It's a FAIR, Son, It's a FAIR! You're Gonna Make It After All |
I am a born and bred Phillygirl, who manages to get through life by laughing at it and encouraging others to do so as well. I am a retired legal secretary, now attempting to follow my bliss and make a living writing. I have been a stringer for a local weekly, an editor for a college staff newsletter, and have had a "third-story" in the now defunct Philadelphia Sunday Inquirer Magazine. An op-ed in the Inquirer on the AIDS quilt honored the brother I lost to this disease in December, 1986. I enjoy writing humor, personal memoirs, and I can write to make you cry if I really want to.
My philosophy on life is that any kid that learns to say
"I'm retiring to my boudoir" at the age of nine needs to be watched. Unfortunately,
my parents didn't pick up on this! I am the oldest of five children, married
29 years, have a 39 year-old-daughter from an ill-fated teenage marriage
(I left him on the 4th of July -- always trying to make a point, I am),
and three grandchildren. I attended Temple Universitys School of Communications
at night over the course of ten years while a single parent and working
full-time, managing to graduate cum laude.