Story List For Geary Smith

A Requiem Mass For Lucky
Jessica The Feline Sleuth
Curious Kathy Korat
The Art Of Writing
A New World
The Little Drummer
My Great Grandpa Was An Indian Scout
Just To Dance With Daddy Again
The Little Candy Maker
The Persnickety Prize
Positives and Negatives
The Little Rain Dancer

Geary Smith has a B.S. Psychology from Morehouse College and M. Ed from Stephen F. Austin State University. His work has appeared in such venues as Highlights for Children, Child Life, McGraw-Hill, Viatouch and numerous other publications. Currently, he is working as a QDDP Coordinator at Mexia State Supported Living Center, and is an Assistant Minister, Certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner and Hypnotist. Owner/CEO of GLS Health and Longevity,, and Contacts on Facebook and Twitter.

I'm married to Tonnette and have two daughters, Jessica and Somer.   
The Preservation Foundation, Inc., A Nonprofit Book Publisher