Story List and Biography
Sonja Herbert

Hot Pepper
Peace in the Valley

Sonja Herbert immigrated from Germany to the States when she was in her early twenties. She has a MA in linguistics, which she earned in the States while raising six children and teaching school.

 Sonja has been a stay-at-home mom, a teacher, and a journalist. She now is a full-time writer.  She has written many award-winning true stories, and is published in anthologies like A Cup of Comfort for Grandparents, and Award Winning Stories. She also wrote a novel, Tightrope! , which is based on her mother's life during the Third Reich in Germany, and a memoir about growing up in a traveling carnival. Both works are looking for representation at this time. Presently she is at work on a memoir about her experiences while living on the Navajo reservation. Find out more at her website

She lives with her husband Ken and their cat in Provo, Utah. 

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