A Long Look Back R. G. Kaimal © Copyright 2018 by R. G. Kaimal ![]() |
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Look Back’ is a reminiscence of my growing-up process. It deals
with the challenges & joys that confronted me in this process.
had a rather colorful childhood but a challenging boyhood. By the
time I was into manhood things had settled down as can be deduced
from the story.
turned up in
this world without much ado in the last century. However, I had quite
an eventful childhood in the state of Bihar, India.
I was about
a year old, I nearly died of meningitis. It seems that the personal
intervention of God had given me an extra lease of life.
the doctors
had given up on me. With much impatience, they had waited for
curtains to enable them to return to their tennis, croquet or bridge.
one of
the pious guys, who did not play tennis, croquet or bridge, was not
ready to give in. He decided to go on a pilgrimage with me to one of
the holiest shrines in the country.
‘uncle’ returned, I, inexplicably, began to recover, much
to the tearful joy of my parents and the annoyed bewilderment of the
a child, I
could give the most accomplished imp a healthy competition. My heroic
exploits knew no bounds.
one occasion,
when I was about three years old, I dragged a stool to a
chest-of-drawers in my parents’ bedroom. (The stool was much
taller than I was.) Hoisting myself on top of it, I managed to pull
open the top drawer.
narrated the incident to a number of her friends. I am sure that some
extra seasoning was added every time she went over it. When I heard
it for the first time, it went something like this- “My God!
When I set my eyes on him, he was on this stool and was holding the
thermometer. I screamed out at him despite my heart suddenly popping
into my mouth. That did not stop the brat from snapping it into two!”
seems that I
received a couple of hard thumps on my hindquarters and that I wept
and wailed for about two minutes before I was distracted by a large
ant on the wall that I was made to face.
did I
progress from one slippery stepping stone to another till S-Day
dawned – first day at school.
tears were
shed that morning at home. The streams down my chubby cheeks were in
spate on the way to the school with my father. When he left to carry
on to his office, my tortured screams were quite loud. I had a close
competition from about twenty other distressed participants. Later in
the day at home, I proudly informed my mother that I had been the
early years
in school and outside were quite wonderful.
father was a
senior officer in one of the leading companies of the country. Our
bungalow was quite large and set in a very large compound. The
portions, which were not requisitioned for gardening by my mother,
were overgrown with wild plants and shrubs.
would have a
great time playing in this ‘forest’ with my best friend,
Chunky. He was our neighbor. We would hunt for lions and tigers here.
Despite our inability to locate any, the hunt would be vividly
described to our parents. The roars and snarls that we would ‘hear’
there would be greatly highlighted.
would be
ever comparing the sizes of the eggs laid by our respective hens.
Some of my mother’s friends had warned her that he had this
unenviable knack of drawing ill fortune to any hen whose output he
praised. Some of my mother’s hens did die rather mysteriously
after some such favorable words from him.
we had
some great times together.
once in a
while we would decide to have an ‘afternoon party’. Some
money would be extracted from our mothers, using the twin strategy of
sweet and sour. One of the most effective sweet that I used was to
tell my mother that she looked like a flower. When this did not work,
the sour would be brought into play. The commonly used sour by us was
to refuse food. The required amount would be forthcoming after a
couple of missed meals (No doubt, this method was rather painful.)
finances were arranged, we would be off to a nearby bakery. We would
select the goodies after much deliberation and many changes of
decisions. After the owner had ascertained with our mothers on the
phone that the money so proudly displayed had not been stolen, the
exchange would take place.
to the
party site, the goodies would be arranged rather haphazardly.
Chunky’s cat would be invited and we would have a gala time.
Tibby, the cat would scoot off on being compelled to taste some soft
drink. He would keep his distance for the next few days.
requisitioned a tree as my personal perch. On certain days, I would
climb up to one of its branches and quietly survey the world from my
heightened perspective.
thus the
days went by.
was about
then that I stepped over the indistinct dividing line between
childhood and boyhood.
began to
notice the presence of another species in my world – girls! I
was not too fond of them, mainly on account of their long hair,
multi-colored ribbons and a tendency to shed tears at the drop of a
pin. Sometimes, I would wonder loudly why they did not keep their
hair short and neat like mine and my friends! Of course, I did note
that my mother’s hair was long, too. But, I felt that she could
be excused. After all, she was my mother!
was not long
before this species began to invade my home. They were my elder
brother’s friends. One morning, I tried to drill some sense
into him. For all my efforts, I was told to shut up and play in
another room with my toy cars.
hordes of monkeys would descend on our colony. The fellows would line
the roofs, waiting for the slightest opportunity to sneak in. The
houses would be shut tight against such a possibility; shut so tight
that an ant would have to squeeze its way in.
year, my
mother felt that they were looking rather famished. Feeling
compassionate, she instructed the gardener to take some stale food
out to a spot under the guava trees. The chap should have left it
there and withdrawn quietly. However, he began to make inviting
sounds and gestures to the fellows on our roof while holding out the
plate to them. He dared to do this because he knew that the young
maid was watching him. He had been courting her unsuccessfully for
quite some time.
very hairy chap climbed down and approached him. Suspiciously, it
smelt the food being held out by the reverent gardener. Something
about it seemed to offend our friend. Raising its left front paw, it
slapped him rather hard before leaping back to its place on the roof.
The gardener went reeling like a top, scattering the food evenly all
the next
year or so, he walked with a distinct roll to his gait. The sight of
him was a great mood-lifter for the maid.
had begun
to be rather acceptable. I happened to be in a class which was a
sheer torture for the faculty. Our exploits knew no bounds; like the
one which involved lining the fan blades with empty lunch boxes.
Fortunately, or otherwise the mathematics teacher saw the arrangement
just before he turned the fan on. The principal was escorted to the
site. He looked thoughtfully at it before handing out a rather stiff
did rather
well academically till the fifth grade. Then, a fuse blew somewhere
and mathematics began to be Greek and Latin to me. At the end of the
academic year, I was given a conditional promotion. This meant that
if I did not pick up in that subject, I would be demoted to the fifth
that is
exactly what happened.
sweeping a
lot of unpleasantness under the carpet, I managed to do spectacularly
well in my second innings. At the end of the year, I was double
promoted and rejoined my original class.
years rolled
on and, soon, the school passing examinations loomed up. I studied
rather hard, with the able guidance of a tutor who had been engaged
by my nervous mother. She was not entirely sure of my ability to
handle mathematics on my own. Mr. Ghosh a tutor dealt, for the most
part with that subject. However, he did not neglect to check up on
physics and chemistry as well. The other subjects could be
independently handled by me.
did rather
well in the examination, being awarded a First Division.
applied to and
was admitted to one of the leading colleges of the country.
began to go sour again. At the end of two years of unassigned course,
I was informed that I could not be assigned the discipline of my
choice. The option offered was totally unacceptable.
applied and was admitted to an Arts course. The college was located
in Bangalore, one of the principal cities of the South India. The two
years thus lost was something else which had to be swept under the
carpet. After graduating, I went on to complete a diploma course in
Business Management.
was about
this time that I began to compose poems. My initial efforts were not
much to write home about. After a year of lousier-than-average
output, a gem resulted. This was pointed out to me by a very good
friend. She went on to add that I should not bask in her admiration;
that my better-than-average output needed to increase.
did happen
and some of my poems were published in one of the leading dailies.
career did
not seem to take off for a while. After stagnating for a year, I was
recruited as a management trainee by one of the leading steel
producers in the private sector.
still feel
that the year that I spent as a trainee at the company headquarters
was the most rewarding and enjoyable of my life. It just happened
that my colleagues had very similar ideas of work and play as I did.
So we got on royally and there never was a dull moment.
married a year
later. The years ahead would see my wife and me becoming the proud
parents of a boy and a girl.
rather well up the executive ladder. In fact, one year I had the
distinction of being promoted twice. Somewhere along the way I was
transferred to the company’s marketing division in Bangalore,
the very familiar city from where I had graduated.
was one of
the best cities of the country from most points of view. All the
same, I was not really happy here. I felt that I was a square peg in
a round hole, as far as my job was concerned. This was echoed by my
wife. I could not apply for another transfer since the company was
tightening it belt by reducing the number of employees. Any such
application could result in my being shown the door.
smiled on me briefly. About this time, the company introduced a
voluntary retirement scheme. I grabbed it.
managed to
locate one MT firm which agreed to give me a chance. As luck would
have it, this firm went bankrupt after four months.
was in deep
waters now.
years back, my wife’s family had begun seeing a Spiritual
Teacher, since most of them were in some trouble or the other with no
light visible at the end of the dark tunnel. Their interaction with
the Spiritual Teacher had begun to work wonders.
met him with
my problems and he recruited in organization.
here, I completed certain basic and advanced courses in yogic stress
agitated mind began to stabilize. I began to look on the pleasant as
well as the unpleasant with detachment. This detachment was the
outcome of my daily yoga exercises which were a sequel to the basic
and advanced courses.
children are into their jobs. Both are rather independent and
stubborn. This results in frequent skirmishes. My son’s
difference of opinion is largely with my wife and daughter; my
daughter’s is with my wife and son.
wife often
holds yelling matches with one of the offenders. The outcome is
something akin to the audio output of a flock of disturbed crows.
disciplined myself to be a mere spectator in all these upheavals.
This is because I had learnt rather early in my life with the
offspring that any intervention on my part would result in a rapid
redeployment of forces. The skirmish would then be transformed into
three against one. It does not require a very high IQ to guess who
the ‘one’ would be.
have begun
writing again. It had taken the back seat during the years of turmoil
and instability. I have expanded my creative efforts to include short
stories and flash fictions. Sometime back, I was awarded a prize for
poetry in some competitions. Some of my writings have been published
in anthologies in the USA.
I live on; a
lighter person. Despite trying days, I do marvel at wonderful things
– from the simple beauty of dewdrops on blades of grass to the
complex magnificence of a clear night sky.
G Kaimal’s first lines were triggered by his puppy-love for a
girl in school. It was quite a poor effort and the girl made it quite
clear. However, they got to be good friend for a long time.
short stories have been published by Unisun Publication, Bangalore in
their anthology.
Publishing of USA has featured his poem in their Anthology
his poem ‘Invitation Lost’ has been featured in an
anthology of Scars Publication of the US in their ‘Down in the
Dirt’ April 2018 issue. (v156)
works for the Art of Living organization in Bangalore, India and
stays on their picturesque campus.