Story List
Maureen Moynihan

The Catcher in the Rye
The Unlucky Leprechaun

The Timing
The Caller
A Side of Bacon
The John
The Worker
Teach the Children
Babies, Bikes, and Mothers
Spilling Your Guts on Paper
The Playboy
The Cookie Lady
Baby, We Were Born To Run
The John (revised)
Hello, Again
The Cookie Lady (Revised)
Skinny White Girl
Dusty Ashes
Bottlenose Dolphins 
Photo by Jill Wellington on Unsplash
Photo by Jill Wellington on Unsplash

Maureen Moynihan is a teacher and mother with a deep appreciation for the arts, outdoor adventure and learning. After cancer treatment, Moemoe created her blog to provide language strategies and resources for families struggling with cancer. She writes to foster understanding, compassion and humor.

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