The Haunted Pool Pyramid Image.

Elli Alex

© Copyright 2000 by Elli Alex

Part one

There was a girl named Mindy. She lived in an apartment building and she had some aquarium fish. She loved her fish and the pool in the basement of the building. Every Friday the pool was closed, and her parents told her not to go to the basement. Nevertheless, she always went, just to look.

This Friday Mindy just passed by the corridor to the pool. She was tired so she leaned against the door.

The door opened! Mindy looked inside. "No one's here," she thought, and went in.

Then Mindy saw something glowing inside the pool so she looked closer. Mindy saw her aquarium fish swimming in the pool, but they were bigger and they were glowing!

Mindy went in the pool and took a net to get them back. But they were swimming faster than usual, and the girl, standing on the edge, slipped and fell down into the water.

Then somehow the pool stopper on the bottom disappeared and all the water rushed into the hole. And it was like a water-slide in an amusement park.

Part two

Mindy found herself in a house with many doors.

She opened the first door and she saw a forest with dinosaurs. She was so shocked that she forgot to close it.

The second entrance led to a beach and it was so hot here that Mandy took off her coat and forgot to close this door too.

Behind the third door, she saw the Arctic.

"It's so cold!" she murmured. So she put on her coat, and forgot to close that door.

She opened another door, and saw a jungle.

Part three

Then, Mindy looked back and saw dinosaurs coming out of the first door. From another door the water and sea animals were coming. And a polar bear went from the "Arctic door", and from the "Jungle door" monkeys and tigers ran out.

They surrounded Mindy, and then!!!

She closed her eyes and after she opened them, Mindy realized it was just a dream.


After she became a good girl and listened to her parents because she did not want the same troubles in reality.


Growing up, Growing Down Pyramid Image.

Elli Alex

© Copyright 2000 by Elli Alex

Cat Story Logo.

There was a boy named Charlie who had a twin sister named Sally.

They were ten years old. It was the first day of the new school year. They went to school.

But when they entered the school building, something strange happened. They turned into small children, and a teacher took them to the kindergarten. They tried to explain, but they could not. All their knowledge was gone. Charlie and Sally had to go to kindergarten!

But when they left the building, they became big children again. They hoped that it would never happen again. But the next day was the same!

A whole week had passed and nothing changed. All the time, when they went into the school they turned into small children. They did not know what to do.


This day they went to the school again. Sally cried: "I can't stand it any longer!"

"You don't have to!" suddenly they heard. They looked around.

Nobody was there except a white fluffy cat.

"Who said this?" the children wondered.

"It was me," said the cat. "Take me inside the school, I'll help you!"

The children obeyed.

When they entered the building, the cat turned into a woman!

Charlie and Sally looked at each other. They were still ten years old!

"I'm your new teacher," the woman explained. "Welcome to the fourth grade!"

And they all lived happily after.


The Cat Saves The Town Pyramid Image.

Elli Alex

© Copyright 2000 by Elli Alex

Cat Story Logo.

A girl named Carla got a pet. It was not a big, short-haired cat, and its name was Goldy. Every night the cat would lie on Carla's bed, and the girl would have good dreams. But one night some voices woke her up.

"I'm going to destroy all the buildings and kill all the people in the town!" she heard.

"I won't let you do this, I swear!" someone replied. Carla looked around, and was surprised, seeing her cat talking with some monster.

"I'll kill you first!" answered the monster. Carla screamed, and the monster disappeared into the dark under her bed.

Carla got up, and ran to her parents. She told them everything.

"It was just a bad dream, honey," her mother said.

"No, I believe you," said Carla's father. "But how we can make this monster stop?"

"I'll tell you how." They heard a voice. It was Goldy, the cat.

Carla's mother gasped, and rubbed her eyes.

"Tell us," said Carla's father with a calm voice.


The monster carefully looked out from under the bed. It saw Goldy, sleeping on the mat. The monster laughed, and swallowed the cat.

But it felt that something was wrong. Suddenly it understood that it was a dummy. It was a toy cat with a bomb inside. The monster tried to throw it up, but it was too late. The explosion rumbled.


Carla and her parents went into the bombed-out room.

"What a mess!" Carla's mom looked around. The walls and even the ceiling had been splattered with some blue goo. "What was it?"

"Whatever it was, it's gone now," her husband said. "Thank you, Goldy!"

But the cat only could say: "Meow!"


This is a story of how a cat saved a town. Parents, please, believe your children!



Elli was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1991. She was four when she moved to the USA. In 1998 we relocated again, this time to Montreal, Canada. Now Elli speaks, reads, and writes on English and French. She also studies Russian. She likes to read science and horror books and she has a collection of Goosebumps books.

Elli likes Pokemon, and every week she buys another Pokemon toy, trying to "catch them all." She makes her money by collecting cans and helping people. She is very nice and patient with younger children, and she helps her mother a lot.

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