The Princess Keepsake Ezra Azra . © Copyright 2023 by Ezra Azra |
![]() Photo by Alan Alquist on Unsplash |
Ruhan we do not know that she is a Princess.
I'm pretty sure she is. I've seen pictures of royal persons in some of the shops in the Town.
I am not disputing it, hon. It's just that I have never seen pictures of any of the royals, except the king and queen. I think they are truly majestic. I would recognize them anywhere.Mom, did you ask her her name?
I did. But she said she could not remember, because of her fall, perhaps. I did not ask again.
Anyway, we can sell this ornament; we can use the money to improve the farm.
Dad, even if we sell it, it can still be traced back to us.
Traced back by whom, Ruhan?
Mom, whoever she is, her horse has taken her back home by now. Sooner or later, she will get back her memory, and she will remember she gave it as a present to you. That will be fine. But in the meantime, while she continues to suffer from memory loss, the others in her family will have no option but to regard this ornament as lost. And even if she assures them that she gave it to you, they will not accept that because she did it while she was not herself.Whoa! That could make it seem like robbery.
Yes, Dad.
Then, let's just chuck it away.
And let's be careful how and where we chuck it, Dad. Something this precious is bound to have some kind of safeguard embedded in it. Safeguard?Such a shame to get rid of it; it is so magnificently beautiful.
We could return it and say we found it.
Yes; return it through the office of the Sheriff in Town. Say we found it on the road on our way to the market in our wagon.
That sounds like a good idea. We will still qualify for a reward, if there is one.
It's a great idea, Dad, if the Princess factor co-operates.
The Princess factor? What do you mean, Son?
Well, we are safe if, either, the Princess does not remember she gave it to Mom, or she remembers and is happy she gave it.
Why would she not be happy?
Mom, Royal aristocrats are not always happy to be associated with Common folk such as we are.
She was so happy in our kitchen to give it to me.
She was happy, Mom, perhaps only because she did not know she is Royal aristocracy; at the very top of the food chain, Mom.Oh! Dear me! Dear me! When we were drinking tea at the table, she reached out and took my hand.
Mom, did you reach out and take her hand?
No, but not because I did not want to. Oh, dear. I'm in serious trouble, am I not?
Hon, you are not in trouble if you do not admit to touching her, simply because you did not reach out to touch her. Aristocrats draw their pedigree for that silliness of being untouchable straight from Jehovah God in the Bible. Remember Uzzah, dear?Yes. Jehovah murdered him because he accidentally touched the Ark of the Covenant.
And King David, to his eternal credit, was on our side in that he was courageous enough to dare be displeased with his very own almighty God, Jehovah, for doing that.Then, going to the Sheriff, is definitely not a road we should take.
In all this, the good fortune miracle is that nobody saw her while she was here.
Some one did see us when she was in the wagon.
A couple far away on the Garnier's farm.
Did they wave?
No. And nor did I. Neither of you saw them?
They could have been strangers. Remember, over the last two days the Garniers are having their annual free apples festival.
All the more miraculous nobody saw her.
There's our explanation, if anyone asks. She was a stranger who came over from the Garnier festival.
You two work it out. I have chores. I need to forget this gift, and the giver.
Ruhan, me, too. I am joining Mom. Do whatever you want with it; as long as it is off the farm within minutes.
Okay, Dad. I'm sorry I brought all this on us, Dad. I will take it far off the farm and bury it.
I have a better idea. Take it with you; ride the horse to beyond the Town, and throw the thing over that cliff into the river. Make sure nobody sees you when you throw it. Okay, Dad. But just one last option.I'm listening, but make it short.
Okay. What if I buried it where she fell? That horse of hers showed itself exceptionally sharp. If they somehow got it to search for the ornament, I am pretty sure it would smell out the ornament on that spot.Good thinking, Ruhan. You have given me another possibility. A small animal.
I do not get it, Dad. A small animal? What small animal?
Did you not say her horse made friends with them so that they were all over it when it lay on its belly?
Was there a Raccoon among them?
A few.
There you go, then. Exploit the natural habit of the Raccoon to stash things away. Find a Raccoon; toss the ornament to it; and let it do its natural Raccoon thing.Yay! Dad. You're a genius.