Taxi Dancer
Melissa L. White
© Copyright
2024 by Melissa L. White

"Photo by mp Mediaphotos"
A warm
Santa Ana breeze blew in the half open bedroom window, stirring the
curtains and tinkling the wind chime which hung outside on the patio.
Amanda sat on her bed painting her toenails fire engine red while
listening to the Lakers game on the radio. When the phone rang, she
turned down the volume on the radio and answered the phone on the
second ring.
she said, screwing the cap back on her nail polish.
It was
Summer, Amanda’s older sister, who lived in New York and
designed dresses for Ralph Lauren.
How are you?”
worried about you. You haven’t been the same since Mom died.”
not any different,” said Amanda. “I miss her, that’s
know you do. We all do.”
you working this weekend?” asked Amanda.
drawing,” said Summer. “I need fifty sketches by Monday
at 10:00 am.”
work too hard. When was the last time you took a vacation?”
don’t know, Amanda. But maybe if you came up for a visit, I
could take some time off. It’d be fun. You might even find a
job here. I can help you if you let me.”
said Amanda, “But I don’t need any help.”
was four years older than Amanda and she earned upwards of $175,000 a
year. Compared to her sister, Amanda considered herself a failure. It
had been two years since Amanda completed her master’s in fine
art and she still had not found a teaching job. Her confidence waned
and she had stopped looking for work as an art teacher; and now she
worked as a dance hostess at a nightclub in downtown Los Angeles.
hated her job, but it allowed her to pay the rent and to paint all
day if she felt like it.
you working tonight?” asked Summer.
and there’s a Lakers game. I’m certainly not looking
forward to it.”
does a Lakers game have to do with anything?” asked Summer.
nothing worse than all those drunken basketball fans pouring into the
club after the game. I have to go.” Amanda hung up the phone
and painted on cherry red lipstick, dreading the thought of going to
work tonight at the Flamingo Club. It was located just a few short
blocks from the Staples Center where the Lakers played. Basketball
nights were awful not only because it meant more of a chance for
groping and pawing out on the dance floor; but invariably the tips
were low or else nonexistent.
only reason Amanda continued working there for the past four months
was Dr. Chu. He was a regular customer, and he tipped exceptionally
well. Dr. Chu was a middle-aged podiatrist, and he liked to sit in
the TV Lounge, as far away from the dance floor as possible and
engage in long conversations about the meaning of life while he
gingerly massaged Amanda’s feet.
turned up the volume on the radio and listened to the play by play as
she got dressed for work. She hoped Dr. Chu would be at the club
tonight though he usually did not show up on Sundays. When she left
her apartment in Hollywood twenty minutes late for work, she was in a
mad rush, driving too fast as she pulled onto Highway 101.
God,” she whispered, “Don’t let me get another
speeding ticket.”
parked her car in the lot across the street from the Flamingo and
greeted Max, the homeless man who worked as a bodyguard of sorts,
keeping other homeless men away from the dancers as he escorted them
across the street and up the stairs to the club.
Miss Amanda,” said Max. “You’re looking sweet
she said, reaching into her purse for a couple dollars. She gave Max
his tip and he left her at the front door.
a good evening, Miss,” he said.
do the same,” she said then went inside the club.
It was
dark and smelled of cigarette smoke. She took her timecard from the
rack and punched the clock.
manager looked up from his newspaper where he sat behind the front
desk. “You’re late again.”
twenty minutes. I won’t take a break tonight,” she said.
on time, Amanda. It doesn’t look good for the other girls.”
she said, then hurried into the dressing room where she glanced in
the mirror, brushed her strawberry blond bangs from her face and put
her bag in her locker. She hurried out into the club and scanned the
bar for Dr. Chu. She wanted to find him and get away from the dance
floor before the Lakers game ended. But Dr. Chu was not at the club
tonight. Reluctantly, Amanda took a seat at the bar and ordered a
glass of cranberry juice.
sipped her juice and thought of her mother. It had been almost a year
since her mother passed away and Amanda missed her terribly.
Sometimes she would pick up the phone to call her mom, but then would
remember that her mother was dead. Amanda closed her eyes and felt
like crying.
me,” said a man’s voice beside her. “Would you like
to dance with me?”
opened her eyes. A tall handsome man stood beside her, wearing a
white dress shirt, faded jeans, and Italian leather shoes with no
socks. He smiled, revealing perfectly straight and very white teeth.
He was tan and had short brown hair and blue eyes.
smiled at him and nodded. She stood up from her bar stool and held
out her hand to him. “I’m Amanda. What’s your
He shook
her hand. “Jack.”
to meet you, Jack,” she said.
he said then he signaled the bartender. When the bartender
approached, Jack offered him twenty dollars if he would keep his
motorcycle helmet behind the bar while he and Amanda danced together.
Jack then
took Amanda by the hand and led her to the check-in desk where she
“clocked in” so that the club could charge by the half
hour for her time on the dance floor. With the meter running, she
felt like a human taxi, selling herself minute by minute.
entered the dance floor and Jack took her in his arms. She liked the
way he smelled, just a hint of after shave lotion on his face.
never seen you here before,” she said.
used to come here a lot last year, but then I started seeing
said Amanda. She looked up at him and wondered if he was still seeing
someone. Guys this good looking were almost always taken. Or else
they were a perpetual ladies’ man and not the type of person
that Amanda was interested in. But the older she got, the less
particular she was about men. She was always looking. Always keeping
her eyes open for an eligible man. She was tired of being single and
wanted desperately to meet someone.
split up two months ago,” said Jack, as if he could read her
see,” said Amanda. “Lucky for me.” She smiled up at
him and he stopped dancing. He looked suddenly serious.
you mean that?” he asked.
course,” she said.
Jack took
her hand and led her off the dance floor and into the TV lounge
towards the back of the club. They sat down on a love seat, and he
held her hand in his and said with all sincerity, “We are
perfect strangers, it’s true. But when I saw you from across
the bar, I thought you looked amazing. And I said to myself, ‘Don’t
let this one get away.’”
reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. “Here’s
my card,” he said, proffering his business card.
took the card and read it out loud, “Jackson E. Downing,
Esquire.” She glanced up at him. “So, you’re an
attorney?” she asked.
smiled. “Does that make a difference?”
shouldn’t,” she said, “But I’d be lying if I
said I would be just as happy with a ditch digger as I would with an
never worked as a ditch digger, have you?” she asked.
He shook
his head. “The worst job I’ve ever had was tutoring high
school students in English grammar and composition. It was awful, but
I did it to put myself through law school.”
about you?” he asked. “What’s the worst job you’ve
ever had?”
held up her hands and glanced around the room. “You’re
looking at it,” she said. “I’d give anything if I
could find something better than this.”
you type?” he asked.
She shook
her head. “I’m a painter. I got my MFA two years ago and
thought I would teach art. But with this economy, it’s a lost
cause. So many art teachers are out of work it’s scary.”
you earn a living selling your paintings?”
my ultimate dream,” she said, leaning in towards him. “I’d
give anything to be able to sell my work at a gallery in Venice or
Santa Monica. There are so many galleries in this town I just know
with the right connections, I could make it happen someday.”
checked his watch.
smile faded.
I’m supposed to meet some friends, but I want to continue this
conversation. What time do you finish working tonight?”
am,” she said, feeling certain he was losing interest in her.
if sensing her disappointment, he stood up and said, “I’ll
be back before 2:00. Maybe we could go out for breakfast, or at least
a cup of coffee. I know an all-night diner near the USC campus. What
do you say?”
smiled. “I’d love to.”
He checked his watch again. “I’m late, so I better go,
but I’ll be back before closing time.”
Jack paid his bill at the check-in desk, Amanda watched him walk
across the room to the bar and retrieve his motorcycle helmet. As she
stood there watching him leave, she caught herself wondering what he
looked like naked.
sighed then hurried into the locker room to freshen her lipstick.
From inside the locker room, she could hear loud yelling out in the
hallway. The Lakers game must be over, she surmised. She blotted her
lipstick, put her makeup bag back in the locker then returned to the
bar. Just as she was passing by a crowd of rowdy frat boys wearing
Polo shirts and Lakers jerseys, one of the guys staggered into her,
knocking her off balance.
Watch it!” she yelled.
The guy
did a double take at her then his eyes grew wide, and he grabbed his
stomach. He then vomited on Amanda, spraying puke all over her dress
and shoes.
sonofabitch!” she screamed, pushing him in the chest.
trailed from the guy’s chin. He wiped his mouth with his hand
and said weakly, “Sorry lady.”
filled her eyes and she stormed away from him and back into the
lady’s room. She pulled a handful of paper towels from the
dispenser and tried to clean the vomit from her dress. It smelled
disgusting, like nachos and stale beer. She suddenly felt nauseous.
Dabbing soap and water on her dress only made it worse. She was so
angry, she started to cry. She threw the paper towels in the trash
and grabbed some more and cleaned her shoes.
cannot effing believe this,” she said to herself then decided
to just call it a night and go home. She tossed the towels in the
trash and washed her hands. She hurried into the locker room, grabbed
her bag then headed out to the front desk where she found the
manager, Lou.
what some stupid drunk Lakers fan did to me,” she said,
pointing at her dress. “I need to go home and change.”
you poor thing,” said Lou. He took his keys from his pocket and
opened the office door behind the counter. “Come with me,”
he said, holding the door open for her.
followed him into the office and found a wall full of cocktail
dresses and high heeled shoes for sale.
this?” Amanda asked. “I’ve worked here for four
months and never knew you sold clothes here.”
only open during the afternoon shift. Agnes sells this stuff on the
side for the occasional emergency, like a strap that breaks, or a
zipper that gets stuck. You can pay me later if you don’t have
the money right now.”
picked her way through the rack until she found a little black dress
in her size. It would look good with her red high heels and red
lipstick. She checked the price. “Thirty-five dollars?”
she asked, incredulous. “I could buy a week’s worth of
groceries for that.” She reached into her purse and pulled out
half of the money Jack had given her as a tip. “Here,”
she said and thrust the money at Lou.
Amanda,” he said. “If you’ll point out the guy who
threw up on you, I’ll ask him to leave.”
lot of good that does me now. I need a shower.”
opened a cabinet and pulled out soap and perfume. “Need any of
this?” he asked.
it,” she said. “I’ve wasted enough money here
tonight already.” She took the dress and stormed out of the
office and back down the hallway to the ladies room where she peeled
off her soiled dress and rinsed it in the sink, then sponged off with
soap and water. She doused herself with Chanel Coco from her purse
then put on her new dress. She fluffed her hair in the mirror and
took her soiled dress back to her locker.
The rest
of the night Amanda danced with several new customers and tried to
remain pleasant and charming so she could meet her quota in tips. She
still did not have rent money yet and it was due in six days.
five hours of small talk with strangers, Amanda was ready for a
drink. She wanted to go home and take a nice hot bath and sip a
chilled glass of Pinot Grigio.
certain that no one else would ask her to dance tonight, Amanda took
a seat at the bar. She checked her watch and saw that it was ten
minutes till closing time. Sorely disappointed that Jack never came
back, she ordered a diet coke and wondered if she would ever be able
to get that puke stain out of her red dress.
God you’re still here,” said Jack, walking up beside her.
relieved, Amanda turned to him and smiled. “I thought you
weren’t coming back,” she said.
way,” he said, sitting on the barstool next to her. “I
left without getting your number. I absolutely had to come back.”
grinned at him, noticing the monogrammed initials on the pocket of
his white Oxford shirt.
look different,” he said.
drunk threw up on me. I had to change clothes.”
wonder you hate this place,” he said. “Let’s get
out of here.”
waited in the foyer as she gathered her things from the locker room,
then he escorted her downstairs to the parking lot. He walked her to
her car and said, “I’m on my bike and I’ve only got
one helmet with me.”
you want to ride with me?” she asked.
He shook
his head. “My vintage Harley would be stripped by the time we
got back if I left it here. Just follow me.” He leaned in and
kissed her on the cheek. Amanda got chills down her shoulders and
your cell number?” he asked. “In case we get separated.”
She told
him her number and he promptly entered it into his phone.
At the
diner, Jack ordered black coffee and Amanda ordered oatmeal and
toast. She poured honey onto her steaming oatmeal and let it melt
into the cereal.
talked for two and a half hours as if they had known each other all
their lives. They talked about their parents, and their siblings.
They talked about their childhoods and their favorite authors and
discovered that they both liked Raymond Carver short stories and
Brian De Palma films, especially Body Double.
old are you?” Jack asked suddenly.
she said. “How old are you?”
he said.
she said. “Same age as my sister.”
You’d like her. She’s very driven.”
smiled. “So, you think I’m driven?”
thought for a moment then said, “Where do you see yourself in
five years?”
laughed. “Is this a test?”
shrugged. “Maybe.”
he said. “I see myself married, with a couple of kids and I’ve
just made partner in my firm. Eventually, I want my own firm, so I
guess maybe I am a bit driven. What about you?”
tucked her hair behind her ears. “I want to be a wife and a
mom. And I want to sell my paintings in a local gallery. Pretty
simple goals.”
Jack took
her hand and kissed it. “Run away with me,” he said.
serious. We could elope. We could laugh about it in twenty years.
It’s definitely something we could tell our grandkids about.”
thought for a moment, imagining what it would be like to have
grandkids with Jack.
thinking it over,” he said, grinning. “That’s a
you mean a quickie Vegas wedding? That’s not exactly what I’ve
always dreamed of.”
about San Francisco? We could leave right now and get married at the
courthouse tomorrow. Then spend the night making passionate love in
this great little hotel in North Beach. What do you say?”
looked into Jack’s eyes as if searching for the answers to
questions like ‘Will we be happy for the rest of our lives?’
or ‘Will you make a good husband and father for our children?’
or even ‘Do you have a criminal record?’
returned her gaze until they both started laughing.
definitely a bold move,” she said.
a lot of guts to trust your instincts and follow your heart like
this,” he said. “I’d say ‘Think it over,’
but I’d rather just dive in and go for it. I don’t want
to let you get away, Amanda.”
hesitated then laughed out loud. “Okay,” she said. “Let’s
do it.”
He leaned
over and kissed her on the lips. She kissed him back and felt certain
for the first time tonight that she was making the right decision.
As they
drove down the 101 Freeway to Amanda’s studio apartment in
Hollywood, they passed under the Santa Monica Boulevard overpass and
Amanda checked her rearview mirror. Jack was still behind her on his
But as
she neared the Sunset Boulevard overpass, Amanda saw a city bus
stopped in the middle lane. When she reached the bus, she saw a man
lying in the middle of the freeway. She pulled over onto the shoulder
and parked her car. She got out and ran to the man who was
semi-conscious and gasping for breath. He lay flat on his back,
wearing only a pair of gym shorts – no shirt or shoes. He
reeked of alcohol. Jack parked his Harley behind her car on the
shoulder and ran up to her.
he dead?” asked Jack.
shook her head.
other passersby stopped, one of which was an off-duty paramedic.
going into shock,” said the paramedic. “Do you have a
check my trunk,” said Amanda, knowing full well that her
mother’s sunflower blanket was still there from when she took
it with her to the beach three weeks ago. She retrieved the blanket
from the car, hesitating only a moment before giving it up to the
paramedic who then covered the victim. Amanda watched the paramedic
render aid until the victim began gurgling blood. He then stopped
breathing. He was dead when the ambulance arrived.
Jack took
Amanda’s hand and put his arm around her shoulder. “Don’t
look at him,” he said as Amanda’s eyes filled with tears.
go,” she said. “There’s nothing more we can do.”
hesitated. “Don’t you want your blanket?”
She shook
her head emphatically.
walked back to their vehicles, and he hugged her before she got in
her car.
okay?” he asked.
nodded. “I live just ahead on Beachwood. It’s the Gower
he said. “I’m right behind you.”
When they
reached her apartment, they hurried upstairs to her studio where she
quickly threw some clothes in a bag. She glanced at Jack then sat
down beside him on her bed. He looked over at her and gently put his
hand on her knee.
haven’t changed your mind, have you?” he asked.
She shook
her head then quickly smiled.
mean seeing that guy die on the freeway. It’s pretty
disturbing. Enough to burst our little bubble.”
just makes me feel all the more transient,” she said. “I
mean life is so precious and fleeting. It could be over in the blink
of an eye.”
looked at him and he took her hand.
don’t want to be alone anymore,” she said, hoping he
wouldn’t notice the desperation in her voice.
He put
his hand on her face and kissed her slowly. She reached up and put
her hand on his shoulder. He kissed her deeply until suddenly pulling
away from her.
should go,” he said.
we saving ourselves for marriage?” she asked, then raised her
left eyebrow in a coy fashion.
laughed then kissed her fingertips.
on,” he said. “I live off Mulholland. Not too far from
stood up to go and as Amanda turned off the light she hesitated in
the doorway, looking around before she shut the door.
is it?” he asked.
looking,” she said. “The next time I see this place I’ll
be a married woman.”
laughed. “Wait till you see my place. I think you’ll like
smiled and shut the door behind them.
followed him to a small guest cottage behind a mansion off Outpost
Drive and Mulholland. He drove into the back driveway and a garage
door opened. He pulled his bike into the garage and parked beside a
shiny black BMW convertible.
can park in here,” he said, fishing his car keys out of his
pocket. He then backed his BMW out of the garage and Amanda pulled
inside. As she parked her car in the garage, she noticed all the law
books on the shelves and several athletic trophies lined up beside
the books.
only be a moment,” he said. “Come on in. Do you want
something to drink?”
She shook
her head and followed him inside. The cottage was small, but it had a
wonderful view of Outpost Canyon. The place was immaculate. No
clothes on the floor or towels draped over the backs of chairs like
at Amanda’s place. She wondered if Jack had a maid. She watched
him take a leather duffle bag from his closet and carefully place his
laptop inside it. He folded two dress shirts and a pair of slacks and
put them in the bag. He tossed in some socks and underwear then went
to the bathroom.
walked over to the bookcase holding his stereo and glanced through
his CD collection which included everything from Tony Bennett to
Smashing Pumpkins to Adele.
set?” asked Jack, emerging from the bathroom with his
toothbrush in his hand. He stuck it into his bag and zipped it shut.
held up a Van Morrison CD. “For the road?”
choice,” he said.
turned out the light and locked the door behind them.
your middle name?” asked Amanda, as they got into his car.
he said. “What’s yours?”
drove in silence until they reached Interstate 5. As they pulled onto
the 5, Amanda turned to Jack and said, “Do you think we’re
making a mistake?”
Do you?”
looked out the window. “Tell me about your mother and father,”
she said.
. “Okay,”
said Jack. He told her how his parents met on a blind date, and how
they eloped and how they had been married for 35 years.
He told
her about his great grandfather who came from Ireland in 1919 and
became a policeman in Baltimore. Then he asked her about her mother.
How old was she when she died? What kind of cancer did she have, and
did she suffer for very long before passing on? They talked for the
entire six-hour drive until reaching San Francisco.
It was
just after noon when they finally pulled onto Mason Street in North
Beach. Jack found a parking spot right in front of the San Remo Hotel
and carried both of their bags upstairs to the lobby. They checked
into their room and Amanda said she wanted to take a quick shower.
Jack pulled his laptop out of his duffle bag and went online to the
San Francisco County Courthouse website and discovered that blood
tests were not required for marriage licenses and that civil services
were performed at City Hall weekdays until 3:30. They had just enough
When they
reached the courthouse, they paid their $92 marriage license fee and
filled out the application. Amanda watched the other people waiting
to be married. There was a young Hispanic couple and an elderly Asian
couple in line in front of them. When they finally got their
paperwork approved, they made an appointment for 2:30 with the Judge
and they were told that the services were being held in the Rotunda
today. Amanda was glad because the Rotunda looked more appealing than
Room 168 of the county clerk’s office.
pulled her cellphone out of her purse and asked the young Hispanic
woman to take a picture of Jack and herself. The woman obliged. When
Amanda looked at the photo on her phone’s screen, she told Jack
that it didn’t look like her, and that her family wouldn’t
believe her when she sent them the photo. She was worried that her
elopement would upset her father, but she said nothing about this to
At 2:30
the clerk called their names, and they approached the judge and the
witness. The clerk took their paperwork and checked their photo IDs,
and the judge asked them if they were ready. They both agreed that
they were ready so when the judge began reading the vows it came as a
surprise to the judge and the witness, but especially to Jack, when
Amanda interrupted the judge and said in a panicked, shaky voice,
“I’m sorry. But I think this is a mistake. Please excuse
She ran
out of the Rotunda and down the front steps of City Hall. Jack ran
outside after her and finally caught her on the steps.
He took
her by the arm and held her. She was crying.
sorry,” she said, and sobbed into his shoulder as he stroked
her hair.
okay,” he said. “I thought you were getting cold feet at
your apartment last night, then again this morning. Maybe I’m
rushing you. Maybe you need more time. I’m a reasonable guy,
Amanda. We don’t have to be this impulsive.”
was so romantic though, but completely irrational. I mean, what if we
end up hating each other?”
hugged her. “I don’t think that’s possible.”
take me home,” she whispered.
you sure?” he asked. “Maybe we should go back to the
hotel and sleep.”
turned away.
must have lost my mind running off like this with a perfect stranger.
My rent is due in five days. I need to work. Please take me home.”
planted his hands on his hips. “I can’t believe you’re
in such a hurry to get back to life as a taxi dancer. You could quit
that job and stay home and paint if you lived with me.”
backed away from him, “Please don’t pressure me. I’m
probably just tired and hungry.”
she said, wiping her eyes.
take you home if that’s what you want.”
They rode
in silence until they reached their hotel. They hardly spoke at all
as they checked out. Amanda fell asleep in the car and slept until
they reached Santa Clarita, then she woke with a start.
was dreaming,” she said softly. “We were in the hotel,
and it caught on fire.”
stared at him, but he kept his eyes on the road.
you angry at me?”
He shook
his head.
not saying anything.”
tired, Amanda. You’ve been asleep for the last five hours.”
sank down into the seat. They were silent again until they pulled
into Jack’s driveway. He parked the car and walked around to
the passenger side and opened the door for her. She thought of Jack’s
parents eloping and staying married for thirty-five years. She
thought of the Flamingo club and began to panic. Just like at the
Courthouse. Then she wondered why she was so afraid to trust her
She got
out, took her bag, and got into her car. Images of her and Jack’s
children flooded her mind like ephemeral clouds, there one moment,
then gone. She rolled down her window and smiled at him wistfully,
holding onto the moment for just a bit longer.
call you,” Jack said.
nodded, knowing without a doubt that he wouldn’t.
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Preservation Foundation, Inc., A Nonprofit Book Publisher