Judy Zander has loved to travel and tell stories about travel for most of her 57 years. Born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in November of 1941 her first trip was to the hometown of her father, London, Ontario, Canada. In 1942 a trip from Toronto to London took about 3 hours by car, on a good day. This trip was in January, the dead of winter, for her christening in the church were her parents were wed. Judy's father was a musician, a trumpet player during the big band era so travel was frequent. When the big band era ended Judy and her parents moved to London, Ontario. Judy & her husband Wayne have lived in London for all of their 38 year marriage. Judy is a professional sales representative for the John O. Butler Company with Southwestern Ontario as her territory. They have 4 children and 7 grandchildren. Short stories and some poetry are written now and then, when ever the mood strikes her.