Story List and Biography
For Linda Elliott-George

Passage To Bliss
Magical Majorca
Good By
Letting Go and Saying No
Photo of Linda and Cindy.
My writing began as a therapeutic energy about five years ago as I was working through the guilt of ending a 28 year relationship. I write in England about day to day life and the adjustments. I feel more alive as I write and I took a college workshop about creative writing. I am presently studying with the Writers Bureau here in England and finding it very hard going as I try to fit into the British style of story telling. I have a diverse background of 18 years farming and foster care in Ontario. I studied Social work in the late 1980's earning a diploma and specialized in mental health Social work. I developed an employment program in Niagara Falls and assisted people with mental illness to find work. In England I work with my husband and together we are building a thriving recovery business where we provide a community service of roadside assistance and accident recovery. Life is exciting and we never have a dull moment.

We live in Wymondham in South East England. In England I have had two stories published but have not yet written anything and got paid for it. All my writing is nonfiction. I have had a few stories accepted on the web site

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