Photo of Barbara, Virginia (Gini),and Florence Bullock--furnished by Karen Treanor.
Karen Treanor was born in New England, one of the
thousands of descendants of Isaac Stearns of Watertown, which relates
her to all manner of folk, including Calvin Coolidge, T S Eliot,
Henry David Thoreau’s roommate at Harvard, and Mercy Adams who
was “carried off to Canada by the Indians” in 1694.
Karen spent nearly a decade working in Southern Africa with her husband
and then settled in Western Australia for many years. In 2014
she moved for what she says is the final time to Tasmania,
Australia’s smallest state, which hangs like a pearl from the
bosom of mainland Australia. “It looks a great deal like
New England, with rocky coasts and ancient green hills, and has the
same sort of resilient and wryly humorous people,” she says.
Karen has been contributing to for several decades and
enjoys its camaraderie of storytellers and writers.