Story List and Biography
For Rick Sorensen

The Rosebush and Other Tales From Billy's Bar
Never Eat Lunch On A Cold Stomach
My Wife Is An Alien
Pyramid Image.

I was the son of a Scandinavian father and Italian mother, raised by Italian grandparents. It was an environment where the aroma of love was as strong as the sweet bouquet of oregano and garlic. 

I am a poet and the First Place Winner in a Washington Post Adult Essay Contest. I have written two other novel length works. I work as a medical care investigator for the US Department of Veterans Affairs. When something goes wrong in a Veterans hospital I try to find out how to fix it and stop it from happening again. Soon, I hope to retire to an unspoiled lake in the hills of the Shenandoah Valley. I plan to write, catch fish, and watch the sun set over the Blue Ridge Mountains.

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