The Only Time Evil Was Righteous

Ezra Azra

© Copyright 2024 by Ezra Azra

Image by <a href="">Roonald Sandino</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>
Image by Ronald Sandino from Pixabay

"It came to pass that the evil spirit from God came upon king Saul." King James Bible.

A battle was being fought. There was chaos all around as blood and mud made it difficult for soldiers to instantly know who was the enemy.

Within minutes, there was quiet. Only dead and wounded lay about.

King Saul was exhausted. He used his sword to steady himself as he walked. He was seriously wounded. He slowly sank to the ground to rest. A few seconds passed.

An evil Spirit walked along, looking about searchingly. Saul did not see her until she spoke.

"Your majesty." Saul struggled to stand on-guard. "Relax, your majesty. I am no threat. I am unarmed."

Saul, after looking at her steadily for a few seconds, "A woman?"


“Woman, it is not safe for you to be here."

“I know, your majesty. Thank you for your chivalry. Nor is it safe for you. Your men are either dead, or are running away for their lives. This is your end, your majesty."

"I know." He closed his eyes in painful realization. He struggled as he let himself sink to the ground to sit. "From forty years ago, assessed as worthless by my own God, almighty Jehovah."

“There is nothing to regret, your majesty. You have reigned forty years, despite Jehovah having withdrawn his support from you. Your genetic heroic righteousness shields you. You are not alone, your majesty. Dedicated your life to righteousness, and no reward at the end from a thankless, ungrateful almighty God, Jehovah. The same fate happened to others, your majesty: Moses, Eli, Samuel. There have been countless others like you before you, your majesty. And there will be countless more, in the future, forever and forever. After all, Jehovah takes special pride in being ‘the same yesterday and today and forever,’ does he not now, your majesty?”

"Who are you?"

With a hint of a laugh, “Sent by your Jehovah. Your majesty. None other. The-one-and-only.”

"To make my end undignified?"

"Uh-huh. Your majesty." They surveyed each other in silence for a few seconds.

Saul, with a slight smile, to himself, "Hah! Killed by a woman on the battlefield. No disgrace worse than that for a soldier. I deserve it."

“No, you don't, your majesty. Jehovah, God almighty, withdrew his support from you because you refused to do an evil thing he commanded you to do. Kill woman and children as collateral casualties during war.

Yes. Your majesty, you are a righteous person; a most noble person, your majesty. You are not the first leader to be commanded by Jehovah to kill children, but, to your everlasting righteous credit you are the first and only one to disobey that evil command. Even the great Moses obeyed, unquestioningly, Jehovah's command he kill children during war times. Mind you, that blind obedience did not help Moses at the end. Jehovah still punished him for an alleged disobedience at Meribah, denying him reaching the Promised Land."

After seconds of silence, she spoke softly to herself, "Jehovah takes particular delight in hurting children. Especially newborn boys, every day of the week."

She shuddered, visibly. She shook herself out of her reverie. "Your majesty, you are a righteous and most noble person."

“You remind me of my wife. Always on my side. Perfect Ahinoam, daughter of Ahimhaaz.”

“I remember her, your majesty. A beautiful and gracious person, your majesty. I had the honour of meeting her once. We spoke.”

“Long, long before Jehovah Himself thought of anointing me king, I was brought up to believe that Gods reward righteous persons. Hah! What a bigfat lie.”

“An unintelligent upbringing, your majesty. Gods reward blind unquestioning obedience, only. Even when the obedience is to do things only Satan benefits from, my lord and master. Had you murdered those innocent women and children, there would have been deafening rejoicings in Hell. And Jehovah, in gratitude, would have made a sacred covenant with you granting you some everlasting privilege. He does it all-too-frequently. Mind you, most of the time he has to withdraw the covenant later on when the beneficiary goes stiff-necked rogue on Jehovah; a happening he fully expects since he made all of you out of filthy dirt he scooped up from the ground with his own hands, in Eden. Nonetheless, Jehovah repeats the mistake again and again. Like all almighty Gods, incapable of learning from their mistakes. A consequence of mindless almightiness."

Saul, ruefully, "So I was told by High Priest Samuel, after the fact. ‘To obey is better than sacrifice.’

Seconds of silence passed. "Had I known that before I was chosen by Jehovah to be king, I would not have submitted to be anointed. Serving a God is not necessary in righteous living.”

“Your majesty, Jehovah loudly claims to be able to see into a person's true heart. If he saw the genetic righteousness in you, he chose to ignore it."

"I do not understand why an almighty God would ignore righteousness. Do you?"

"Your majesty, do you wonder at not understanding why a Chimpanzee does not stand during the National Anthem?"

“Not the same thing. No mystery why Chimps do not stand. Their knees, like their intelligence, are genetically bent out of shape.”

“Your majesty, almightiness brings no obligation to do anything.”

“Not even to be righteous?”

“Not even to be righteous, your majesty.”

Saul closed his eyes in helplessness; in utter hopeless despair.

The evil spirit continued, joyously, “Your majesty, with almightiness comes immunity from consequences of mistakes; evil and other.”

"Immunity from consequences of evil actions."

Softly, and with a smile of mockery, "Your majesty, that's what I said, if you were listening intelligently.”

"Sorry. I'm in a lot of pain.”

She continued, as if she had not heard the king, "Jehovah repeats His evil negligence when He teams up with Satan to defeat righteousness in Job; when He will allow this anointed David Judah of His to murder the loyal soldier Uriah in order to commit adultery with Uriah's wife; when Jehovah will allow evil Herod to behead John the Baptist; when He will allow His only begotten son to be born into a line of incest; and then to be betrayed by a colleague; and then to be crucified in front of his Mother.”

"Like now when He has sent you to be unrighteous against me?"

"Yes, your majesty. I am here to end your life in disgrace and indignity. As long as I do that, Jehovah is willingly deaf to everything I say; willingly blind to all else I do."

Seconds of silence passed. Saul winced and closed his eyes as he suffered pain. She spoke softly, "Your majesty?"

Saul, softly, to himself, “Ahinoam?”

“I am here, your majesty."

“My good wife. Seven children. Ahinoam. For your safety, during this war, you and I agreed you should go hide, and I would tell our children and the Nation, that you died."

“Would you like me to care for her, your majesty? My orders from Jehovah do not include her.”

“Our daughter, Merab, will care for her.”

"Your majesty, Merab's husband's God is Ashtaroth; not Jehovah. Merab's husband will not allow Merab to care for her Mother. Your majesty, tell me where Ahinoam is hiding, and I will look in on her, now and then, to protect her.”

Seconds of silence passed. Saul twisted in pain.

"I am a king anointed by a God. Anyone other than a God who kills me, incurs an everlasting curse. He knew that when he ordered you to kill me."

"I know, your majesty. It must have slipped His mind that I would know.”

“It’s more likely that He thought you could not know because you are a woman. He prides Himself that He made female to be inferior to male.”

“I know, your majesty. Lucifer, my creator told me. And Lucifer has engineered in all His female creations ways in which we can exploit that inferiority to our advantage against Jehovah. That is why I will seduce an unsuspecting ignorant civilian atheist person to do the cowardly deed of murdering you. I know a homeless wandering atheist Egyptian. Jehovah’s curse will fall on him. Atheists! Ugh! They make me sick!"

"I am ready for death. I will submit. I will offer my sword. I will neutralize the indignity on me intended by Jehovah."

“Your majesty, you cannot escape the eternal indignity of your headless corpse being nailed to a wall in the Temple of a foreign God, Ashtaroth. That is your punishment decreed by Jehovah, for all eternity. Your majesty.”

"If I tell you where my Ahinoam is, I will be betraying my promise to her. But if you find my head, and eat my brain, her hiding place will be revealed to you."

They looked at each other. She broke out into a smile of sincere compassion.

"I will take good care of her, your majesty. You and I will thumb our noses at Jehovah for all eternity. Your majesty."

She gave him a thumbs-up, and walked away. King Saul struggled up to a standing posture, and saluted her backside, as totally evil as it is forever and forever.

"Your majesty, do you wonder at not understanding why a Chimpanzee does not stand during the National Anthem?"

“Not the same thing. No mystery why Chimps do not stand. Their knees, like their intelligence, are genetically bent out of shape.”

“Your majesty, almightiness brings no obligation to do anything.”

“Not even to be righteous?”

“Not even to be righteous, your majesty.”

Saul closed his eyes in helplessness; in utter hopeless despair.

The evil spirit continued, joyously, “Your majesty, with almightiness comes immunity from consequences of mistakes; evil and other.”

"Immunity from consequences of evil actions."

Softly, and with a smile of mockery, "Your majesty, that's what I said, if you were listening intelligently.”

"Sorry. I'm in a lot of pain.”

She continued, as if she had not heard the king, "Jehovah repeats His evil negligence when He teams up with Satan to defeat righteousness in Job; when He will allow this anointed David Judah of His to murder the loyal soldier Uriah in order to commit adultery with Uriah's wife; when Jehovah will allow evil Herod to behead John the Baptist; when He will allow His only begotten son to be born into a line of incest; and then to be betrayed by a colleague; and then to be crucified in front of his Mother.”

"Like now when He has sent you to be unrighteous against me?"

"Yes, your majesty. I am here to end your life in disgrace and indignity. As long as I do that, Jehovah is willingly deaf to everything I say; willingly blind to all else I do."

Seconds of silence passed. Saul winced and closed his eyes as he suffered pain. She spoke softly, "Your majesty?"

Saul, softly, to himself, “Ahinoam?”

“I am here, your majesty."

“My good wife. Seven children. Ahinoam. For your safety, during this war, you and I agreed you should go hide, and I would tell our children and the Nation, that you died."

“Would you like me to care for her, your majesty? My orders from Jehovah do not include her.”

“Our daughter, Merab, will care for her.”

"Your majesty, Merab's husband's God is Ashtaroth; not Jehovah. Merab's husband will not allow Merab to care for her Mother. Your majesty, tell me where Ahinoam is hiding, and I will look in on her, now and then, to protect her.”

Seconds of silence passed. Saul twisted in pain.

"I am a king anointed by a God. Anyone other than a God who kills me, incurs an everlasting curse. He knew that when he ordered you to kill me."

"I know, your majesty. It must have slipped His mind that I would know.”

“It’s more likely that He thought you could not know because you are a woman. He prides Himself that He made female to be inferior to male.”

“I know, your majesty. Lucifer, my creator told me. And Lucifer has engineered in all His female creations ways in which we can exploit that inferiority to our advantage against Jehovah. That is why I will seduce an unsuspecting ignorant civilian atheist person to do the cowardly deed of murdering you. I know a homeless wandering atheist Egyptian. Jehovah’s curse will fall on him. Atheists! Ugh! They make me sick!"

"I am ready for death. I will submit. I will offer my sword. I will neutralize the indignity on me intended by Jehovah."

“Your majesty, you cannot escape the eternal indignity of your headless corpse being nailed to a wall in the Temple of a foreign God, Ashtaroth. That is your punishment decreed by Jehovah, for all eternity. Your majesty.”

"If I tell you where my Ahinoam is, I will be betraying my promise to her. But if you find my head, and eat my brain, her hiding place will be revealed to you."

They looked at each other. She broke out into a smile of sincere compassion.

"I will take good care of her, your majesty. You and I will thumb our noses at Jehovah for all eternity. Your majesty."

She gave him a thumbs-up, and walked away. King Saul struggled up to a standing posture, and saluted her backside, as totally evil as it is forever and forever.

“Woman, it is not safe for you to be here."

“I know, your majesty. Thank you for your chivalry. Nor is it safe for you. Your men are either dead, or are running away for their lives. This is your end, your majesty."

"I know." He closed his eyes in painful realization. He struggled as he let himself sink to the ground to sit. "From forty years ago, assessed as worthless by my own God, almighty Jehovah."

“There is nothing to regret, your majesty. You have reigned forty years, despite Jehovah having withdrawn his support from you. Your genetic heroic righteousness shields you. You are not alone, your majesty. Dedicated your life to righteousness, and no reward at the end from a thankless, ungrateful almighty God, Jehovah. The same fate happened to others, your majesty: Moses, Eli, Samuel. There have been countless others like you before you, your majesty. And there will be countless more, in the future, forever and forever. After all, Jehovah takes special pride in being ‘the same yesterday and today and forever,’ does he not now, your majesty?”

"Who are you?"

With a hint of a laugh, “Sent by your Jehovah. Your majesty. None other. The-one-and-only.”

"To make my end undignified?"

"Uh-huh. Your majesty." They surveyed each other in silence for a few seconds.

Saul, with a slight smile, to himself, "Hah! Killed by a woman on the battlefield. No disgrace worse than that for a soldier. I deserve it."

“No, you don't, your majesty. Jehovah, God almighty, withdrew his support from you because you refused to do an evil thing he commanded you to do. Kill woman and children as collateral casualties during war.

Yes. Your majesty, you are a righteous person; a most noble person, your majesty. You are not the first leader to be commanded by Jehovah to kill children, but, to your everlasting righteous credit you are the first and only one to disobey that evil command. Even the great Moses obeyed, unquestioningly, Jehovah's command he kill children during war times. Mind you, that blind obedience did not help Moses at the end. Jehovah still punished him for an alleged disobedience at Meribah, denying him reaching the Promised Land."

After seconds of silence, she spoke softly to herself, "Jehovah takes particular delight in hurting children. Especially newborn boys, every day of the week."

She shuddered, visibly. She shook herself out of her reverie. "Your majesty, you are a righteous and most noble person."

“You remind me of my wife. Always on my side. Perfect Ahinoam, daughter of Ahimhaaz.”

“I remember her, your majesty. A beautiful and gracious person, your majesty. I had the honour of meeting her once. We spoke.”

“Long, long before Jehovah Himself thought of anointing me king, I was brought up to believe that Gods reward righteous persons. Hah! What a bigfat lie.”

“An unintelligent upbringing, your majesty. Gods reward blind unquestioning obedience, only. Even when the obedience is to do things only Satan benefits from, my lord and master. Had you murdered those innocent women and children, there would have been deafening rejoicings in Hell. And Jehovah, in gratitude, would have made a sacred covenant with you granting you some everlasting privilege. He does it all-too-frequently. Mind you, most of the time he has to withdraw the covenant later on when the beneficiary goes stiff-necked rogue on Jehovah; a happening he fully expects since he made all of you out of filthy dirt he scooped up from the ground with his own hands, in Eden. Nonetheless, Jehovah repeats the mistake again and again. Like all almighty Gods, incapable of learning from their mistakes. A consequence of mindless almightiness."

Saul, ruefully, "So I was told by High Priest Samuel, after the fact. ‘To obey is better than sacrifice.’

Seconds of silence passed. "Had I known that before I was chosen by Jehovah to be king, I would not have submitted to be anointed. Serving a God is not necessary in righteous living.”

“Your majesty, Jehovah loudly claims to be able to see into a person's true heart. If he saw the genetic righteousness in you, he chose to ignore it."

"I do not understand why an almighty God would ignore righteousness. Do you?"

"Your majesty, do you wonder at not understanding why a Chimpanzee does not stand during the National Anthem?"

“Not the same thing. No mystery why Chimps do not stand. Their knees, like their intelligence, are genetically bent out of shape.”

“Your majesty, almightiness brings no obligation to do anything.”

“Not even to be righteous?”

“Not even to be righteous, your majesty.”

Saul closed his eyes in helplessness; in utter hopeless despair.

The evil spirit continued, joyously, “Your majesty, with almightiness comes immunity from consequences of mistakes; evil and other.”

"Immunity from consequences of evil actions."

Softly, and with a smile of mockery, "Your majesty, that's what I said, if you were listening intelligently.”

"Sorry. I'm in a lot of pain.”

She continued, as if she had not heard the king, "Jehovah repeats His evil negligence when He teams up with Satan to defeat righteousness in Job; when He will allow this anointed David Judah of His to murder the loyal soldier Uriah in order to commit adultery with Uriah's wife; when Jehovah will allow evil Herod to behead John the Baptist; when He will allow His only begotten son to be born into a line of incest; and then to be betrayed by a colleague; and then to be crucified in front of his Mother.”

"Like now when He has sent you to be unrighteous against me?"

"Yes, your majesty. I am here to end your life in disgrace and indignity. As long as I do that, Jehovah is willingly deaf to everything I say; willingly blind to all else I do."

Seconds of silence passed. Saul winced and closed his eyes as he suffered pain. She spoke softly, "Your majesty?"

Saul, softly, to himself, “Ahinoam?”

“I am here, your majesty."

“My good wife. Seven children. Ahinoam. For your safety, during this war, you and I agreed you should go hide, and I would tell our children and the Nation, that you died."

“Would you like me to care for her, your majesty? My orders from Jehovah do not include her.”

“Our daughter, Merab, will care for her.”

"Your majesty, Merab's husband's God is Ashtaroth; not Jehovah. Merab's husband will not allow Merab to care for her Mother. Your majesty, tell me where Ahinoam is hiding, and I will look in on her, now and then, to protect her.”

Seconds of silence passed. Saul twisted in pain.

"I am a king anointed by a God. Anyone other than a God who kills me, incurs an everlasting curse. He knew that when he ordered you to kill me."

"I know, your majesty. It must have slipped His mind that I would know.”

“It’s more likely that He thought you could not know because you are a woman. He prides Himself that He made female to be inferior to male.”

“I know, your majesty. Lucifer, my creator told me. And Lucifer has engineered in all His female creations ways in which we can exploit that inferiority to our advantage against Jehovah. That is why I will seduce an unsuspecting ignorant civilian atheist person to do the cowardly deed of murdering you. I know a homeless wandering atheist Egyptian. Jehovah’s curse will fall on him. Atheists! Ugh! They make me sick!"

"I am ready for death. I will submit. I will offer my sword. I will neutralize the indignity on me intended by Jehovah."

“Your majesty, you cannot escape the eternal indignity of your headless corpse being nailed to a wall in the Temple of a foreign God, Ashtaroth. That is your punishment decreed by Jehovah, for all eternity. Your majesty.”

"If I tell you where my Ahinoam is, I will be betraying my promise to her. But if you find my head, and eat my brain, her hiding place will be revealed to you."

They looked at each other. She broke out into a smile of sincere compassion.

"I will take good care of her, your majesty. You and I will thumb our noses at Jehovah for all eternity. Your majesty."

She gave him a thumbs-up, and walked away. King Saul struggled up to a standing posture, and saluted her backside, as totally evil as it is forever and forever.

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