Gerda Wegener, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
three thousand years ago a fiction story teller somewhere in Europe
told a tale of an almighty god named Zeus raping a helpless virgin
young woman, named Europa.
of rape by almighty gods were commonplace in Ancient Hellenic
(Archaean, Greek) Culture.
immortal god Zeus, the king of all gods and goddesses, raped mortal
Semele into pregnancy while he was married to almighty immortal
goddess, Hera. Hera tricked the both of them into having Semele
murdered by adulteress rapist Zeus himself.
queen of Troy, had nineteen children. She never told her husband,
king Priam, that her firstborn, Hector, was not his child. Prince
Hector, heir to the throne of Troy, was a child from rape. Almighty
god Apollo had raped Hecuba on her wedding night before she joined
her newly wedded husband.
punished both Hecuba and Apollo for deceiving Priam. Hector never got
to be king of Troy. He was defeated in battle by Greek warrior,
Achilles. Destiny piled on the just punishment by treating Hector's
corpse ignominiously. Hector's corpse was tied to Achilles's battle
chariot and dragged seven times back and forth across the battlefield
in full view of Hector's wife, Andromache, and his deceitful mother
Hecuba, both of whom stood and watched from high up a Trojan City
selecting Achilles as the instrument of Hector's ugly defeat, Destiny
was adding ironic spite to the righteous castigation of Hecuba's and
Apollo's criminal deceit in that Achilles, too, had been a child of
mother of Achilles was Thetis, a virgin goddess. She was raped into
pregnancy by almighty god Zeus. To hide his crime, Zeus bribed with
favours a renowned Greek warrior king named Perseus, to marry Thetis.
took revenge on both of them by aborting her first seven babies by
Perseus. Eventually, a mere mortal midwife could take it no more; she
snitched on Thetis to Perseus. Perseus, helped by Zeus, intervened in
the eighth pregnancy, and Achilles was born, doomed to fall in battle
in the Trojan war, killed in a ridiculous manner by a Trojan warrior
prince, Paris, who, himself, was a disgraceful wife-seducer.
Greek god Apollo who personally guided the arrow that killed Achilles
on the Trojan battlefield, was himself a serial rapist. He was doomed
to be a rapist since he himself was a child born of rape.
mother was Leto, a distant family member of almighty god Zeus, king
of the gods and goddesses. Zeus raped Leto of her virginity. Hera,
almighty goddess wife of Zeus, tormented Leto throughout her
pregnancy. Leto gave birth to her illegitimate twins, Apollo and
raped many women: Cyrene, a mortal princess. Melia, a virgin goddess.
Eudne, a first-cousin of his, daughter of his father's brother,
almighty god Poseidon. Chrysothemis, another first-cousin, daughter
of his father's sister, almighty goddess Demeter.
a mortal virgin, was raped by both god Apollo and his younger
brother, god Hermes, on the same night. When she gave birth to
identical twins, Autolycus and Philammon, she could not tell which
was which god's child. There was no Deoxyribo-Nucleic-Acid
testing in those days.
god brothers, Apollo and Hermes, teamed up another time to take turns
raping Creusa, a virgin princess in the kingdom of Troy.
Apollo tried to rape Cassandra, another princess of Troy, Hector's
sister, she fought him off, and so he cursed her to always prophesy
the future accurately, but nobody would believe her. She foretold to
the king and queen, her father and mother, the course of action to
take to avert the fall of their kingdom of Troy to the invading Greek
army. Her parents, as per god Apollo's curse, dismissed their
daughter as being insane. When the Greek soldiers eventually took
the City of Troy by force, they chopped up king Priam on the castle
floor in front of his queen Hecuba who, herself, was taken into
and disgustingly, modern humanity's great achievements of marvelous
spaceships that will transport us to the stars, are being named after
Apollo, a most degenerate serial rapist Ancient Greek almighty god!
Olympian god Hermes, younger brother of Apollo, was as criminal a
serial-rapist as his brother.
Apollo, Hermes, the rapist almighty god, was doomed from birth. His
virgin goddess mother, Maia, gave birth to him after being raped by
Zeus, king of the gods and goddesses, while he was married to goddess
Hera. Thereafter, Zeus raped two of Maia's virgin sisters, Electra
and Taygete, into pregnancies.
addition to being an unconscionable degenerate rapist, god Hermes was
a bigamist. He was concurrently married to two goddesses, Aphrodite
and Peitho,
of whom was aware of his other wife:
indicate Hermes raped a total, at least, of twenty-six females.
Eighteen were mortals; eight were goddesses:-
god Poseidon, brother of the king of gods, Zeus, was married to
goddess Amphitrite when, on different occasions, he raped goddesses
Alcyone, Celaeno, and Thronia.
god Ares was a son of almighty gods Zeus and Hera. Like his father,
Ares was a rapist while he was married. He raped goddess Sterope, and
princess Aglauros.
story about the rape of Europa by Zeus, stands alone because, in
retrospect, it has become a figurative prophecy of the conquest of
the nations of Europe by ruthless European rulers, beginning over
three thousand years ago, up to present times in the rape of Ukraine
by Russian Vladimir Putin.
the figurative story, Europa was a virgin Phoenician princess. By
trickery, Zeus abducted her. He appeared to her as a tame wild
magnificently beautiful gleaming white Phoenician bull. He knelt
before her as if in worship. The princess was familiar with
Phoenician farm animals. She was amused and intrigued and mesmerized
into climbing onto the beast for a ride.
bull ran off with the frightened princess on his back. He carried her
away overseas to another country where he repeatedly raped her into
three pregnancies. After her third child, he callously abandoned her.
almighty god Zeus so easily resorting to being a subhuman lifeform in
order to perpetrate a sex crime, is the storyteller's most apposite
figuration of the instinctual degenerative inclination of a
premeditating rapist.
the history of the world, so far, no Seer has predicted so accurately
a curse that has repeatedly occurred for centuries upon centuries in
with Alexander, the Macedonian. There has never been so dramatic a
narration of an historic event that so aptly subliminally speaks
sexual rape. It is said that Alexander was told of an Ancient-tied
fabric knot on the altar of a shrine in the town of Gordium. The
Gordiums made known world-wide their belief that whoever untied their
virginal-sacred knot would become an emperor of Europe and Asia.
the ages, many warriors had tried in Gordium; all had failed. When
Alexander faced that altar knot, he drew his sword and blasphemously
slashed it to shreds.
ravished knot had its revenge, and the last laugh, eventually, in
that instead of becoming an emperor, or dying heroically on the
battlefield, Alexander died in bed of an unwarrior-like sissyish
fever in a City with a most unsoldierly female name fashioned out of
his very own masculine Macedonian name. Added eternal insult to
eternal embarrassment is that nobody knows what happened to the
Macedonian's corpse after its solid gold sarcophagus coffin was
stolen in Egypt's Alexandria.
that luckless Macedonian, the literal history of Europe, cued by that
Ancient figuration of Europa's rape, has cursed Europe with a
succession of avatars of almighty god Zeus, that premeditating rapist
of helpless virgin women.
The Emperors of Rome! The Christian Popes in Rome! Attila the Hun,
Flagellum Dei, Scourge of God! Corsican upstart, Napoleon Buonaparte!
Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert, self-proclaimed emperor of Germany!
Adolf Hitler, who threatened Europe with a thousand-year Reich of
satanic Nazism.
today, even as this is being read, Hellenic Zeus has changed from
Phoenician bull to Russian bear, Vladimir Putin, reincarnation of
that Transylvanian vampire Vladimir Dracul, the Impaler who plunged
his stake into the heart of Europe.
Ezra (Unless
author's name in
the subject
of the message we
won't know where to send it.)