Story List and Biography
For Seth Chambers
Look What The Cat Dragged In
Dancing on the Edge Of Hell: Part 1
(With Sheila Preisler)
Dancing on the Edge of Hell: Part 2
(With Sheila Preisler)
Dancing on the Edge of Hell: Part 3
(With Sheila Preisler)
The Ringing Phone
The Pub Where Death Hangs Out
The Little Brain That Could
Morning And Night
Loaner Brain
Crime of the Century
The Physics of Love
Photo by Sammy Williams on Unsplash
Photo by Sammy Williams on Unsplash

As strange as my fiction is, my real life almost rivals it.  I live my life with the intent of enriching my literary creations.  So far I have worked as an infantry medic, mental health counselor, mover, farm hand, builder and naturalist.  I've also taken Arctic survival training in Alaska, hiked the Grand Canyon and portions of the Appalachian Trail, kayaked the Everglades outback, and cleared ski trails in northern Minnesota.  I am an avid cyclist and a voracious reader.  And I have three cats.

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