Story List and Biography
James L. Cowles

Mr. Fox
A Special Day In 1949
Mr. Fox (updated)
The Visit
The Long Trip
Country Living
The New Hoover
A Needed Job
Lost and Found
Easy Kill
Harry's Remorse
Danley & Coy, Young Adventurer
My Old Friend, Mike

Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash
Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash

I've been writing for several years, to include, music, poetry, short stories and even a full length novel. 

I live and write in Louisville, Kentucky.. 

I’m a retired Senior V.P. and Director of Marketing and Sales for a major insurance brokerage house. My daughter is a published author and has encouraged me to write. I have not been published, but I’m having a great time writing stories, and I have written a novel as well, which I have edited quite a few times. Not quite ready to publish. Just hanging out and having fun!

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