Story List
For M. Sandra Babcock
Human Formalities
Confronting The Evil
Angels In Shelby
The Final Path That Is Our Destiny
Private Monty
The Truth Within Lies
We Will Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Playing God
Native Soil Factor
I Am Elf, Hear Me Roar
A Miser, Cheap Trees And The Unpredictable
The Wolves Of Yellowstone

Photo by William Warby on Unsplash
Photo by William Warby on Unsplash

Sanda Babcock has been an avid reader since childhood. Writing was on the "back burner" until a few years ago. Now, she spends her spare time struggling to put words together in a cohesive and meaninful form and works full-time as a legal assistant for the Attorney General's Office in Spokane, Washington. She also tends seven retired racing Greyhounds and three Italian Greyhounds and runs a home-based pet-sitting business called "Critter Sitter."  Sanda's dream is to do pet sitting as a source of income and writing as a source of peace. Sanda and Bill have been married for 30 years, have two adult children, and have lived in Spokane, Washington for sixteen years. They have lived in Oregon and California as well. Sanda was born in New York.

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