Story List and Biography

Henry Lansing Woodward
Six Months as a Paramedic
An After School Hanging
The Final Miracle
Code Three
The Elevator Game
The Dutiful Nevada Wife
The Vomit Room
The Razorblade Lady
The Firefighter
The Reno Syndrome
Horseshoe To Head
He Blew Off The Top Of His Head
Part of the author's diary about the case.
Part of the author's diary about a case.   

Henry Lansing Woodward is a US Navy disabled veteran who was a Combat Medical Corpsman in Vietnam. He was discharged in Honolulu and subsequently graduated from the Hawaii Paramedic program. He worked ground ambulance on seven islands and the interisland air ambulance. Then he served as the Hawaii State Program Officer for 911 ambulance services. Mr. Woodward traveled to forty-five countries and kept a diary from 1970 through 1994.

Mr. Woodward was a Paramedic in Hawaii, Reno, Nevada, and Washington State.  His book, CODE THREE, One day in the life of a Paramedic is in the editing phase and tells the stories of  thirteen Paramedic ambulance runs which were completed by his partner, and himself, all during one twenty-four-hour shift in Reno, Nevada.
He also has another manuscript ready for publication.  It is The Story Book of Poems and contains fifty-eight “story poems.”

Mr. Woodward has traveled extensively, visiting or living in forty-six countries all the while keeping a journal of the entire sixteen-year adventure.  Many of his poems are derived from that journey.  

More books, stories, and poems are in progress.  These stories and poems are Mr. Woodward's first efforts at writing for a public audience.  His website is, “The New Poet’s Page.”

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