
Schadrac Junior Ondongo Bongo

© Copyright 2024 by 
Schadrac Junior Ondongo Bongo

Painting by Guercino Abramo ripudia Agar at Wikimedia Commons.
Painting by Guercino Abramo ripudia Agar
at Wikimedia Commons.

In the golden silence of the shining dawn,
The verses like butterflies combined with the scent of lilac rise from the depths,

Giving the beauty of the moment, sparkling words like shooting stars.

The earth swirling like a joyful dance in the opposite direction of the clock,
From west to east,
Made the rotation twirl on its own axis.

The radiant sun gradually appeared on the eastern horizon in the morning,
Announcing that day,

Around 2000 BC, as a divine oracle, in Mesopotamia,
In the lands of ancient Orient "present-day Iraq",
The birth of Abram, son of Terah, in Ur of Chaldees.

Precious son of Amatlai,
Descendant of a lineage enchanted by idols, your destiny seemed already set.

Like a hidden secret garden within you,
The divine seed slumbered within you,

Patiently waiting for the right moment to sprout and illuminate your path.

Like a ray of light at twilight,
A voice was heard:

"Leave your country, your homeland, and your father's house, to the land I will show you."

And like an inspired poet, letting his heart speak freely,
You believed without seeing, carried by a fervent faith, like a visionary,

In answering the call, like a bold navigator voyaging into the unknown,

Thus demonstrating the depth of your pure and humble soul, ready to embrace divine light.

For later, Yeshua, the Messiah, will say:
"My sheep hear my voice, I know them, they follow me."

Descendant of Shem, son of Noah,
Like a silver stream gently flowing through green valleys,

In the depths of the sacred silence where human meets divine, in the mystical dawn,

The Word, magnificent like a symphonist orchestrating emotions, tied promises, witnesses of your encounter,

Setting the stage for a new season of your life, woven with promises and adventures.

Like a majestic maple tree of Abram "high father", you became Abraham "father of a multitude of nations".

And like a scarlet rose blossoming under the sun's caress,
Sarai "my princess" your wife became Sarah "princess", radiant with beauty and grace.

Father of faith,
Like an unshakable rock in the storm,
Twenty-five years after the promise,

In the splendor of mature age "a hundred years for Abraham, ninety years for Sarah",

When the vigor of youth gives way to the wisdom of years,
And when the seed of man and the womb of woman can no longer bring forth life,

Through your unwavering faith,
You experienced a miraculous cellular regeneration,
Thus birthing the son of promise, Isaac "smile".

Like a shining star in the firmament,
On Mount Moriah,
Your faith, more precious than gold,
Was tested and tried, like a jewel forged by fire.

Like a pillar of faith, you overcame trials with courage,

You obeyed God blindly to the point of sacrificing what you cherished most in the world,
By offering on the altar of obedience your filial love "Isaac".

For you firmly believed in God's ability to resurrect him,
Thus testifying to your absolute trust in His providence.

Like an imperturbable fortress in the midst of life's storms,
You braved the winds and tides of life,

You walked the rugged paths of faith,
You lifted your soul to the heavens,
Holding firm as a rock amidst the roaring waves.

Like a gentle whisper caressing the soul,
You experienced God in a new dimension,
Giving humanity the inheritance of Jehovah Jireh,

Through the divine provision of an innocent ram, image of Hamashiach,
The ultimate sacrifice meant to atone for the sins of the world.

For Yeshua, the Messiah, will say:
"Abraham saw my day, and rejoiced."

Valiant warrior,
Like a legendary hero with divine powers,
You demonstrated the absolute power of your hands,

Delivering your dear nephew Lot from the merciless clutches of the enemies of Sodom.

Like a celestial angel descended on earth,
You displayed the beauty of your luminous heart,

Administering with grace the spoils of Lot's conquest, with a wisdom befitting kings,

Thus paying homage and supreme offering to the high priest king, Melchizedek, king of Salem.

But even more,
Like a lighthouse illuminating the darkness,
You showcased the transcendent greatness of your charitable soul,

Advocating fervently for Lot and all his noble lineage, for their light of life to be protected,

Amidst the devouring flames of the heavenly destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Friend of God,
Like a rose garden at the dawn of spring,
From the sacred promise,

"Your descendants will be as numerous as the dust grains of the earth"

Through Ishmael, Islam is born,
In the arid desert,

Through Isaac, Judaism is born,
In the Promised Land,

And through Yeshua, the Messiah,
Christianity flourishes,
In the grace and redemption of sinful man.

For you are the father of believers in these three great monotheistic religions,

Like the shining dawn on the horizon,
From wandering nomad to shepherd in vast plains,

You became the one who gathers the righteous in his sacred haven.

For after your last breath,
The one whose word is the unquestionable truth, will say of you,

"Abraham obeyed my voice and observed my orders, my commandments, my statutes and my laws."

To Abraham, the father of faith.

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