people set out early to be something special in life - some children
already know what they want to be at an very young age. . . saying:
“I want to be a Policeman when I grow up !” I had no such
aspirations and drifted along for years with my juvenile peers who
showed the same lack of career focus. For me, later in High School
and College, it was: “I’d like to become an airplane
Pilot.” But the eyes would not have it - not as a Profession.
And so, my career plan which had taken so long to articulate became a
little Zig-zag.
I joined the Military (the U.S. Air Force) on 6 September 1950 while
the Korean War was in progress. Wearing glasses, I still had no
desire to create text by the bushels. It wasn’t until I was
assigned the task of writing changes to an Accounting and Finance
operating manual and the responsibility for keeping it current with
“updates” that I seriously began honing my writing
skills. This journeyman apprenticeship lasted about five years. Then,
as an Accounting and Finance Officer, I wrote and edited changes to
another operating manual entitled: The Airlift Service Industrial
Fund, thereby keeping it up to date. This went on and off part-time
for the next 20 years until my retirement from the Military in 1976.
In case you could get the idea that I did nothing else while in the
Military, I invite you to read my seven archived true stories in “My
Military Life Series”: Story Numbers 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, &
the seasoning had set-in early-on. I had become a great fan of true
adventure tales in the form of short stories. The leading Magazines
such as Argosy, Blue Book, Collier’s, Saga and True held me in
their grasp. Their Authors of note were my mentors. I said, many
times: “I must try to write like Paul Gallico, Ray Bradbury,
Erskine Caldwell or Robert Ruark”. But Fiction escaped me in my
mature writing - I could not write dialog. I would rather try to
describe the events of D-Day, the 6th of June, than to create dialog
for a room full of people.
it went. Me trying to spice-up my dry Dictionary style (that I had
acquired from writing Military operating manuals — that were
akin to Encyclopedias) with something exciting and stimulating to the
reader in a non-fictional setting. Then out of nowhere, a Hero
appeared. In a library, I read:
To Battle, London, William Heinemann, Ltd., 1944. This book was
about the Military experiences of the Author during WW II. He began
his commissioned service at age 50+ as “the oldest Subaltern
(2nd Lt.) in the British Army” and achieved the rank of Major
while serving in the Royal Engineers with the British Eighth Army in
Africa. Still available from
was not a trained writer or editor or famed Author “of a
hundred books”, but was a self-taught, aspiring Author whose
style was tempered by his adventurous “Indiana Jones”
life-style from *1890 to †1945. His name was PETER WILLIAM
RAINIER, a South African, and he had written four books before I was
old enough to notice them (in 1945) at the age of 14 ½. I was
so enthralled that later I purchased all (4) books at different times
in tattered condition (because they were bought from United Kingdom
[UK] bookstores specializing in vintage or used “out-of-print”
books). The other three are listed here:
Rainier, American Hazard, London, The Travel Book Club, 1943. This is
about his coal and gold mining experiences in the U.S.A. between the
two World Wars. Still available from
W. Rainier, Green Fire, New York, A Bantam Giant Book (a PAPERBACK
reprint), 1953 (first published @ New York, by Random House, Inc.,
1942). This is about his experiences as the Manager of two Emerald
mines and as an Official Consulting Mining Engineer in Columbia,
South America, shortly before WW II. It also became a Movie with top
stars Stewart Granger & Grace Kelly. Still available from
Peter W. Rainier, My Vanished Africa, New Haven, Yale University
Press, 1940. This is about his formative years, serving as a Cavalry
Trooper, operating as a Big-Game Hunter and his adventures in mining
with giant Gold and Tin dredges during WW I. Still available from
the years, I first read them in the above order. And read and re-read
them. By the 1960s, I was already a big fan of Archaeology and the
following quoted passage really bowled me over when I finally, at
last, stumbled across and read My Vanished Africa:
knew all about that dredge. It was to be built on the Revue River
flats, where the ancient working showed pock-marked when the sun was
low -- made by some forgotten race which had built Zimbabwe and a
chain of other settlements, now ruined, from Sofala on the coast
right along the gold belt to the edge of the Kalahari desert, a
thousand miles inland.”
here on the Revue the ground had been worked out to water level,
although from there to bedrock it had proved up rich. It was water
which had beaten those ancient miners. Subjects of Hiram, King of
Tyre -- so said the archaeologists. If that was true, the Mozambique
and Rhodesian gold belts were the Ophir of the Bible. If the wisdom
of Solomon had been equal to evolving a pump, the Rhodesian and
Mozambique gold field would not exist today (1912), because
practically every modern mining property there has been developed by
following up the ancient workings, which invariably stopped at water
dredge was a success. The gold tables on clean-up day would have
filled the ancient miners with chagrin at what they had left."
from Chapter XVI, My Vanished Africa by Major Peter W. Rainier, Yale
University Press, New Haven, 1940). Bold print (Year) added by
present Author.
“crisp” style was like a “newspaper Reporter who
was there” when the events took place. From the quotation above
you’ll see that he wasn’t afraid to use his imagination
and speculate about those historical events and their outcomes.
That’s when I found out that the imagination didn’t lie
fallow in this kind of writing.
Correspondents like Ernie Pyle were masters of the genre (also Homer,
in The Iliad -- the story of the downfall of Troy -- has been dubbed
“the first War Correspondent!”). So, right then and there I
decided: “Who needs dialog ? Writers of Fiction need dialog.
I’m not one of them, so I don’t need it.” And I
have never looked back. But I really do enjoy writing in the
documentary style injecting into the lines pathos or melancholy or
nostalgia as if with a hypodermic needle. Perhaps adding “an
angle” or a point of view useful to the Reader or even wild
documentary writing has a big drawback -- the necessity of reporting
about elusive facts that need painstakingly exact verification --
this includes obtaining official photos and images and written
permission to reproduce them. Both require an extraordinary effort
that takes far too much time and becomes such a drudge that, it often
dampens the creative urge ! Writers of Fiction don’t
(necessarily) have to bother with that -- unless, of course, they
are writing a historical novel.
first efforts at commercial writing concentrated on a Deer hunting
trip that occurred in my High School days. I set my sights on selling
it to a Hunting & Fishing Magazine. That’s when the stack
of “reject slips” began. Years later I finally realized
that while I was putting sufficient detail into the tale I was also
ignoring and leaving out the “gee whiz” excitement. So,
I edited it again for about the 15th time and now it proudly sits as
Story # 3 in my 39 Archived stories.
only story that I have ever sold was about farm life while I was a
teen-ager during the great depression of the 1930s. It had to do with
the loneliness and isolation that many folks endure in rural life. It
was accepted by Farm and Ranch Living Magazine and was printed in
their Feb/Mar issue of 2012 as “You Don‘t Know Lonely”.
I was deliriously happy because I knew that I had finally “arrived”
as an Author (at the age of 82) when I saw that the check was signed
by the giant Reader’s Digest Group (their parent organization).
It is now Story # 7 in my Archived Stories. Let me say that this sale
had become a lesson in perseverance. I was glad that I had refused to
become discouraged as I watched my stack of “reject slips”
grow and grow.
writing is not done for recompense. One of my hobbies was studying
the Phoenician language. I wrote several articles about ancient
inscriptions which were accepted for publication by an Academic
Journal: Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers (ESOP). Two of these
became Stories # 34 and # 35 in my Archived stories. This amateur
effort and its documentation gave me great satisfaction (without a
University degree in a foreign or ancient Language, this earned me
the label as “a dilettante”).
is amusing to read one of my reject slips about a Language article
that I had written and sent in to a leading European scientific
journal based in Rome. It is so polite and is couched in such
diplomatic language that it could have been written in good taste to
a President or a “head of state”:
Mr. Bishop:
you for sending us the draft of your article.
have read it carefully but I am afraid that it is not suitable for a
strictly scientific journal that publishes the results of the latest
research in ancient cultures. Your article brings nothing new for the
specialists (Experts), and it is not written as a scientific text.
Therefore it cannot be considered for publication with us.
all best wishes . . . . . ”
course, they were correct — the article had been written for
strictly popular consumption to unravel some knotty language problems
and to simplify and clarify them for the average person.
would say that the 20 years from 1976 to 1996 did not hone my writing
abilities very much. I was a Lecturer in Business and Management
courses at a Community College for 17 of those years after retirement
from the military. This was with the City Colleges of Chicago in
their Overseas Program for the Military.
was also a “Coordinator” which means putting together
15-20 daytime and evening classes each Term (for 5 ten-week Terms per
year) and offering them at various U.S. Army Military posts around
Southern Germany (Bavaria). This was a paid position of the College
carrying a simulated rank of GS-12 on my Military Installation Pass
I.D. card.
you are a career Professor at a University, everybody knows about
“Publish or Perish”. This usually means that you are
expected to write one or more Textbooks about one of the subjects
where you are considered to have special expertise. With the pressure
of creating and running classes (which includes the hiring of
Registrars and Teachers), yourself teaching one or two classes per
Term, and attending Graduations and such functions as are required by
the Military, left little time for creative writing. Besides, writing
a textbook in Accounting was carrying the documentary writing
business along the same old dry and dusty route that I had been
traveling while in the Military and offered little new in challenges.
Making double-entry bookkeeping sound exciting enough to write a
best-selling book about it was way beyond my capabilities as a
writer. This was also true while I was licensed as a PUBLIC
ACCOUNTANT (P.A.) in the State of Ohio and offered my services as a
Management Consultant for a number of years.
my second retirement (Social Security) in 1996, I felt unencumbered
enough to push through several writing projects which have, indeed,
given me great gratification. I now pass myself off as an Author
pointing out or highlighting various “footnotes” in
History that have been glossed over or totally ignored by mankind: to
wit, I have become a Historian; an accolade I wear with great pride
-- even if I did the naming, myself. A raconteur; a teller of tales
-- anecdotes about the amazing and sometimes astonishing quirks of
history. Story # 36 “The Yellow Sea Incident” and Story #
37 “The Chachapoya Culture”, I think, fit my new image
very well. Again, this time, without a University degree in History.
those Readers who would be interested in a biography of the amazing
life and adventures of Major Peter William Rainier, here is a LINK:
clicking (past the GEMOLOGY sign-up and such details) until the Story
“In Rainier’s Footsteps: Journey to the Chivor Emerald
Mine” appears.
want to describe what I call my “true stories”
(Non-Fiction) with the goal in mind of encouraging others to write in
this genre.
now you can tell, that this is my favorite retirement occupation. No
pie in the sky. No serendipity. As the police Detective Joe Friday
(Jack Webb) in the Los Angeles-based TV Program Dragnet of the early
1950s always said: . . . . “just the facts, Ma’am !”
And you may say: “There’s nothing creative about that.”
And you would be mostly right. But, then again, there’s
something challenging about it (if not creative) that brings out the
finger-tip sensitivity in a person while teaching him to sift his
memory for little scraps that might be useful in “telling it
like it is or was.”
miss anything” might here be the motto. And the “sifting”
is not confined to your memory -- it could be used on the facts
presented in an Encyclopedia or an interview with a live person or
illuminating a deceased person’s life-works. I like to think
of it as comparing yourself to the job of a Newspaper Reporter
reporting the facts after having totally immersed himself in the
subject matter for a while . . . . and kicking himself all the way
home if one little salient thing is overlooked in the telling.
people could say: “Hey, aren’t there too many details
here.” Now this is a charge that should be taken seriously
when offered by your Readers in your documentation of someone else’s
life story. But they’re just telling me that my prose is “right
on” because that’s how you know that you’re really
coming to grips with your subject matter. The whole idea of writing
Non-Fiction is being able to set a mood or to show the life and times
of another era without dialog. That takes some talent (some people
are natural storytellers and some are not) . . . but mostly, it just
takes hard work to scrape the scene off the inside of your brain. I
can put stories on paper but I’m afraid if I tried to do the
same thing (verbally) at a party, the people would yawn themselves to
death !
the years, some rules evolved for personal story-telling within this
kind of writing:
Only document curious or funny or interesting things that actually
happened to you that are truly unique and probably never happened to
anyone else. Most people’s lives have a good bit of boredom
built-in and they need you to amaze them with some wild tale out of
the ordinary -- that really occurred !
Stock the tale with plenty of details -- there’s no other way
to flesh out the images you want to present -- sad, happy,
stressful, dangerous -- all come from the building-blocks and tiles
you string together.
Don’t lie and try to puff up your own role within the story.
That is easily seen by the Reader and destroys your credibility with
everything else. Keeping strictly to this rule helps you in other
ways that are not very obvious. For instance, the opposite treatment,
self-depreciation, is one of the best forms of humor and is very
endearing to your audience -- when you play yourself down they will
always smile along with you about it (unless, of course, you overdo
it and come out a complete, sickening nerd !).
you get the picture. I also store my stuff in an On-Line Archive of
The Preservation Foundation, Inc., because the last minute “topping
off” and “shaping-up” necessary for this kind of
public display is good discipline for me or anyone. They are a
non-profit publisher established in 1976. Their motto is: Preserving
the extraordinary works of ‘ordinary’ people. So you see,
another important facet of Non-Fiction is in documenting things “for
posterity” as they once were and maybe never will be again.