Accessing your resourcefulness may lead
Robert Wozniak ©
Copyright 2009 by Robert Wozniak
So much of middle class America is stressed out these
days. We all hope for a better
future. Some
of us wish we had done things differently and many of us know of
or family who have started to
experience our economic recession.
I still believe Americans are resourceful by nature
and not beyond making big changes
when it
seems that such change is what is required. Collectively, our nation
made a big
change with the recent election.
Time will tell if it was big enough to revitalize our
and change some of our bad habits. But still, our nation’s
people are
On a more person note, I write these thoughts as an
opportunity to tell my story of
crisis and change. I have a family now, a mortgage, a mom who needs a
occasionally, a kid’s college
education to think about and a dream of a vacation house in
warmer climates. After 15 years of selling
out-of-print academic books to universities
professors around the world, after benefiting from the invention of
commerce and, and
suffering from Google’s aim to digitize all the books of
the world, I was ready for a change that could
incorporate my desire for the American
and my concern for the preservation of the environment.
In 2003 my wife Alicia and I bought our building on
Northampton Street in downtown
Pennsylvania. At the time, the second floor was 20 ft wide and 220
feet long, a
narrow empty 4400 sq ft
rectangle without dividing walls, heat or living space. Today our
business Easton Yoga ( is on the
first floor and we have renovated the
floor into our residence. Still with more than 10,000 sq ft of
building we have
plans to renovate more of
the building for both Easton Yoga as well as the residence.
As I started restoring my building, there were a few
things I really could not do. I hired
and electricians and occasionally a carpenter. And I learned that
there are good
contractors and bad. I hired a
brick mason to do some emergency repairs on my building
was disappointed by the end result. Sure, nobody but me was likely to
ever see the
repair but this was the first
property I had ever owned and I felt an obligation to care for
this 1860’s building and to save it for future
generations. It was important to have repairs
carefully but finding the people to do that was not so simple
I used to walk around Easton and wonder about what
had happened to the brick buildings
of this
town, my own included. I wondered if the brick was bad or perhaps the
steel mills
of Bethlehem had somehow caused
terrible acid rain. I noticed a lot of people choosing
paint their brick every few years rather than trying to restore their
buildings. I noticed
brick face stucco
everywhere and aluminum siding over brick. None of this made sense
from an aesthetic perspective let alone the impact
it was having on the buildings.
I was hitting the internet looking for information on
brick restoration and the cost of
stucco as
an alternative to repairing the brick on my own building. What I
suggested that the type of mortar used
to repair a building mattered a whole lot more than
had imagined and that a lot of the damage to brick in Easton was
actually because of
poor repair work to the
original old lime mortar, not acid rain.
Using the Internet I found mortar recipes and general
suggestions of how to repoint a
Knowing very little, but with the voice of an estimator telling me
that I needed
to replace 2,000 bricks before
I could even consider a $35,000 stucco job still ringing in
my head, I bought some sand in bags from Home Depot,
some white Portland cement and
Type S
Hydrated lime from Eastern Supply a local masonry supply house. I
repointing but I soon realized the
limits of the Internet for educational purposes – at least
for the moment.
In 2006 I came across an Internet ad for a lime
mortar workshop hosted by US Heritage
Chicago. ( The advertisement for the workshop claimed that if you are
not totally
satisfied with the knowledge you
will gain from the first day of the workshop, they will
you a refund and pay for your travel. ) They sounded pretty sure of
themselves and
the workshop was within
walking distance of a cousin’s house on the north side of
Chicago. I had a place to stay and an opportunity to
catch up with family even if the
turned out to be worthless.
As it turned out, it was anything but worthless. What
blew my mind at this workshop
was the story
of the history of the use of lime in building and repair of masonry
and its untimely demise with the
invention of Portland cement and the modern
building industry. In the course of just a generation, the traditions
and use of
building with lime were replaced
by a faster, harder, cheaper, stronger steel and cement
changed the way buildings were built. A tradition that had a history
going back to at
least 11,000 B.C. had
vanished in a moment of time… or almost vanished.
Back home in Easton I began to use my newfound
knowledge from US Heritage to repair
my own
building. What I found was an inner peace that I had not felt in my
career for a
long time. I continued to repair
our building, mostly in our yoga studio where we added
rooms for therapeutic massage and another bathroom. Our yoga
business, under the
guidance of my wife
Alicia, grew at more than 50% in 2007. But my book business did
not. Despite the fact that the Internet had allowed
so many more people to buy books
from so many
different places around the world, booksellers like myself were in a
war, a race to the bottom on the
Internet, a form of deflation that ruined a centuries old
business in the course of a few years.
In April 2007 I officially started Preservation Works
Ltd. ( A
name that
suggests preservation does in fact work as a system of principles by
which a
building can be restored correctly so
as to prolong the useful life of the building.
in general and historic restoration in particular is the greenest
environmentally sensitive form of
construction because the building already exists and its
carbon footprint has already been created. Lime
mortar brick and stone buildings use
materials designed for very long life. Brick buildings are generally
thought to
have a usable life of about 350
years. Lime mortar is particularly green and the process
making it is surprising simple. Lime stone (calcium carbonate, CaCO3)
is kilned at
more than 900 degrees Celsius
which causes the water (H20) and Carbon Dioxide (C02)
be released. The kilned limestone becomes quicklime (Calcium Oxide or
CaO) .
Water is then added back into the
quicklime to create lime putty or calcium hydroxide
(Ca(OH)2). Lime putty is added to sand to create
mortar and once the mortar is in the
wall and
starting to cure it does so by absorbing carbon dioxide and turns
back into
limestone. Eventually, the mortar
will have absorbed virtually 100% of the CO2 it lost
the kiln process thereby making it carbon neutral and really handy
for building.
Three of my first four projects in the summer and
fall of 2007 were far more difficult
than I
imagined. I priced the projects by the seat of my pants. Each project
took longer
than I planned and I got heat
stroke one day and fell down a flight of stairs another. Still,
it was a good first year. My projects from 2007 look
good. I was becoming a saver of
old buildings
and homes that were cherished by their owners.
In 2008 I continued to hone my skills on projects in
Philadelphia, Bucks County and
Easton. What I
continue to discover is that much of the traditions really were lost
to the
fast pace of our modern times. The
nature of the building industry for the last few
is mostly about speed and cost. There is no longer time to learn
about the
traditional building techniques
that can take a little longer and sometimes cost a little
more. Therefore when repairs are done on these old
traditional buildings, the skilled and
modern construction worker becomes unknowledgeable and often inflicts
damage to bricks, stone, slate roofs,
windows, woodwork or plaster among other
I am only in the early stages of reinventing my lot
in life and the future of Preservation
Ltd. I do hope to expand the business to involve crafts persons
knowledgeable in
other aspects of historic
restoration. I have taken the first steps to understanding
repointing and repair of historic masonry but the
process takes years of practice and
to learn from others. I turn 40 years old this year and I figure I
have a good 40
to 60 years of work ahead of
me if I stay healthy and take my own yoga classes. Plus,
is really considering retirement at the moment?
Perhaps nothing ever does stay the same and that is
an essential life lesson. Occasionally,
are struck with a crisis be it health or economy, be it our nation,
our family or our
selves, it is best if we
rise to the occasion and make some changes. Then, we put our
faith in something greater than ourselves and wait
to see what happens.
Robert Wozniak lives in Easton Pennsylvania with
his family. He grew up in
and in suburban Philadelphia. He graduated from La Salle University
Philadelphia. He paid his way
through college working in well known Philadelphia
restaurants like Under the Blue Moon and The
White Dog Café. In 1994 he became a
second-generation antiquarian bookseller taking
over a business his father had started in
In 1999 he moved from Brooklyn NY with his book business to Easton PA
escape the rising cost of living in
NYC. In Easton, Rob fell in love with the town and the
people finding them open and honest and friendly
with a bit more time on their hands
his friends in NYC. He also found love and married shortly after.
He is still very
happy and very in
(Unless you
the author's
the subject
line of
the message
won't know where to send it.)