necked humans, and to start again; Noah’s flood being the
first of such a half-hearted attempt that eventually proved to be an
utter failure that remedied nothing.
was particularly childish of Jehovah to burden one of his own lesser
creations, a serpent, to take the blame for Eden’s failure,
especially since the serpent is pointedly described as the most
intelligent among the animals created by Jehovah. That intelligence,
clearly, did not have a mature origin.
adult almighty god would have seen the future that revealed the
failure of Adam and Eve, and the failure of that god’s
righteous intention. Surely, a mature adult god would have prevented
such a future.
suits the behavior of a brattish child that the cautionary
revelations of the future were ignored; and that his special gift to
the serpent in particular was allowed to be abused into criminal
disobedience deserving of everlasting extreme punishment.
a seriously immature mind would make the pursuit of knowledge a sin.
Were all those temple doctors sinners who engaged the twelve-year old
Jesus in questions and answers about Ancient Scriptures? Since when
after failed Eden had Jehovah made knowledge his “business”?
there is no mention found, so far, in the Scrolls of Jehovah’s
escapades in Egypt, mention of them elsewhere clearly show an
out-of-control wayward mischievous cruel child delighting in doings
with lice and frogs and flies and boils and a very grievous murrain
upon asses, camels, cattle, oxen, horses, sheep. “I will harden
Pharaoh’s heart and multiply my signs and my wonders for to
show thee my power and that my name may be declared throughout all
the earth.”
same childish god whose negligence brought about criminal behavior by
Adam and Eve and that serpent; criminal behavior that Jehovah reveled
in brutally punishing.
same childish god took evil joy in repeatedly despotically hardening
Pharaoh’s heart into evil conduct, on at least ten occasions!
scholars are puzzled by the absence of two crucial mentions, so far,
in the Scrolls. First, the absence of mention of that prophecy so
seminal in Judaism: of the Messiah. Why the puzzle? Because there is
no mention of Jehovah, there is no need to mention a need for a
Messiah who, after all, is the remedy needed where there are only
Jehovah blunders of defective creations.
there is no mention of the existence of evil in the time of the
Scrolls; no mention of Satan. Satan, he who roams so freely nowadays,
even with impunity into Heaven into the presence of Almighty God
Jehovah, with whom he chitchats and kibitzes; according to the
Bible’s Book of Job.
the world become most brazenly unrighteous since the era of the
Scrolls? Can there be any doubt nowadays about the worsening of the
world when at present in Jehovah’s original first choice of
place on Earth he made in those first six days, there is unbridled
in-your-face-evil war murdering thousands of children, Hebrew, Jew,
Palestinian, Other?
childish brattish immature Jehovah, God Almighty, is content to look
on, and do nothing to stop the infanticidal holocaust.
Ezra (Unless
author's name in
the subject
of the message we
won't know where to send it.)