among so many other literary genres, poetry is that which reflects
essence (nature). It is the beauty of writing using a certain beauty
of speech, by the play of sounds, rhythms and images.
someone said: We recognize a poet by the quality of his pen (poetic
writing) and by his ability to describe a scene with well-coordinated
and rhythmic words like the sound of a soft melody pleasing to the
ear which leaves us speechless, perplexed and which captivates us
with its words.
through the frenzied steps of a dance which unconsciously moves our
hips, poetry is the art of handling words well; reflecting the
sanctity of writing. Poetry is the art of God. Because it's said
that, it's through a long thought-out, rhythmic and well-coordinated
poetry that God accomplished the work of creation. Poetry, oh poetry,
conquered our hearts with its bewitching and succulent words.
are certainly all born with a special gift or talent within us. But
we don't all find out about it at the same time. Hence, some manifest
it from a young age, and others manifest it as they advance or
throughout their journey on earth.
Harun Al Rachid was in the category of those who demonstrated their
talent or gift from an early age. Having been fortunate enough to
have a wonderful mother with a soft and tender voice who read him a
story every night before he went to bed, Harun took a liking to
books. And quite naturally, this is how he discovered his passion for
books and became an amateur at it.
September 15, 1935, in Baghdad, Iraq (The republic of Iraq is a
country in the Middle East, located north of the Arabian Peninsula
and of which Baghdad is the capital and largest city. Iraq holds the
fourth largest oil reserves in the world, and is a member of OPEC.),
Harun had an innate talent for poetry. He had a style of his own,
which distinguished him from his contemporaries.
great architect of the literary revival of his country, Harun has
never ceased to bless the world through his pen. Elegance, beauty,
excellence--there are not enough words to describe the work of the
artist, who has crossed the ages and continues to bless humanity with
an incomparable aesthetic dimension.
was able to take a mundane topic and make it plausible to people with
simple versification. Everyone who knew him saw the greatness of the
man he really was behind the pen.
and quite shy, Harun let his quill speak rather than his mouth. For a
mouth that speaks a lot does not lack sin. But a poem transcends the
human being by bringing out the best of him in the world.
staunch defender of human rights, Harun fought tooth and nail for a
little more balance in society than normal. Basically, he was
fighting for a better world. And poetry was the way Harun found to
break down prejudices, to shake things up in the world in general,
and in his country in particular.
a unique style recognizable among many others, Harun left imprints
that time will not be able to erase. To coin a phrase: The artist
does not die, but he lives through his works. And his works
demonstrate his greatness. Harun was an inspiration to anyone who
loves art.
a rare interview that he was able to grant to a local media, the
journalist asked him (first question): Mr. Al Rachid, where do you
get all your inspiration from?
responded generally, saying: Inspiration is often driven by
motivation, by a thirst, by an insatiable hunger to always want to
tell the facts according to one’s vision of things. It's also
drawn from a burning desire to express what's burning within us, and
around us, giving it a poetic connotation. And most importantly,
inspiration is something that is cultivated over time.
journalist's second question, who was your role model?
model is the one who is, and who was, and who is to come. Just to
tell you that it's the Supreme Being who was and is my model. Because
from him I draw all my inspirations. He inspires me every day; he is
a source which never dries up, from which I continuously drink.
Hence, this is the constant in my writings during all these years.
journalist's third question, what do you want people to take away
from you?
want people to take away from me, not only my poetic side (Which is a
good thing; I have no doubt!), but I want people to see me as someone
who has made a difference through poetry, by making it accessible to
everyone. But also, that they remember my fight for the right to more
freedom and my wish to see a better Iraq for the next generation.
the journalist said to him: What will be your conclusion?
conclusion is that; I would like to tell everyone that poetry is
found in everyone, through our lyrics, and no matter in what style we
use it. Poetry is in all of us. And in this, take our pens, bring out
the best of ourselves by poeticizing things. And I believe that in
this way, we can expect a better world where poetry will be the art
of all.
of his finest works was that which recounted with great virtuosity
the fall of Saddam Hussein. Powerful and precise, Harun was able to
tell in a few words of the American invasion of Iraq and the fall of
Saddam Hussein.
of glory, you made the whole kingdom tremble,
the mention of your name, everyone bowed and said: Saddam is great
and powerful.
be the woman who brought him into the world, blessed be the breasts
that suckled him. Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar.
higher among the children of the East, you raised up the
administration of your fathers,
of your contemporaries and fear among young people.
Allah, it was Saddam. But الله
أكبر (God
is the greatest.), and there is a time for everything under the sun.
the King of the West decided to do away with the King of the East.
whistle of the bullets sounded; the great American army disembarked.
greatest power in the world decided to end the dictator.
great King Saddam who shook the whole kingdom left his throne and
became a wanderer.
who was used to living in palaces, accustomed to honors, now lived in
dens deprived of all glory.
for him, the Great King in Heaven had sounded the trumpet and
announced his end.
the great Saddam humiliated, fell like a dead leaf: The eagle of the
West devoured the eagle of the East.
concerning his positions for his country, he wrote:
of life, peace and quiet, this is what characterized life in Baghdad.
Rich country with abundance of oil, able to feed every Iraqi up to
the first generation. But poorly managed by our authorities whose use
is corruption. By developing a country not by destroying the heritage
of future generations, but by developing it by leaving a heritage on
which the future generation can build on. This is how our children
will say: Our fathers ate grapes, but we have more than grapes. For
the tree of life is there, and from it comes the fruits of all kinds
and at all times.
is born and dies, but he leaves traces on earth in relation to his
works. Those who have done great works, even the work of time will
not be able to erase them. Because even in paradise their exploits
will be told, and their reward will be great.
the destroyer does not resist the work of time, for his works are
sacrilegious, and he's cursed up to the fourth generation. Because
paradise is not his portion but rather the fire of hell.
someone talking about Harun said: Beauty of nature, gift of God, you
knew how to make anyone shine through your pen. Your art will forever
be engraved in our hearts.
cradle of great civilizations among the oldest (Mesopotamia - Iraq
covers a large part of Mesopotamia) saw the extinction of one of his
glorious sons, son of the East in the person of: 'Abbad Harun Al
to 'Abbâd Harun Al Rachid (1935 - 2015).
Schadrac (Unless
author's name in
the subject
of the message we
won't know where to send it.)