Dust In Us

Ezra Azra

© Copyright 2024 by Ezra Azra
Painting by Ferdinand Bol - Jacob's Dream - Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Painting by Ferdinand Bol - Jacob's Dream - Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

There are, virtually, countless parables in the Bible.

Unfortunately, most persons do not care to know about these parables because the Bible is regarded by most persons as, exclusively, a book of religion; of two religions.

I am thankful that I had the opportunity to read the Bible as ‘just another book’ completely detached from religion. I enrolled in a course of study at a University in 1956, “The Bible as Secular Literature.”

The Professor, Mrs Notcutt, studiously evaded equating “secular” with “atheistic.” Among the students, some were daring enough among ourselves, though none was daring enough to broach the point with Mrs Notcutt in class. Mrs Notcutt urged us, for the duration of the semester, to approach the Bible as we would our favorite fiction novel written by one of us who was world famous because of the novel.

At that time of my life I was so involved in coping with the many larger issues of natural growing up, that I was totally disinterested in both the Bible and Secular Literature. As well, my reasons for enrolling in that course had so little to do with any intentions of acquiring meaningful knowledge, that I am somewhat embarrassed nowadays when I recall those reasons.

The only reason this ever-present embarrassment is not existentionally crippling, is because I readily avail myself of the secular interpretation of an entirely religiously meant event that occurs frequently in the Bible; that of God sending Angels with messages.

By the criteria of that University course, everyone is allowed to see in inexplicably lucky happenings in their lives, that, figuratively, a god had sent an angel to grant them the lucky happening.

In the Bible, there are at least thirty-two occasions when God sends out Angels to do His biddings, though in the Bible, it is always other than sheer luck that brings about the presence of Angels.

I choose to accept that, figuratively speaking, some god sent an angel to direct me to enroll in that University course, if only because I am finding that there is not a day goes by without that dust-in-us parable in the Bible not being applicable somewhere in the world, according to the daily news in newspapers, radios, television: “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

Some of the students asked Professor Notcutt if is explained in the Bible why almighty God made this mistake, because, surely, being God almighty, He knew how blasphemously incompatible His divine breath would be in us with “dust of the ground”?

Mrs Notcutt said, many scholars have asked and are still asking this question, and nobody has come up with an answer that is universally acceptable. She added that while the question is obligatorily unavoidable in Theology, it is quite irrelevant in a secular approach. In Theology, God is as real as a loaf of bread; in secular meaning, god is merely metaphor: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven.”

The secular application of this parable is that it gives a religious explanation to the natural fact that every one of us, by the same ubiquitous human DNA, is capable of being good and evil, equally, simultaneously or at different times.

This genetic-based fact was a natural reality about homo sapiens long, long before the Bible came along to parabolize it in the equal mixture of divinity and dust in us, put there, from the very Beginning, by almighty God Himself, intentionally.

In the Bible, this parable of the failure of God’s divinity-dust blending in us is continually exemplified throughout in the many, many times God angrily observes that His own chosen tribe is stiffnecked disobedient against Him, despite His continual literal demonstrations of His holiest almightiness among them, especially in Ancient Egypt, and in the Wilderness of Zin, and in Palestine.

On two occasions this failure was at its worst when two persons with whom God chose to speak directly, went on to intentionally disobey Him most flagrantly: King David and King Solomon.

King David said unto God, Let thine hand, I pray thee, O Lord my God, be on me. The Lord said to David, Go up and set up an altar. And David built there an altar unto the Lord, and called upon the Lord; and the Lord answered him from Heaven by fire upon the altar......
And Satan provoked King David; and King David did as Satan provoked. And God was displeased with King David.’

The Lord appeared to King Solomon the second time. And the Lord said unto King Solomon, I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication that thou hast made before me. I have hallowed this house, which thou hast built to put my name there forever. Mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.......

King Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord. Wherefore the Lord said unto King Solomon, Forasmuch as this is done of thee, and thou hast not kept my covenant and my statutes, which I have commanded thee, I will surely rend the kingdom from thee, and give it to thy servant.”

The dust-in-us parable in the Bible is the most important parable because it is being demonstrated everyday all over the world in persons who, guided by the breath almighty God breathed into us at the Beginning, achieve truly forever great accomplishments; but somewhere along the way, rot sets in because of the dust God put in us, too, at that Beginning. The dust-rot infiltrates the divine breath in them, causing these achievers of true greatness to perpetrate deeds that are shamefully demeaning forever more, emasculating their greatness into utter worthlessness: Clinton, Cosby, Nixon, Schwarzenegger, Spektor, et cetera, et cetera.

In the secular scenario, humanity’s capability for greatness will always be at risk of shameful self-destruction because of our imperfect DNA within. In the scenario of both religions of the Bible, there is a promise of salvation coming from outside of us beyond our DNA contamination.

In the Bible, when God the first time acknowledges His dust-in-us mistake, He chooses to see the cause as, not in Himself, but in the disobedience of Adam and Eve. God’s remedy is to punish all life severely in the hope that pain and suffering would neutralize His dust-in-us evil.

God’s curse-and-punishment remedy did not work. The dust-in-us evil became more powerful. Cain was not afraid to murder his brother, Abel, in the presence of God at an altar built by Abel to worship God.

After a few generations, the dust-in-us evil grew to practically overwhelm God’s divinity in us into non-existence. God, this second time, acknowledged His dust-in-us mistake.

When God acknowledged His mistake the second time, He took full blame. He decided to erase His blunder by killing off all life, and starting all over again. He created a forty days rain flood to kill off all human life. His mistake that second time was that He spared one family of humans. Noah’s family were of the same ilk carriers of the deadly dust-in-us virus before God’s world-flood attempt at cleansing the species and thereby saving His Creation from toxic demise.

Within a few generations, the dust-in-us evil in Noah’s family had created a stiffnecked people whom God was ready again to genocide out of his Creation. However, some time after his Sodom-and-Gomorrah catastrophic genocide failed to cower the rest of humans into obedience, God threw in the towel and decided to pass the buck to a Messiah He promised to send, sooner or later, to finally rid Creation of his Father’s dust-in-us original sin.

So far, the Father’s promised Messiah solution is proving as hopeless as a secular DNA possibility of helping us against the evil of God’s dust-in-us.

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