Most Evil Assassination Ever

Ezra Azra

© Copyright 2023 by Ezra Azra
Public domain art by Vincenzo Camuccini courtesy Wikimedia Commons.
Public domain art by Vincenzo Camuccini courtesy Wikimedia Commons.

The assassination of Julius Caesar in the City of Rome, over two-thousand years ago, was, and continues to be, unique in, collectively, at least seven respects.

It is the first recorded assassination of a world leader; in office; in his Government building place of work; by being stabbed to death; at least 23 stabbings by many Government conspirator officials; face-to-face; by a best friend being among his stabbers.

Julius Caesar's best friend was Marcus Junius Brutus. Julius Caesar was about fifty-five years old when Brutus joined the assassins. Brutus was about forty-two.

Their families had been close. Brutus looked up to Caesar from the very beginning. The closeness of their friendship was demonstrated by some of the dangerous escapades they had freely chosen to engaged in, together.

During the time of the Roman Empire, shipping on the Mediterranean Ocean was plagued by Pirates. On an occasion, just for the adventure, Julius and Marcus, young civilians, decided to thwart a Pirate venture.

While vacationing in a small remote port village, the two friends, quite randomly, came upon a hidden Pirate den ensconced in a cleft in a rock-face of a stone escarpment rising steeply and high out of the Aegean Sea. They waited for night. They hauled out all the pirate booty, ripped open all bags and other containers, and let all individual items fall into the Aegean, to sink, or float away irretrievably.

On another occasion in the City of Rome, a Roman nobleman's slave fell into a hole that suddenly opened up on a City road. The City authorities, all born-free Roman merchants, were not about to waste time and money rescuing a slave, and were intent on filling up the hole with the slave in it. The merchants calculated it was less costly to pay the Roman nobleman-owner the price of the slave, and fill in the hole with the slave in it, than to rescue the slave before filling in the hole.

Caesar and Brutus intervened to pay the Roman nobleman, and to rescue the slave, before the merchants filled in the hole. Caesar and Brutus provided their own family slaves to dig out the slave, doing some of the digging themselves with their noblemen hands.

On another occasion, while hiking through a forest far north of the City of Rome, they came upon a fellow hiker who had been wounded by a wild animal. He could not walk. They tended his injuries, and offered to discontinue their hike in order to carry him home, wherever that was. It was then that he informed them he was a Roman soldier on a secret mission.

A Roman army stationed in the country of Gaul, was trapped with its back to mountains. The enemy Gaul soldiers were preparing an attack that would wipe out the Roman army. Unknown to the Roman army, they had access of a tunnel through the mountains.

The long-abandoned tunnel had been dug by Roman soldiers, in secret, many, many years previously, for recreation. Because it had never been used by soldiers fighting for their lives, it had been neglected, and forgotten.

This soldier's mission was to enter that tunnel at its other end, and to reach the trapped army. He pleaded with Caesar and Brutus to leave him there, alone and incapacitated, to his fate, while they completed his rescue mission. That is what they did. The Roman soldiers escaped through the tunnel.

Rome eventually conquered Gaul. The tunnel through the mountains became a lucrative tourist attraction.

On another occasion, in Britain. By then, both Caesar and Brutus were soldiers in one of the world-conquering armies of Rome. Caesar was the General in command; Brutus was second-in-command. This was over a century before Emperor Hadrian had a stone wall built across all of England in the north to keep the Picts from invading.

Caesar claimed about his military conquest of England, "I came; I saw; I conquered." He should have added, 'For the most part; most of the time.'

The Picts were not Scots. Rome never completely conquered the Picts. The Picts were still in their homeland centuries after the Roman Empire had ceased to exist.

The Picts eventually disappeared. Nobody knows why. They were the second People the Roman Empire armies encountered but never conquered. That was the only reason that after over a century of occupation of England, the Romans conceded they needed a stone wall to help protect themselves from the Picts who, after over a century, were still conducting warlike raids on the English and the Romans in England.

In one of those raids Brutus rescued Caesar from certain death. Caesar suffered from epilepsy. Some historians guess that Caesar's epilepsy was a consequence of his parents being first cousins.

During a battle with the Picts, Caesar suffered a seizure. Brutus remained at the side of the convulsing Caesar. Brutus took over the command. He believed the Romans were on the verge of victory. He also knew that the Picts always had a ferocious suicidal intent when they suspected they were on the verge of defeat in battle. Romans suffered the worst casualties in those moments of Pict savage suicidal assaults.

Brutus ordered his troops to retreat in feigned disarray. The disarray stalled the Picts in their perplexity. Brutus used the moments of Pict absence to drag himself and the unconscious Caesar into bushes. The Roman soldiers having abandoned the battle, the Picts left, also, in disgust at what they interpreted as abject cowardice they spurned to engage.

Brutus remained with the barely conscious Caesar in his arms in the bushes until nightfall, before he struggled back to camp with Caesar beginning to recover.

Julius Caesar conquered Egypt when Cleopatra was queen, and annexed it as a Province of Rome. Caesar made Brutus the Governor of Egypt.

The wives of Julius Caesar and Marcus Junius Brutus were related. Calpurnia, Caesar's wife, was aunt to Portia, the wife of Brutus. Neither marriage produced children.

There were rumours, never proved, that Caesar had a child by Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, as did Roman Generals Pompey, Marc Antony, Brutus, and Octavius Caesar, first Emperor of Rome. By rumour alone, the queen of Egypt seems to have been a conniving scheming slut who, nonetheless, managed to keep her kingdom independent within the Roman Empire. That independence came to an end forever when Queen Cleopatra killed herself.

In the realm of professional Politics, the assassination of Julius Caesar by his best friend Marcus Junius Brutus, over two-thousand years ago, continues to be the most evil Political murder ever. 

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