Everyone is different and precisely those differences are the ones that make people so special .if you're trying to be someone who you're obviously not, then you'll never be a happy person. Don’t compare yourself to others! After All, you never know how the others are really like, because you only see what they want to see. Thoses are the things that make you so special and you should realize how lucky you are to have them--just express yourself, your True self! There might be some people out there who will never like you, no matter what you do, there will always be people who will constantly disagree with you and who will never be satisfied. If you are a little bit shy or if you feel insecure about the way you act, try to worry less about the things you suspect might happen in certain social situations, if your behavior is misunderstood, just relax, if you want to learn how to feel comfortable with who you are and act like the real you in every situation, then you should let go of your past, avoid fixating on it too much And allow yourself to blossom.
Be honest with yourself we all have our own insecurities and certain things about ourselves we are not so proud of, certain physical or emotional parts of us that we like to hide because we might think they are not perfect. Well guess what? Nobody is! Don't be afraid to express your individuality because think you are too different or that others might not like you. Be proud of who you are and of the Things you can do! Turn those unique features into your trademark features, you should learn how to be yourself in any situation, try to find yourself and define who you are on your own terms. Take some time and really think about yourself, about the things you enjoy and about the things you don't really like. Contemplate your life and your choices. Think about your flaws and about different way to improve certain aspects about your behavior, but you should especially focus on the things that make you stand out from the crowd, on the things that make you happy with yourself. You will learn how to embrace who you are and even to laugh at yourself when something unflattering happens. Then Try to turn it into a funny story, just loosen up and don’t take yourself too seriously.
Don't forget comparison often to resentment and by always thinking about how lucky other people are you Will forget about the things that make you special and unique, how to act the way you feel.Do you sometime strive to be someone you are not? what makes you do it?the best tips I want to give you on how to always be yourself in any situation is to advice you to improve your communication skills,be a better listener ! there are so many books out there ,they can help you to become a more Empathetic person and increase your emotional intelligence!the better you communicate ,the more you will act like your true self in every situation you were.focus on the wonderful person you are and the awesome and successful you want to become. Don't Sabotage yourself by thinking about the things you did or about the things you didn't do in your past! Allow yourself to grow and to become stronger, wiser. Forgive yourself for those bad decisions you made. Make sure you have learned your lesson and continue to grow.
Think big,act small,we all have fault , fears and insecurities. It is really easy,it feels funny inside because of your habits,but as you train yourself to behave in different manner,it will become more natural,but things to remember is that you believe in yourself ,and your value as a person . others may have their opinions ,but of your value you are certain.it is nice,but Don't get it,you have to decide if you believe in yourself or if their opinions of you are more important ,I don't want you to think that believing in yourself means you ignore anything unflattering that others say,it just means that , it's time to reevaluate some aspects of yourself.you will never know your limits unless you push yourself to them . Don't be afraid to fight .fear has two meaning, First one Forget everything and Run and the second one is facing everything and Rise .the choice is yours , always remember .no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.if you feel uncertain of yourself ,It is easy to make you feel great by positive thoughts,you gain strength , courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop look fear in the face .you are able to say to yourself ,I lived through this horror .I can take the next thing that comes along .the only thing Tripping you in life are your assumption and Judgement you are only hurting yourself to stop over thinking and start living and say I'm Free.
How often do you wake up in the morning which one idea in mind for what you want to accomplish , only to find yourself doing something else because of social pressures or personal anxieties ?a lot of things are mass produced.it is harder than ever to be yourself when others want you to be mass produced too. But no lifetime ,no matter how successful ,will be truly rewarding or happy if you can't learn to love yourself and be yourself .and while it may seem harder than ever now .be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter ,and those who matter don't mind . follow your inner moonlight , don't hide the madness ,faithless to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something Else greatest accomplishment,you may control all the events that happen to you ,but you can decide not to be reduced by them all about all you can do in life is be who you are .some people will love you for you .most will love you for what you can do for them ,and some won't like you at all.be yourself, Don't Take anything from anyone and never let them take you alive ,you can not change what you are and who you are ,you are you , don't let anyone walk through your mind with their dirty idea , always be a first rate version of yourself and not the second rate version of someone else .to be nobody but yourself in world which is doing it's best .if you can't be poet be the poem , find out who you are and do it on purpose ,if you can't love yourself ,how you are going to love someone else , follow your own star.
God make you special you are not anyone else in the world ,God is interested in you,He made you different.don't worry about hard things Isn't He wonderful? Everyone has their flaws and you should know that it is actually a big difference between being way too critical and being honest with yourself . learn to acknowledge your imperfections ,and then try to turn them Inot your distinctive features, accept what you can't change about yourself and discover different ways you can improve certain aspects of your personality ,just don't beat yourself up and Don't be your worst critic.there is one thing you can do that no one else can do .what is it? No one can be a better you than you,you are unique ,there is no one just like you.and what is it that makes you different from everyone else ?your imperfections ,if we were all perfect , we'd all be the same ,but we are all different because of the imperfections we have . Don't be ashamed of your imperfections like I'm too short ,too tall ,I'm not rich I'm not this I'm not that so what?your imperfections are what make you you! Don't use them as an Excuse not to improve.by all means do your best but accept your imperfections and limitations.and Learn to be happy with who and what you are, be you.
Self expression, which is the ability to communicate and demonstrate your feelings honestly, is an important factor in embarking on the journey of finding out who you really are. You can start finding who you are by listening to yourself, how you feel, and how you want to react to a situation. This can get you more in tune with your feelings and emotions, helping you begin to express yourself.
Emotions can be challenging and it can be hard for anyone to learn how to listen to and honor these feelings. You may also not know how to safely express your emotions. You may not have had a lot of experience in really tuning into to how you feel. It is common to stuff emotions away, to feel embarrassed or ashamed of emotions you may have, or hide your emotions completely.[3]For example, your friend forgets that you are supposed to hang out and doesn't show up or call you. It is okay to feel angry and upset about this situation. Acknowledge that your emotions of anger and sadness are valid and understandable. Do not belittle your feelings, even if she apologizes. You had a right to feel them and legitimize them.Getting closer to your emotions will get you more in touch with who you really are. The closer you feel to your authentic self, the less anxiety, depression, and overall dissatisfaction you may feel in your life in general.
Important to validate that. Get out your journal and start keeping a log of all the different feelings you had that day.For example, write things like, "Today at work my boss made me really angry." Validate that anger and write about why you were angry. Do this for all the emotions you feel each day. You may be surprised at the rich emotional landscape you actually have inside of you once you start paying attention.Humans are naturally emotional beings, and it is easy in a fast paced world to become disconnected from how you really feel.
Write down how you want to express yourself. To better express yourself emotionally every day, write down how you want to handle each situation. Then you can do practice runs of how you would like to act in certain situations. Using a boss or authority figure as an example again, start writing out exactly what you would like to say to then. Don't edit yourself and make it as raw and as graphic as you like.If you saw something that day that made you sad, such as someone in distress or a lost animal, write out your uncensored sadness in your journal. Also continue to notice how your body physically responds.
Express yourself safely. You need to figure out how to translate your emotions from their raw, unedited state into something productive that won't hurt others. Part of learning how to express your emotions is learning how to express them safely without hurting yourself or others. Use your journal to reframe your angry thoughts into sentences that express and validate how you feel, but won’t get you fired or in trouble.For example, instead of screaming at someone and telling them you hate them, use your journal to write down different ways of expressing this that won’t have negative consequences on your life. Write phrases in your journal such as, "When my boss does this, I feel angry." or "When my parents yell at me, I feel angry." You are giving yourself the power to feel your emotions without letting your emotions have power over you.This works for other emotions as well.
Put your plans into action. It is important to become comfortable with your emotions as not a black and white type of scenario. This will allow you to let your emotions to guide you in knowing when it is time to speak up, or when it is appropriate to express your emotions privately and move on.For example, employers can be very frustrating. However, you have to ask yourself in any given situation what the benefit will be to you. Will your boss hear you? Will your boss understand? Would it be healthier to express your anger at home, writing about it in your journal than to engage in confrontation? You want to make sure you are true to your emotions and act on the right form of expression.Most people haven’t been shown healthy examples of how to express emotions, and these basic emotional tools have been absent from our lives. Expressing emotions is an essential part of living an emotionally healthy life, setting boundaries in you relationships, feeling validated and getting your emotional needs met.
The complex array of emotions that you feel can be daunting, and it will take practice. If you are not used to expressing your emotions, you can look at this exercise almost like emotional weight training. At first, your emotional muscles may be sore, weak, and not used to being so rigorously used and paid attention to.Exploring your authentic self and learning to express you.
Sing. Singing is a great activity, even if you are not great at it. You can sing anywhere, such as in your car, in the shower, or in your living room. Leave any expectations of perceived talent or vocal mastery out of your mind and let your voice be heard. Tune in to that emotional place and sing songs that resonate with you.Sing songs that honor your feelings, such as sadness, loss, anger, love, and happiness. Allow yourself to be yourself through song.If singing is something that really makes you feel like you, you can take it out in the real world as well. Try karaoke or join a community singing group. Connect with music that makes you feel like you are expressing your life, your feelings, and yourself.
Dance. Sometimes, expressing yourself with physical movement can help free up your inner feelings and desires. Get comfortable in your own skin by moving around and dancing. Dance in the privacy of your own home, or go out to a dance club. Listen to music that fits your mood and that you enjoy.If you are angry, put on some music that reflects that anger and let your body move. Do the same thing is you feel happy, sad, or afraid. Try dancing to music that will help change your mood, such as dance to music that makes you feel empowered if you are afraid or to happy music if you are sad.Also try classes if you want to dance in a more structured environment. There are dance studios that offer programs for beginners that don’t require a huge time commitment. Take a beginner class in hip hop, jazz, or ballet class, as long as it fits you and your personality best.
Write creatively. A great way to express yourself is through writing. Write poetry or short stories using imagery based on your authentic feelings and life. Focus on how you feel and just write. Let go of any expectations of perfection or even showing your writing to anyone else. Expressing yourself creatively is about you and taking the time to learn about who you are and the intricate person inside you.Freeing yourself by writing can be extraordinarily illuminating and give you rich insights into thoughts and feelings you may not even be aware you had inside you.
Start collaging. Collaging is a fun craft that will allow you to express yourself. All you need are some old magazines or anything with images printed on it, some cardboard, and a glue stick. Find pictures that resonate with how you feel and what you want to express. Use words and headlines to accentuate the visual images.Don’t limit yourself to just cardboard. Collage the cover of your emotion journal or sketchbook. Decorate an old box, a folder, or anything you might have laying around that you want to express yourself on. Express how you feel politically, spiritually, globally, or make it personal to your life.
Try painting, drawing or sketching. Find ways to express yourself creatively that makes you happy. Try to paint, draw, or sketch if this is something you enjoy. Acrylic paints are inexpensive and can be used on just about any surface. Tune into colors and what emotions you feel they express.Get a sketch book that is unlined and try drawing or sketching, tuning in to how you feel inside. Many art schools and museums offer free drawing sessions if you want to start off in a more structured environment.Allow your inner self and inner emotions to guide you as you create. Taking time to sit and paint or draw can also be relaxing. Don’t judge your abilities. Expressing yourself creatively is not about becoming the next Leonardo Da Vinci, it’s about the act of creating. Learning to express yourself means learning to get to know yourself. Unleashing the creative side of yourself can be a surprising and fulfilling way to get a handle on who you really are inside.
It might be difficult at times, but if you learn to express yourself openly and honestly, it will feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. So often, we hide behind a halfhearted smile and nod instead of saying what we think. It takes practice, but learning to be authentic and open about what you are feeling or thinking is the first step. Once you get in the habit of making yourself heard without being overly accommodating or defensive, people will be more open to hearing you.
If you are struggling with being assertive, start taking small steps to stand up for yourself. Even just learning to walk more confidently—head held high, shoulders back—will help you appear and feel more confident. Channel that confidence when dealing with others. This attitude can apply to all areas of your life. Feeling annoyed at the person who cut in front of you at Starbucks? Politely ask them to move to the back. See an unfair charge on a bill from one of your service providers? Call and dispute it.
As you grow more confident in expressing yourself, you’re also going to have to learn to face those who want to override you. There will always be people whose personalities are set to attack mode. It’s important that you remain calm but assertive if you feel like someone is trying to bully you. Don’t allow yourself to get frazzled or react with low blows. Don’t cater to them or allow them to browbeat you either. Walk the high road but stand your ground.
Going with the flow for the purposes of not making waves actually creates more stress and anxiety for yourself. Of course,mustering the courage to face something or someone that is bothering you can feel scary. But facing the issue will empower you to make it better and diminishes the control it has over you. Remember, people can’t read your mind; if you don’t vocalize what is bothering you, no one will know.
Once you start getting the hang of what it means to stand up for yourself, it’s time to practice asking for what you want as often as possible. When someone says something you openly disagree with, or you feel pushed into doing something you don’t want to do, say something. Research shows that it takes 66 days to form a new habit, so stick with the new assertiveness for two months and you might be surprised by the results.
Here’s a situation that many of us have found ourselves in: sharing space with a messy co-worker or a roommate who is a slob. You might have remained silent while growing more aggravated at the situation. It might be tempting to slip into passive-aggressive behavior, such as angrily cleaning up the mess or making snide comments. Try being deliberate instead. Tell the person how you are feeling without being accusatory. Be straightforward with your concerns. Follow up with a simple suggestion that can correct the situation, such as: “If you can take a minute to tidy up your space at night, it would be a big help.”
Time is a precious and limited commodity, and yet we often feel pressured to give it away when we have the ability to say no. There are times when you might not have a choice, such as when your boss says a project has high priority. But don’t let obligations dictate how you spend the hours of your day. You are in control of your own time. Push back when it’s appropriate, or tactfully disengage from those people or situations that submerge your schedule.
Learning to stand up for yourself won’t happen overnight. It takes time to grow comfortable with being assertive. While you are in the learning stage, it might help to imagine that you are an actor learning to play a new role. Imagine that you are the most assertive person you know. How would they handle themselves in a difficult situation? There might be times when you swing from being overly zealous to being too indecisive. Learning to stand up for yourself is like riding a bike: Eventually you will find the right balance.