A War With No Winners


Ezra Azra

© Copyright 2024 by Ezra Azra

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

It was a battlefield in pre-gunpowder times. From every direction, soldiers came, fighting. There were dead bodies on the ground, here and there.

Eventually, a lull. Sounds of battles continuing elsewhere, near, and far.

Two soldiers, battle weary, were helping each other walk. One had a broken sword, and was seriously wounded; the other had no sword, and was bruised all over, but was not seriously wounded. The one was too weak to prevent the other from slowly sinking to the ground. Both sat on the ground, next to each other.

The one asked, hoarsely and with extra effort, "The others?"

"All dead."

After a long pause, he asked again, "Ishui?"

The other replied, wearily and stonily and slowly, “Everybody died in that battle. Including our three brothers. Only you and I are left.”

There were seconds of silence. The wounded one spoke with closed eyes, "Me, too, in a few minutes. Go on without me."

"And tell Dad I left you behind? I will be with you until you die in my arms, or until we make it back."

“Let's keep going, then. Help me up. We are in no condition to fight, even if we meet only one warrior.”

"We will not be meeting any enemy warriors here. We can rest here for as long as we want. Or we can move on as slowly as we care to."

The other stared at him, not understanding.

“You don’t remember we accidentally fell down here from that ledge up there? We are lucky we had a soft landing here. I do not know which direction will take us back to our lines."

"Let's move along slowly. We dare not spend a night here, not knowing where here is."

"Okay. Let's go. Slowly."

They left. After a few seconds, two young women, civilians, cautiously emerged from the bushes.

"How about that? They had the same accident we had."

"Could you tell which side they are on?

“No. And it does not matter to us. We are foreigners traveling through when the war erupted. I do not trust both sides.”

“Those two are in no shape to hurt us. Let's follow them.”

“Good idea. One of them is seriously hurt. We might get a chance to make friends by helping him.”

“Okay, but if they are attacked, we run.”

“Of course. Absolutely.”

“Another thing.”


“Food-wise, I have only one last chocolate bar. I am eating all of it now, so that I won't have anything to share if they should ask.”

"I have something in one of my pockets. I will eat it right now, too."

They moved along, eating purposefully.

On another part of the battlefield, two soldiers were searching the area. They had shields, and were armed with swords and spears.

"Are you certain they came this way?"

"Yes. Any other direction would have brought them back to us."

They walked about, searching; occasionally stabbing their spears into bushes.

"Careful. I found a sudden steep drop there, hidden by the high grass."

“They are just another two wounded enemy soldiers. They are of no immediate danger to us. Why is the Captain so determined we capture them?”

“I think I know, but I am not certain. So, do not quote me on this.”

“Okay. What?

“They might be foreign secret agents serving neither us nor the enemy.”

“You said the Captain said they are armed. Doesn’t that mean they are fighting for the enemy?”

"Captain did not care to explain."

There was a silence for seconds while each thought about the information, as they slowly looked about, stabbing here and there.

"If we catch them, that will definitely mean a promotion for our Captain."

“What happens if we do not find them?”

“I do not want to think about that. We have to find them. That should not be impossible since one of them is seriously injured.”

“If they escape us, we will be hanged.”

“That's about it.”

“Let's split up. Each searches along the edge of that steep drop.”

“All right. But if we cannot capture them, whoever they are, remember our discussion last night?”

“About why we are fighting this war?”

“Why are we fighting this war?”

“We common soldiers do not know.”

"Precisely. That is why if these foreign agents escape us, I am deserting.”

He stared grimly at the other. A second or two of silence passed. The other stared back.

"Me, too. At your side."

“Good. Within the hour, we meet at our favourite tree, with those foreigners, captive.”

"If both of us are empty-handed, we run.”

They saluted each other, and were about to go in different directions when one stopped.

"Could they have gone down that steep slope?"

“Not with one of them as wounded as the Captain said he was.”

"Not deliberately."

They looked at each other, considering the possibility.

"If we really think they fell down that steep slope by accident, our search stops right here. We head for the border, now."

"I am with you. For the border. Now.” They left together, in the same direction.

Somewhere else, the two brothers had stopped to rest. They sat on the ground near each other. The one whispered, “We are being followed."

“You heard something?”


“Me, too, but I did not want to say anything. I have been listening. Whatever it is, I do not think we are in danger.”

“Even if it is a large wild animal predator?”

“There hasn't been a large wild animal predator in this country from since before we were born.”

“What, then?”

“Definitely not enemy soldiers.”

“Why not?”

“By now enemy soldiers would have known we are no threat. They would have attacked.”

“Then, who?”

“Civilians. Waiting for us to die. Then rob our corpses.”

“How about we just call out to them?”

"Why not? Our situation is already at its worst."

The one called out, "Whoever you are, we know you are there. Come out. Let us talk."

The two young women walked into view, slowly; cautiously; fearfully. One of them spoke, with difficulty.

"We are foreigners. We are not armed." The other, too, “We are travelers passing through the country when the war broke out.”

One of the soldiers replied the women, “We are soldiers. We think our side lost. We do not know where we are. We are just trying to get as far away from the war as possible. You have food?"

"Nothing. Sorry." "Nothing. No food. We have a first aid kit that might help your wounds."

"That is better than food. My brother here is seriously wounded. Please help him."

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