Story List and Biography

Leigh M. O'Brien
I wish I had known my seanmhathair

Learning To Swim Without Lane Lines

The Comfort of Cats

Regrets, I've had a few

Photo by Alexander Nachev on Unsplash
Photo courtesy of the author.

From my earliest days, I’ve been a prodigious reader and hence have informally learned how to write to capture the reader’s attention (I hope). I’ve also been interested in – and very much enjoyed – teaching since I was first asked to teach swimming lessons at the pool where my siblings and I spent most of our childhood summers. After I finished my bachelor’s and master’s degrees, both in Education, I became a preschool teacher and administrator before returning to college to earn a doctorate focused on why teachers in various settings teach as they do. I then spent 30 years in post-secondary education where I had the opportunity – and the obligation – to write and publish so that I could gain tenure and be promoted.
I also took writing classes on and off for years. Now, I’m using my retirement, in part, to move past academic writing to both fiction and non-fiction writing. I’ve been working on a memoir, for example, hoping it will soon be the right time to find an agent and see if I can get the book published, and three short pieces of mine are under review for a literary publication from our local library.

I have 28 refereed academic publications (several co-authored), one co-edited book, six book chapters, and numerous book and article reviews, as well as a few other publications to my name.

While I’ve submitted non-academic work occasionally and have had several pieces published online and one poem published in a college collection, I haven’t been as “successful” as I had hoped to be. This is now my focus; the story above is the prologue for the memoir I have been working on for years and which is (finally!) almost finished.

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