Story List and Biography

Lesley Mukwacha
Me Against The Lions
Where The Maned Brothers Rest
In Bed With The Jungle Queen
Regina, The Strange Lion
Inviting Trouble
When The Lions Visit
Seventeen Guides and a Lioness

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.
Photo courtesy of Pixabay.   

I am an African storyteller and scriptwriter who has been guiding and leading internationaltourists across Africa for over a decade and have freelanced for big names in the travel industry.
I write African campfire stories that I usually share with my clients on safari while sitting around the fire at night, and my dream is to share these stories with the rest of the world, to encourage more travelers from all over the world to visit our beautiful continent. My genre is mostly fiction with a few real-life experiences here and there to make the stories more exciting. These stories are also educational to those interested in wildlife habits and habitats, and also as tales for children in schools. Most of my clients who have had the privilege to hear my stories in the last decade have encouraged me to get them published, as they found them very unique and entertaining. The short stories I have completed are intended for a short story compilation book, I would like published and I intend to continue writing more and more. I have never been published before, since I only just started writing but can also happily say that one of my short fiction stories has already been selected for publishing in one travel magazine in their December 2022 issue and since most of my travel clients are senior citizens from all over the world, with a good percentage being USA citizens, and love reading, they will be happy to come across my stories in book shops and or on ebooks.  My new book, African Tour Leaders Campfire Tales is now available.  Click here!
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