Myth of Izzi and My Village -
Ndioruta Agbaja
Nwizi Emmanuel
Copyright 2023 by Nwizi Emmanuel
 Photo by Chad Stembridge on Unsplash |
issue bore down to the tracing of how my village-NDIORUTA AGBAJA IZZI
came into existence. Ndioruta: Ndioruta Umoke was formally a virgin
land until Oruta the son Umoke Aga migrate from OKPUGWU all in agbaja
in Izzi local government area to farm and live there in the virgin
land . Before Oruta migration, the area was completely unoccupied by
human beings and it was good for agriculture. This was why Oruta's
desire to go to the virgin land to farm and finally got to settle
there. He drifted to the land on reaching there, he found out some
certain things on the ground which he was not expecting at all
before, which are (1) it has boundary between Nkaleke community and
Agbaja community in Izzi local government area. (2) He noticed that
the place as of that time was conducive to human habitation. Due to
some apparently struggle between Nkaliki people and Agbaja community
over the ownership of the land other various potential factors pushed
Oruta Umoke to return to his formal village (Okpugwu) to prepare for
war by equiping himself and with other bodied warriors to help him
defeat Nkaliki people and acquire the Virgin land. Those warriors he
reinforced himself and went with to the battle field were as follows
Enyi-Elwe Ukwa, Nwuga Utobo, Agashi Nwegbugba, Nwofe Onele, Oshim
Nwiswor, Oke Eze and many other. These people were well armed and got
ready for war, when they get to the controversial or battle arena,
they waged war with Nkaliki warriors who also the land belong to
them. God being on the side of Oruta's group, they defeated the
Nkaliki people and drove them out of the land. They all did this with
the aid of a deity known as IKAIKA which means to them "unbeatable
spirit". The deity was installed by Oruta's group during their
negotiation to launch attacks on Nkaliki people and scare them away
from the targeted virgin land now known as "Ndioruta". The
deity "IKAIKA" was to ensure safety of lives and properties
of Oruta's group and to ensure their victory over their enemies.
During the installation f the deity "IKAIKA" the people of
Oruta group and the deity were made to accept some conditions
given to them by the deity maker. The condition are as follows;
they should not at anytime go to war without consulting and having
approved by the deity for it to grant them victory over their enemies
and protect lives and properties during the war.
they should not fail to tie palm-front around their waist and have a
feather of eagle on the cap of Eze Ikaika.
they must always keep regular sacrifice to the deity as told them by
the deity maker. They kept all the rules and condition which made
them always defeat their enemies in any war they waged. After Oruta's
group had defeated Nkaliki people, they settled on the land and name
it after Oruta, hence called today "NDIORUTA". Ndioruta
originated from ORUTA UMOKE, who's influencial effort in order to
realize a place called "Ndioruta". Ndioruta is a village in
Agbaja community in Izzi local government area, Ebonyi State,
I am a
student of Ebonyi State University, Nigeria. This
is a history of my village/town "Ndioruta Village" in Izzi L.G.A Ebonyi
State, Nigeria.
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