A Tale of Two Tongues


Ezra Azra

© Copyright 2024 by Ezra Azra

Goddess Kali By Piyal Kundu1 at Wikimedia Commons.
Goddess Kali By Piyal Kundu1 at Wikimedia Commons..

The tongue is the most complicated muscle in the human body.’ Encyclopedia Britannica.

The parable of baby Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie in Hinduism is narrated in the worship of the almighty Goddess Ka-Li-Ka. Ka-Li-Ka is her original name; her name nowadays is shortened to Ka-Li.

There are, so to speak, two Generations of almighty Deities in Hinduism.

The First Generation is believed to be the incarnations of the one immanent sentient Presence, named Brahman. The First almighty Deities of the First Generation incarnations of Brahman are Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva.

All other Hindu Deities who are not incarnations of Brahman, are Second Generation Deities. Some of these Second Generationers, like Goddess Ka-Li-Ka, and God Krishna, are no less almighty and eternal as are First Generation Deities.

The classifications of First and Second have no connotations of Age. Age-wise, so far, it has been impossible to determine the age of most of the hundreds of Hindu Gods.

The earliest date of the worship of Ka-Li-Ka is unknown. The worship originated among the lowest Caste of Indian people in the area of Ke-Ra-La. A fact that indisputably dates Goddess Ka-Li-Ka as happening after almighty Vishnu, First Generation Deity, is that she was not in existence when almighty Vishnu resorted to cheap trickery in order to rob Mahabali, King of Ke-Ra-La, of his Kingdom.

The earliest records date from centuries after all the First Generation almighty Deities had been completely defined and explained in written scripture, for centuries.

The reasons for this late literate attention to the worship of Ka-Li-Ka was because her worship originated among the lowest Castes of people who for centuries at the Beginning, had been illiterate slaves and servants and vagabonds.

Since the Hindu clergy at the Beginning for centuries came from the higher Castes in India, no serious attention was given to the religion of low Caste persons.

When the high Caste priesthood eventually accepted Ka-Li-Ka as a legitimate Goddess, they allowed her the status of a Goddess of Evil. This status guaranteed that her status would never equal in popularity that of the First Generation Deities, all of whom are claimed to be inveterately committed to being righteous and to being opposed to Evil.

In Hinduism, Evil has many meanings, some of which are in numbing contradiction of others. The learned Hindu theologians have taken meticulous care to explain Ka-Li-Ka Evil as the ugliest and most superficial, hence making it the easiest to successfully resist.

In Hinduism, nothing living is as defiling as contact with the nakedness of the female body. And so Ka-Li-Ka is the only almighty Hindu Deity who is often depicted as being stark naked. And Ka-Li-Ka Evil is, essentially, the destructiveness inherent in sexual activity; in other words, the destructiveness which involves the least engagement of a progressive mind.

If persons dedicate their evil sexual violence to Ka-Li-Ka through pooja subservient rituals, Ka-Li-Ka will ensure the victims will not suffer permanently crippling injury, in order that the violence enjoy continued evolution into higher quality of destructiveness.

In other words, Goddess Ka-Li-Ka treasures equally both perpetrators and victims who worship her through sexual violence. Loyal devotees, perpetrators and victims, never die of illness or injury or of other misfortunes. Ka-Li-Ka devotees, perpetrators and victims,  by their own request or by the unpredictable will of Ka-Li-Ka herself, simply disappear forever inside a Ka-Li-Ka Temple during a Ka-Li-Ka pooja ritual involving violent sex. Since no corpses are discovered it is believed the sacrifices become one with the divinity of the Goddess.

Goddess Ka-Li-Ka reserves the option of inflicting excruciating erotic suffering in the final moments of the mortal devotee’s life, inside the temple.

Eternal Brahmanian sentient existence is guaranteed a loyally accepting Ka-Li-Ka devotee. This eternal favour is as a grinning or smiling sentient human skull among the numerous grinning and smiling sentient human skulls often shown clinging everywhere autonomously to Ka-Li-Ka’s divine nakedness.

Every almighty God in every religion is depicted as having a physical anatomical characteristic that is unique to themself. Ka-Li-Ka’s distinctive physical anatomical characteristic is her pink-to-blood-red tongue.

There is no end to which Ka-Li-Ka can extend her malformed tongue. There is no end to the actions Ka-Li-Ka can perform with her tongue. There are some parabolic accounts that tell of Ka-Li-Ka’s victories because of her tongue, over other almighty Deities of both Generations.

Indeed, there are pre-Buddhist narratives of otherwise almighty Hindu Deities who were defeated by Ka-Li-Ka’s tongue, and are yet suffering confinement within Ka-Li-Ka herself, for as long as it is her will that they be confined within her naked self.

It is easy to understand why Ka-Li-Ka is the only Hindu almighty female Deity, who, so far, has never had a permanent almighty Deity husband.

Even the one weakly illogical attempt at having her have a husband, temporarily, tells of her, during their attempt at romantic interaction, accidentally kicking him to the ground and dancing naked on top of him. He, of course, in Hindu embarrassment, fled, and is forever in hiding. He can never be cleansed of the defilements of having been in contact with female nakedness; and, too, from underneath!

Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie was an orphan girl. She became an orphan because her parents abandoned her a few months after she was born. They abandoned her because they saw her tongue had black spots on its surface.

To this day, in Hinduism, black spots on a human tongue, are believed to be a sign that the individual is destined to be dangerously untrustworthy.

For generations, the Armed Forces of India, Ancient and Modern, did not enlist persons born with black spots on their tongues.

One probable origin of this unrighteous prejudice is in the fact that a healthy human tongue is always pink. Other colours occur among animals.

For example, some lizards have blue tongues; Polar bears have black tongues.

Hence, the superstition-curse originated in the belief that the person born with a tongue that is not pink, is disapproved of by all righteous Gods because that individual is a beast masquerading as a person. Not unlike First Generation almighty God Vishnu who resorted to childish deception in order to trick righteous Mahabali, King of Ke-Ra-La, out of ownership of his Kingdom.

The ancient Hindu practice to this day, is mercifully to drown a newborn that is discovered to have a black-spotted tongue.

Because baby Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie was her parent’s firstborn, they could not bring themselves to drown her.

In Hinduism, to this day, being a firstborn, is a privilege that even the highest almighty Deity is obliged either to defer to, or to remove themself from willing involvement with the firstborn.

The parents of newborn spotted tongue baby Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie wrapped her in warm clothing and put her in a basket, and pushed the basket afloat on a deep river that flowed to an ocean.

Somewhere downriver two criminals were engaged in performing a Ka-Li-Ka pooja ceremonial ritual. When the basket floated by the criminals, and the criminals saw the baby Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie in the basket, the criminals took that to be a sign of acceptance provided fortuitously by the Goddess Ka-Li-Ka herself.

Those criminals did not care to examine the child for tongue spots, or any other blemishes that would disqualify it from being a pure offering to any almighty Deity.

They immediately and unanimously agreed to slaughter the baby and to soak in its blood and body parts the small river-mud effigy of Ka-Li-Ka they had made with their bare consecrated hands for their holy ritual.

In a Ka-Li-Ka bloody gruesome supplication ritual, there is the most intense climactic moment when the supplicant is rewarded with Ka-Li-Ka’s presence to devour the dead or alive bloody offering.

In the criminals’ sacrifice of baby Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie, a second before the criminals raised their slaughter instruments as Ka-Li-Ka’s invitation cue to make her appearance, she unexpectedly appeared in lightning and thunder.

Ka-Li-Ka’s premature appearance was beyond her control. It had been triggered by baby Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie’s defective tongue igniting a magnetic sympathetic fusion with Ka-Li-Ka’s deformed tongue.

Ka-Li-Ka, being an almighty Deity, was not pleased at having no choice but to make violent tongue-to-tongue contact with mortal baby Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie.

Ka-Li-Ka instantly, in furious vengeance, immolated the criminals for their criminal neglecting to discover the baby’s defective tongue.

There would be no Brahmanian sentient skull eternal reward through Ka-Li-Ka nakedness for those two criminals; only eternal oblivion and nothingness!

Because of Mother Nature’s unbreakable bond between their defective tongues, Ka-Li-Ka had, and forever has, no choice but to keep Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie as a temple keeper, forever teenage young; as is Ka-Li-Ka herself.

Inexplicably, no Hindu theologian so far has explained how a mortal like Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie could have been endowed with a force that compelled an almighty Deity.

Equally inexplicable was the purely righteous drive in Evil Ka-Li-Ka to compensate the parents of Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie, as almighty Jehovah elsewhere did the righteous man Job, “with seven sons and three daughters.”

All ten of Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie’s siblings were free of spotted tongues!

Baby Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie’s adventure spread the hope that every baby born with a spotted tongue, will have a successful mortal life if it is dedicated to Goddess Ka-Li-Ka. After death, that person will be accorded eternal sentience in a skull embraced by Ka-Li-Ka’s nakedness.

And so, Ka-Li-Ka worship is destined to increase for as long Mother Nature produces spotted tongued babies.
This Ka-Li-Ka parable is the only tale recorded, ever, in any world religion of an Evil almighty Deity performing a righteous deed for the benefit of a pure-souled mortal baby.

Serve almighty Ka-Li-Ka forever and forever, Viv-Vek-Ka-Va-Thie!

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