to Merriam Webster, philosophy can be described as follows, a
comprising at its core logic, aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics and
It can be termed the sciences and liberal arts, exclusive of
medicine, law and theology.
is also the 4 year college course of major seminary, all learning
of technical precepts and practical arts.
can also be referred to as pursuit of wisdom, a search for a general
of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than
observational means. It is an analysis of the growth of and concepts
of expressing fundamental beliefs.
Webster further explained philosophy as the most beliefs, concepts
and attitudes of an individual or group.
the New York Times Book Review, in 15th February 2009, Jim Holt said
“Broadly speaking, philosophy has three concerns; how the world
hangs together, how our beliefs can be justified and how we live”.
like social philosophy, political philosophy, economic philosophy all
lies in the ethics of what philosophy is all about, that is, a system
of philosophical concepts. Webster simply identified it as a theory
underlying or regarding a sphere of activity or thought. e.g. the
philosophy of war. The study of ideas about how to do something or
how to live.
philosophers like Aristotle (384-322 BCE), Plato (428-348 BCE), Kant
Hume (1711-1776), Wittgenstein (1889-1951), Locke (1632-1704),
Descartes (1596-1650), Socrates (469-399 BCE) etc, are the
contemporary voices that explored the study of philosophy.
Holt is right, philosophy is a broad and complex subject, involving
an enormous
grade of sub-branches. While moral philosophy is concerned with what
is right, epistemology centers on the nature of knowledge and
metaphysics focuses on determining what exists.
theories of philosophy includes Plato’s allegory of the cave,
Confucianism, nihilism, I think therefore I am, the Socratic method,
karma, Rousseau’s the social contract, Samsara, Aristotelian
virtue, ethics etc.
Olisaemeka Maduabuchi in his book “The philosophical issues in
education”, gave an epistemological definition of philosophy as
love of wisdom. He went further to give philosophy a look from two
senses. Philosophy in a general sense and philosophy in a loosed
sense. In a general sense philosophy is considered an ideology while
in a loosed sense philosophy is conceived as an academic discipline.
capturing this statement “ on 17th December 1908 Orville and
Wibur Wright’s plane was airborne for twelve seconds, covering
a distance of 36.5 meters. Just seven hundred and eighty seven months
later, Neil Armstrong flew ten million times as far to land on the
moon, yet we continue to argue about what Aristotle said twenty-four
centuries ago”. It will interest my reader to know that The
Wright brothers, Orville (August 19, 1871- January 30, 1948) and
Wibur (April 16, 1867- May 30, 1912) were two American inventors,
aviation pioneers, aviators and engineers who are generally credited
with inventing, building and flying the world’s first
successful airplane on 17th December 1903.
was indeed a huge invention that brought about advancement in the
world’s technology and in the history of inventions.
Nevertheless, as the world marvels at the Wright brothers’
invention, Neil Armstrong (August 5, 1930- August 15, 2012) an
American aeronautical engineer, astronaut, university professor, test
pilot and naval aviator, travelled to the space and stayed 8 days, 14
hours, 12 seconds, becoming the first man to walk on the moon. Though
Orville and Wibur’s plane was airborne for twelve seconds,
covering a distance of 36.5 meters, four miles south of Kitty Hawk,
North Carolina, Neil Armstrong flew ten million times as far to land
on the moon in 21st July 1969 and even spent two and a half hours
outside the spacecraft.
is not a mystery, but what Aristotle termed “four causes”
which explains the nature of change. A thing’s material cause
is the nature of the raw material out of which the object is
composed, its formal cause is how that matter is arranged, its
efficient cause is simply the thing that brings something about,
where a thing came from, and its final cause is its purpose.
as one of the contemporary philosophers propounded many works such
as, natural philosophy, all life originated from the sea and complex
life came from a gradual development of less complex life, principle
of non-contradiction, symbolic logic, validity in reasoning, virtue
ethics, etc.
of the theories that Aristotle put forth have not held up to the
passing of time and scientific advancement. We argue about what
Aristotle said twenty-four centuries ago because we probably thought
or believe that science constantly studies proposition that specifies
some forms of relationship between two variables through
experimentation and gradually accepts claims that can not measure up
with stronger claims.
Anthony O. (2007:37)) while explaining hypothesis said “it is
merely an evidence
for supporting or rejecting one’s pre-conceived ideas or views,
hypothesis has to clear, verifiable and testable. This is a theory
that is tested. Hypothesis is a guess answer to our research,
question or tentative answer”, therefore this research work is
backed up by the following hypothesis, which were derived from our
tentative question or research question. I think that the controversy
in what Aristotle said twenty-four centuries ago was as a result of
individual’s pre-conceived views.
Aristotle’s “four cause” and other works cannot be
overlooked in the progress of philosophy even in other interests of
life. Its application would continue
to impact great knowledge in all areas of human studies. Material
cause which Aristotle put forth as what a thing is actually made of
aligns to providing some critical answers to ascertain why Neil
Armstrong travelled ten million times far to the moon than Wright
brothers plane. The first controlled, sustained flight was powered by
heavier-than-air aircraft, the brothers of Wright later developed
their flying machine to the first practical fixed wing aircraft,
through aircraft controls, the fixed-wing powered flight was provided
with up thrust to be sustained on air for a while, unlike Neil
Armstrong’s Luna 2, a spherical aircraft with protruding
antennas and instrumentation. It’s instrumentation comprises of
scintillation counters, Geiger counters, a magnetometer, Cherenkov
directors and micrometeorite detectors. Once Luna 2 was split from
its upper stage it started transmitting information back to earth
using three different transmitters. These transmitters provided
precise information on its course, allowing scientist to calculate
that Luna 2 would hit its mark on the moon. In order to be able to
provide a visual from the earth on September 13, 1959, when it was
first launched, the spacecraft released a vapour cloud that would
expand to 650-kilometer (400mi) diameter that would be seen by
observations in Alma Ata, Byurakan, Abastuma, Tbilisi and Stalinabad.
vapour cloud also acted as an experiment to see how the sodium gas
would act
in a vacuum and zero gravity. (description of Luna 2, Re: Wikipedia).
nature or stages of change of Aristotle gave a detailed review of how
it would be with the idea of Neil Armstrong travelling into the space
when the airborne of The Wright brothers’ plane is still
credited a huge technological
advancement. Aristotle’s material or matter cause interpreted
the first
nature of change that existed between The Wright brothers and Neil
which was the nature of the components of raw material they used in
experiments. While Orville and Wibur Wright made use of simple
apparatus, Neil Armstrong’s Luna 2 spacecraft was technically
advanced, coupled with the intelligence of other professionals.
ahead, the second phase or stage of Aristotle’s “four
cause” formal cause which
is how a matter is arranged further explains the variance in The
Wright brothers’
and Neil Armstrong’s experiments. While the Orville and Wibur
gained the mechanical skills they needed for their success through
practicing and working in their shop with printing presses, bicycles,
motor and other mechanical machines, they worked with these
machineries, precisely bicycle influenced their notion that an
unstable vehicle like a flying machine could be controlled and
balanced with practice. Orville and Wibur until 1903 when their plane
was airborne were only based in conducting extensive glider tests
that resulted to building the first airplane engine. It was what
advanced their skills as pilots. The only third party in their team
was Charlie Taylor, who was then their bicycle employee. In 1889
Orville dropped out of high school which was after his junior year to
set up a printing business, in fact both brothers did not receive
diplomas but they developed their skills mechanically through
constant work with machinery.
was absolutely right describing formal cause as how a matter is
arranged and I think that is the most important stage of nature of
change. Neil Armstrong did not wake up on the morning of 21st July
1969 to land on the moon. It started with some systematical
arrangements. From taking flying lessons at Grassy Wapakoneta
Airfield, to studying aeronautical engineering at Purdue University
and some flight trainings under the U.S Navy. In July 1969 when Neil
Armstrong landed on the moon, with the overwhelming experience he
felt on stepping into the lunar orbit, he, Apollo 11 Lunar Module
pilot Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, service module worked in
collaborations. He encountered major challenges or semi-accidents in
his flight career which probably played much role in boasting his
knowledge that lead to his moon landing, thus proving Aristotle’s
formal cause right that the success Neil Armstrong had over The
Wright brothers was how their experiments were arranged or carried
out, both technically, mentally, socially (as in professionalism of
people they engaged in their projects) or otherwise.
the “efficient cause” and “end cause” which
Aristotle said was where a matter
came from and the purpose of it respectively. The Wright brothers’
“end cause”
was merely their belief that like bicycle, an unstable vehicle such
machine could be controlled and balanced with practice, immediately
their plane was airborne, their belief was fulfilled, it did not
matter how meter high it flew, meanwhile, Neil Armstrong’s
initial target was moon landing and so he did, thus “cogito
ergo sum”.
if I may describe efficient cause as what derives a thing, either
passion or desire of the mind because that is where the first process
begins. If one do not have idea of establishing a specific project,
even till infinity, the end result would be empty. Therefore, The
Wright Brothers’ passion grew when their father bought them
first toy helicopter unlike Neil Armstrong who at a tender age was
more into fight travels because of the nature of his father’s
and science are not opposed to each other, there are various points
on which philosophy and science agree”. Rev Prof. B.O Eboh. I
quite believe that due to the relationship between philosophy and
science, there is possible progress in philosophy. Prof. Eboh agrees
that when one removes philosophy from science, science looses it’s
theoretical element. So, philosophy progresses as science develops.
one asking if the possible progress in philosophy worth it is like
asking if growth and development is necessary, either human body or
all round growth, such as political, social, economic, science and
technological development. It is interesting for me to put forth that
it is progress in philosophy that resulted to scholars to combine the
works of Aristotle together through the help of his students’
lesson notes as his original work was never recovered, just like his
teacher Plato.
matter how we argue, doubt or discard what Aristotle said twenty four
ago, our sentiments can not hamper the facts of reality, and that
reality till
tomorrow was what Aristotle described from 384-322 BCE.
summary, Aristotle was convinced that his four "causes"
provided an analytical scheme of general applicability, some of them
generates controversy which I earlier pointed out was due to
individuals’ pre-conceived idea. Wherefore explanations of
nature of change are classified into four fundamental kinds of result
to the question "why?". We do not have knowledge of a thing
until we have grasped its why.