"Jewel Book" of Anna of BavariaAnd
It's Secret Meanings
Jule Ross © Copyright 2021 by Jule Ross |
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Book of the Duchess Anna of Bavaria is a very unique item. It was
commissioned in 1552 by Duke Albrecht of Bavaria. The manuscript is
an inventory of the jewelry owned by Duke and his wife. It contains
110 drawings of precious gems, necklaces, brooches, and depictions of
other scenes, in example Duke and his wife playing chess.
Book depicts Jewelry Art. Even the first page suggests metaphorical
content, showing Duke and Duchess playing chess, as some sort of
inside-marriage game. That can hold sense as a hidden dialogue
between them. Of course in some classes one cannot say something
straight, only using language of sophisticated metaphors. In my
opinion, this would be the profound meaning of such book, showing
that it goes deeper than a simple inventory list. Court life on
specific levels is some sort of network and intrigue. In such
environment, it is given to meet other’s intelligence and
skills, also what takes place - occasions for art and science
peregrinations, sometimes connected with some hermetic insiders
arcana. Formed as a book, that suggests wisdom presented on pages, is
no ordinary inventory list nor an expensive toy. This is the life of
the Duchess depicted in precious materials of gold and gemstones.
These are thoughts of the Emperor’s daughter, a woman who was
illuminated and wise, formed into expensive matter symbols.
Archduchess of Austria and Duchess of Bavaria was the daughter of
Emperor Ferdinand I and niece of Charles V. When her uncle abdicated
the crown of Empire went into the hands of her father. Her mother was
Anna Jagiellonka. (1)
Her grandparents on her father’s side were Philip the Handsome
and Joanna of Castile (Joanna the Mad). She was a descendant of Mary
of Burgundy, who was the best matrimony in Europe, very wanted by
many rulers for them or their sons. Mary rejected the proposal given
by England king’s brother after political events such as the
death of her father in battle and the Netherlands States' extortion
of partial autonomy of Flanders, Holland, Hainaut, and Brabant.
Finally, she married Maximilian Habsburg, son of Frederick III
Habsburg, and Eleonore Aviz, a Portuguese Infant. Eleonore’s
dowry (60.000 guilders) was very helpful for Frederick with his
financial problems. He, as first of the Habsburgs, became Holy Roman
Emperor. All following Habsburgs come from this marriage. (2) Parents of
Frederick were Ernest the Iron and Polish Princess
Cymburgis of Masovia from Piast Dynasty. Cymburgis was famous for her
beauty and strength, she could crack nuts in her hands and bend
the third generation back Anna the Habsburg and Albrecht V were
related because great-grandmother Bavarian Prince was Maximilian
Habsburg’s sister, Cunegonde Habsburg.
and Duchess had a great influence on spiritual life in Duchy. They
created museums, made Munich become famous for being art-town,
founded Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, they were patrons for painter
Hans Muelich and composer Orlando di Lasso.
first illuminated page of Jewel Book shows coats of arms: Wittelsbach
and Habsburg. Both located in a circle surrounded by other coats of
arms and placed into an architectural frame with puttas and
personifications of virtues and arts. Below stand lion and lioness in
an embrace. This page gives a sense of nobility of the Couple. The
next page presents the portrait of Duke and Duchess playing chess.
They are surrounded by few courtiers with two little dogs as
companions. These animals suggest of course one of the most important
attributes of a married couple – loyalty. Game of chess means
equality of intellects, also chessboard is likely to be the metaphor
of the World. (4)
“1552” located on one of the first pages is not simply a
year of creating a book nor concerns only a couple. This year is very
important, because of events that happened at Chambord Castle in
France. On January 15, German Protestant Dukes and King of France,
Henry de Valois signed a treaty against German Emperor Charles V the
In the meantime lasted the Council of Trent, one of the most significant in the history of the Catholic Church. This ecumenical council was an attempt to reorganize the Church as an institution and discussion field for many theological issues, mainly considering Reformation.
arrangement of jewelry and gemstones in the Jewelry Book is not
accidental. It is some sort of enigmatic language and this is what I
wanted to reveal. Saint Gregory the Great writes in his “Moralia
in Job”:
even in stones from [different] countries you [keep] covenant (5,23).
Churches of the Nations are like different countries, which,
established in one Faith differ only in languages and manners. So how
we suppose to understand stones from [different] countries if not as
the Chosen from particular Churches” (5)
events, such as the Council of Trent, the matrimony of high society’s
couples, wars, pacts, and court life created trajectories of
aristocratic thoughts. The fact, that Duke was a pupil of Catholics
supporting Protestants is very significant.
the picture that shows Duke and Duchess playing chess, we may find
very interesting plates with text. Above the couple one of them says:
hoc dimittet homo patrem et matrem et adherebit uxori suae et erunt
duo in carne una.
was used as a “U” in some carved inscriptions of Ancient
Rome because it was easier to carve straight lines that curves.
Manner of such style is visible in these inscriptions.
is a quotation from Bible, Matthew 19.5, Vulgate, which means: "For
this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to
his wife, and they two shall be in one flesh".
these words refer to the marriage of the Noble Couple. What interests
me in this plaque is not only the meaning, which is clear but also
the overflow of the text. Separation of the words to verses may give
specific expression to them. I think, that nothing, even the smallest
detail of this art piece is not accidental. It only underlines the
meaning of the individual words summarized in lines. Also, a little
but significant detail in the first line is interesting. It is way,
that the word DIMITED is written. The letter “I” in this
text is similar to the letter “T”, due to their serifs.
It is visible, that one letter is missing, probably “I”
and between “DIMT” and “ET” some sort of an
apostrophe is inserted.
plaque, on the right side of the couple (Anna's side), says:
tui sicut novella olivarum in circuitu mensae tuae.
translation it would be: "Your children are as a branch of
olives around your table" and it is another quotation, from
Vulgate, Psalms 127.3.
I found interesting in this plaque is the separation of the word
“NOVELLAE”. It is written as two words, “NO”
and “VELLAE”. It is an interesting overflow, which can
give another meaning to the whole sentence. “NO” could
mean negation of the following phrase. Roman law called Vellean Law
established in 46 A.D. said that women cannot be a safeguard for
anybody. That means that women are not equal in a bureaucratic sense.
It may refer to the matrimonial contract of Duke and Duchess, which
says that in case of not having male descendants the Austrian legacy
of the Habsburgs would fall to the Wittelsbach family. (6)
the left side of the couple (Duke side) another plaque says:
tua sicut vitis abundans in lateribus domus tuae.
is an excerpt of Psalms, Vulgate, and it means: "Your wife is as
a fruitful vine on the sides of your house". In my opinion here
is another example of interesting overflow. “BUS” means
“cattle” in Latin.
the bottom of the page is located another inscription in Latin and it
must love his wife like himself, and the wife must respect her
husband. Hans Muelich made [this]."
is Ephesians 5,33, Vulgate Holy Bible.
this aristocratic couple had six sons and one daughter. That means
legacy was saved for Habsburgs. In further parts of my article, I
will try to prove that it wasn’t fortuity. That Anna used all
accessible knowledge and, what more, had some concession from her
husband for some sort of birth regulation.
analysis of gemstones used in jewelry gave me another clue. Most of
the gemstones in precious brooches and necklaces depict in the Book
of Jewels contain three kinds of stones: Ruby, Black Sapphire, and
Emerald. These stones are called The Great Trinity of Gemstones due
to their rareness. They are very valuable and the most wanted just
after the King of Stones – Diamond.
of them are very valued in Jewelry Art. In the Book of Jewels also
occur many Pearls, which are connected with matrimonial felicity,
wealth, chastity, and faith. Their astrological reference is the
Moon. (7)
stones of great rarity and beauty they are very precious. In
Antiquity, noble ladies liked to connect Emeralds with pearls as some
sort of sea metaphor (color of Emerald and marine products). (8)
Pearls have a strange birth and original, that is why they are
parallel of th wonderful birth of Christ. It is not easy to find the
pearl, the person who does this encounters many dangers, said the
symbolizes Love and Enlightenment. It is connected to Mars.
is assigned to Love, Beauty, and Harmony. It is connected to Venus.
is the most precious gemstone, it is worshiped as the Inscrutable
Seal of Wisdom. It means Love for the Truth, Spiritual Path of
Initiation. In occultism, it is called the Cristal Seal of Heaven. It
is connected to Saturn.
Sapphire in the natural world occurs in form of pseudohexagonal
columns with hexagonal profiles and bipyramids. These shapes are
visible in many places in Jewelry Book. This gemstone is very
frequent in Book and creates very important symbols, such as Crosses
and the acronym of Jesus Christ – IHS.
Biblical Times precious stones were symbols of the most valuable
things. Medieval added to this symbolism Christological and Marian
symbols, also precious stone was given to every Apostle. That creates
12 Gemstones.
Jewish beliefs, 12 Sons of Israel were fathers of 12 Israelian
Tribes. Each of them was connected to Gemstone.
was Reuben
was Zebulun
was Levi
. (11)
three were sons of Jacob and Leah. They had 6 sons in total. Same
number as Anna of Bavaria and Duke Albrecht. This is not only
convergence between these couples. Both pairs also had one daughter
and were cousins.
this some sort of taking patronage from myth or Bible, common in
aristocratic societies?
of Greek Gods was even more evident later in Baroque, when Nobility
wanted to be depicted as mythological patrons, Athena, Hera, Zeus,
of the most important questions in the case of Duchess and Duke is
how it is possible to have control over the offspring's gender?
human biology, in procreation, it occurs that an embryo starts to
exists when an egg cell connects with a spermatozooid. Gender depends
on chromosomes X and Y. Female X and male Y. Oval cell always has an
X chromosome, sperm X or Y. That creates combination XX – for a
girl or XY – for a boy.
Y is lighter when chromosome X is heavier. That is why X
spermatozooid is slower than Y. Also, X is more resistant to the
acidic interior of female genital organs. When ejaculation happens
during ovulation, the possibility of having male descendants is
greater. Women have naturally bigger sex attraction during ovulation,
so even Aristotle recommends having sex with women when she wants it
in order to conceive a boy. This method gives 90% effectiveness with
procreating males.
could be an explanation of many of the pictures in the Book of
Jewels. Especially these two I've found interesting from a certain
point of view. They are numbered “6” in the original
numbering of the Book.
Both show personages and they have Latin inscriptions.
of the inscriptions says: AD NULLIUS PAVESCIT OCCURSUM. This means:
“Nobody (or Nothing) I fear to Meet”. The secret hidden
behind these words is covered by centuries of distance. What I
presume is that the Duchess and the Duke were friends in marriage and
their intimate contacts were unforced. That could lead to birth
control auspicious for the Duchess.
other inscription is even more mysterious. It says: NOSTRA ATTULIT
means, but the most possible explanation is that it is an
abbreviation for “DIUS” (God). The whole sentence would
mean: “Our age revealed what God conceals in Light”.
it a note suggesting some sort of Hermetic Wisdom? God's secret
revealed to Enlighted people? It is Great Unknown for us what kind of
revelations happen and what kind of knowledge possessed people from
the environment of the Court.
method of conception I've found even more successful in predicting
the sex of children is called Selnas and it gives certainty in 98,7
cases. It also consists of the periodicity of ovulation but takes
into consideration other attributes of the human organism. It is the
polarization of the egg cell. Spermatozooids also have polarization.
“Y” are “negative” (-), and “X”
are “positive” (+). The egg cell can take “-”
or “+” feature in some periods, which are not related to
ovulation. These “potential days” are 60-70 during the
year. For the rest of the days, the cell is neutral. The conception
takes place when a polarized egg cell attracts spermatozooid with the
opposite polarization. To specify a woman's days of possible
conception for boys or girls all you need is to know her date of
birth, blood type, date of the first period, and course of her
menstruation cycles. (13)
That sounds a little bit like a knowledge based on horoscopes and
very private information. What I presume is that kind of cognizance
could be possible a couple of centuries ago. It could be hermetic,
alchemic, or deeply attached to some ancient scholarship. Duchess, as
a woman of many possibilities, noble and educated, could have some of
“personal magician” or medicine-man, who helped her and
give this knowledge.
of that Ancient Wisdom now is gone, but I think it was actually
possible to possess great Methods for creating and changing the world
around. Nowadays people often think that we live in some sort of
Golden Age, connected to the internet, building our knowledge through
telescopes and microscopes. Yes, in XX Century was possible to clone
a sheep and go to the Moon, but many think that there were greater
civilizations, which left us some of their wisdom. Some even say that
ancient knowledge was far more developed than ours now. For example
Chaldeans, a nation that lived in the 10th to 6th century BC
calculated the length of the solar year with an accuracy of 2
seconds. That kind of Wisdom might be concluded in writings such as
Voynich Manuscript from XV Century.
Jewel Book enclosure, considering the fact, that Art in Medieval and
Renaissance had always deeper symbolism, give us many clues, keys to
decode meanings. XVI century art in general runs through a specific
stencil, which is understood as artistry in giving characters. Branch
of Art History, which studies meanings depicted in old paintings is
called Iconography. Aby Warburg, Fritz Saxl, and Erwin Panofsky in
the early XX century were pioneers for this knowledge. Their work was
significant for understanding that Old Masters paintings have deeper
and hidden meanings not necessarily connected to the form of subjects
presented. Such representations as carnation in Jan van Eyck's
“Portrait of a man”, which symbolizes engagement; or egg
hanging from the seashell in Piero della Francesca's “Montefeltro
altarpiece” which is commonly recognized as a symbol of
Resurrection of Christ born from Immaculate Conception; are well
known and established.
metaphors often are very complex and require great wisdom and
erudition from interpretator. Symbols and signs may be ambiguous and
not clear because they were made to be decrypted only by those who
have the ability for it.
Book gives many examples of such artistry. It is in fact some sort of
sophisticated collection of metaphors put together in a masterpiece
of bibliology.
the page numbered “7” in the original manuscript is
depicted brooch with triangle Black Sapphire, three Rubys and two
Pearls. Also visible are hands in shake at the bottom. At the top of
the brooch is a sign with two words, three letters each:
are not real words, rather abbreviation. In my research I've found
that this could almost certainly mean:
(mine, myself, me) and Gaudium (joy, gladness). Combining the
meanings of the hands and the sign we receive the joyful symbol of
happiness and it is shown in the Book that sort of state of mind is
possible in an arranged marriage.
on the page “9”, next to the composition of Rubys and
Black Sapphires, there is a sign:
means “Love wins all”. On the same pendant are visible
two quivers with arrows, which probably suggest Eros with his mission
to connect couples.
not only settlement and emotions between Duke and Duchess were
interest for them. They were taking part with the whole European
system of thoughts and politics. Also considering religion as one of
the main structure for organization of ideas.
site described as “51” there is an interesting message.
It is hidden as a metaphor, but not so difficult to decipher. It has
a form the great “H” shaped of pearls in a rows and the
date placed inside, “1553”. In my decoding “H”
is for Hispania (the Roman name for the Iberian Peninsula). One of
the most important events of 1553 was the burning of Miguel Servet
(and it took place in Spain). The exact number of the pearls in one
row is 27, and the precise date of burning was Nov. 27. Miguel Servet
was a scientist, doctor theologist, and thinker searching his own way
to express religion. When he'd met Jean Calvin, they became enemies.
He was denounced to Holy Inquisition and the Catholics burned a
puppet as him. Eventually, he was slowly burned (to prolong the
suffering) by Calvinists in Geneva. His death caused many discussions
towards high societies, this act of religious terror forced people to
think and redefine the definition of freedom.
and Duke were inside of European court life, with many connections,
probably wanted to have an influence on the life of others. Masonic
and hermetic symbols hidden in the Book of Jewels, the mystery behind
Gemstones, which create something in the shape of circularity, are
covered by 500 years old secret Myth. A big amount of Crosses in this
inventory refers to spiritual life. The metaphor used to create such
a unique item is very sophisticated and some paths are not clear. On
the Threshold of the New World, during the Renaissance of Human
Thought, it is very important to make a statement. Such an eloquent
and elegant way of Significance is the best example of Nobility.
As an artist, I am deeply attached to the experience which leads me to art theory. My first attempts at arts were writing poetry for my dolls. I dance as an amateur since I was 10, and through the motion and touch, I discover the World. In my Primary School, I won the challenge, it was a "Mini playback show" and I pretend to be Sinead O'Connor. I won this competition and since then I encourage myself to be an artist. I was a fashion model, an actress working with professional artists; journalist, painter, sculpturer, I even took one class on cello playing. All this, touching the Medieval Cathedrals, singing on stage at Brodnica Castle, embroidery, potter's wheel, macrame, calligraphy, renovating furniture, origami, plant seeding and watching them grow, cuisine, Love, make me the sensual person in the way that I am able to discover inside values of things. It is very important for Poet to have this insider's perspective, as Walt Whitman once said. I am a "serial reader" since I was 5. One of my first memories was that my parents show me the Book and my ambition to learn to read. I read every kind of writings in this world, from adventurous books like "Robinson Crusoe" to poststructural essays about cognitive learning. All these are structures to me, like math, geometry, something sacred and I search for the Pure Things. Not only do I write erotic poetry, concerning every emotional, physical and symbolic aspect of this phenomenon, also I create grotesque, satire, and horror. In my artistic search, I am like Pablo Picasso, who painted in every style existing in his times. On one hand, I am a rational art scientist, and on the other, I am more like an intuitive shaman, attached to esoteric fields of cognition. Like Aldous Huxley, I go inside the psychology and the meaning of the art objects with a pinch of irony. One of my masters was also Umberto Eco, who I respect for the most difficult art of creating funny essays understandable by commons but also academic style writings like "Semiotic landscape". It is important for artist to have some sort of flexibility. Now I search for opportunities to gain new experience towards art society, research work, and write important books. I am about to publish my first full-length book about Hieronimus Bosch painting "Garden of Earthly Delights", and have other things prepared. I continue to publish on my 3 blogs, Youtube, and have a creative experience with other professionals, directors, painters, and many more.