Facing What We Cannot Face
Janet E. Fichter
Copyright 2021 by Janet E. Fichter
![Photo of old man's hands.](annegpic.jpg) |
is powerful!
Too often, we refuse
to explore more intangible realms of knowledge. Mindsets that
keep heads buried in the sand entrench us. But, like a hovering and
persistent cloud that hinders the view of a glorious sunrise,
revelation of knowledge brings enlightenment. Knowing that your
journal accepts work from many voices, I submit the attached article
which compares the hesitancy to believe in climate change to the
resistance to belief in the spiritual realm. By explaining various
coping behaviors and mindsets that hinder faith, I encourage readers
to use the principles of scientific investigation to courageously
investigate a life of faith and the unseen realm of God’s
temperatures world-wide…
more extreme droughts...
severity of tropical storms...
to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), these weather
conditions, experienced globally, are signs of climate
change.[1] Most
recently, Americans have experienced the extremes of devastating
fires fueled by prolonged heat waves and drought[2],
flooding in atypical places like Nashville[3],
and ice storms in Texas[4].
weather changes threaten the routines of life with increasingly
challenging consequences. Yet, many refuse to acknowledge the
phenomenon of climate change. It seems the reality is too difficult
to reconcile with our status quo preferences.
Scientists present factual data and urge us to modify our thinking.
But the idea of having to alter our way of life seems impossible to
confront. Because we can’t see the actual changes taking place
right in front of us, we close our ears to the warnings and ignore
the caution signposts.
hard-to-understand situations or circumstances that ask for change is
difficult. Choosing to curl up in a comforting blanket of
seems to be the easier course. Similar to the ostrich, we bury our
heads in the sand, believing all will be well if we simply avoid the
call that a change in belief is needed. This hesitancy to face
what we cannot easily face is a powerful human
Like the climatologist who shakes his/her head at the chosen
ignorance of some, I find myself baffled by the strength of the
coping mechanism of denial.
more important than the rejection of the existence of climate change
is another denial: the dismissal of the existence of the spiritual
realm of God’s kingdom. Even more dangerous is the choice
to bury heads in the sand about the existence of a sphere where
Creator God dwells—a realm that envelops far more than the
natural domain can contain. As with science, when a concept can’t
be seen, it is hard to believe. It’s easier
focus on the tangible, so we don’t consider the possibility
that something intangible can provide great revelation and insight.
Remaining entrenched in a coping pattern of denial, however, is like
trudging through a muddy bog when a paved path lies parallel to it.
Yet we trudge on because we don’t want to deal with what makes
us uncomfortable, even though the path we’ve selected is much
harder to traverse.
When we
resist the issues we feel incapable of facing, there is more than
just resistance at work. Hesitancy evolves into denial, and denial
gives power to unbelief. Unbelief invites a multitude of conclusions
that influence mindsets. We don’t want to trust anything we
can’t fully comprehend. We struggle to reconcile why hardship
invades the good life we long for, and perhaps feel entitled to. We
harden our hearts to the invitation to change lifestyles and habits.
The muddy bog thickens and we are stuck.
essay addresses the human difficulty of facing what
is hard to face with
regard to our
spiritual condition. The analogy to climate change is
intended to
provide an example of the danger of denial. As with science, when we
step out with courage to investigate what seems unfathomable, we
discover a new frontier. In the case of
this article, the
frontier you are invited to discover is the spiritual realm of God’s
heavenly kingdom.
Bible addresses this phenomenon of avoidance. While many who read
this article may not regularly consult Scripture, it is noteworthy to
mention a few verses and ask for open-minded consideration. Some of
the passages compare the unbelief to and intentional closing of eyes
or a purposeful plugging of ears (see Matthew 13:13, Isaiah 6:9-10,
Acts 28:25-27). Additionally, the book of Romans tells us the
existence of God is evident to all, but suppressed by choice.
For the
wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in
unrighteousness, because that which is known about
God is
evident within them; for God made it evident to
them. For since
the creation of the world, His invisible attributes, His eternal
power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being
understood through what has been made, so that they are without
excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him
God or give thanks, but they became futile in their
speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing
to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the
incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of
birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. (Romans
1:18-23, NASB1995).
who believe in Almighty God, however, eagerly embrace the powerful
realities of the existence of the heavenly kingdom. Far too numerous
to include here would be Biblical passages that illuminate this
spiritual realm. Although it may not be tangibly visible, the
transcendence of the supernatural into the natural is the strongest
certainty we have in this fallen and fallible world.
The two
realms have always existed and interacted. The Bible invites us to
the realization that the spiritual continually encounters the
natural, and God’s goodness and righteousness confronts the
finite earthly domain of existence with grace and truth. Psalms
85:9-12 celebrates this transcendence,
Surely His
salvation is near to those who fear Him that glory
dwell in our land. Lovingkindness
and truth have met
together; Righteousness and peace have kissed each
other. Truth springs from the earth, and
looks down from heaven.
Indeed, the Lord will give
what is good, and our land will yield its produce.
So, why
do many struggle to believe the existence of the spiritual realm
where relationship with God is offered? According to
Scripture, there
is an unseen veil (or covering) that shields understanding (see
2 Corinthians 3:14-16). This veil is
similar to a curtain
that hides a Broadway stage prior to a powerful performance, or a
sheet that covers a masterpiece work of art before the moment of its
showing. The anticipated revelation has yet to occur. Like a hovering
and persistent cloud that hinders the view of a glorious sunrise,
this veil shields insight and understanding until a choice to open
the door of one’s heart is made.
Corinthians 4:3-5 explains the veil further,
even if our gospel is veiled, it is
veiled to those
who are perishing, in whose case the god
of this world
has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they
not see the light of the gospel of the glory of
Christ, who
is the image of God. For we do not preach
but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your
bond-servants for
Jesus’ sake.
good news is that, like dissipating clouds, the veil can be removed;
and what lies behind it is the radiance and brilliance of God’s
goodness. This realm beyond the veil opens the moment a person yields
their life to Jesus Christ, seeking forgiveness for their sins and
desiring a relationship with Jesus. Amazingly, everyone has access to
know God in a deep and personal way, for Christ was sent to remove
the veil and to impart the needed revelation. Jesus came to help
humanity understand the nature of our Creator, imparting a clear
message of a personal salvation available to all who will accept it.
When an individual yields their human tendency to resist and chooses
to seek to know Jesus, incredible insight about the spiritual realm
of existence occurs. (NOTE:
to read about a
few lives completely transformed by their decision, see this footnote
article from Pure Flix Insider.[5])
humanity’s side of the veil (the natural realm), we wrestle
with the ills of a fallen world. Difficulties and confusions abound.
But because human nature tends to rely on our own strength and
resilience, we fear the vulnerability that relationship with God
requires. We seek to be in control of our own circumstances and the
idea of yielding our choices and ways of thinking to God conjures up
images of losing our freedom. For many, it means facing personal
frailties and weaknesses.
cope with this fear of vulnerability, some choose to embrace
alternative ideologies. Philosophies like humanism,
existentialism or nihilism are examples (see definitions and
references at the end of this article). These beliefs support
ambiguous explanation of hard-to-understand issues, but help make
sense of life’s difficulties. Many hold a fatalistic attitude,
(i.e., whatever is going to happen will happen, and
nothing I can do about it). This mindset keeps us locked in a
prison of fear, preventing us from facing what we don’t want to
face—that God exists within and beyond the natural realm.
belief in the concept of relative truth is
a related
mindset. Many who embrace this viewpoint contend there is no
absolute truth to guide humanity through moral decisions or matters
of eternity. Rather, each one defines his/her truth. Like a rat in a
maze, those who espouse this belief are lost in a complicated
oxymoron, relative truth. If
fallible individuals
determine their own truth, how can it be called truth at
all? As long as truth and morality can be labeled as ambiguous, then
we don’t have to wrestle with absolutes. And we stay stuck in
the wayward maze of unbelief.
humanistic philosophies is a popular lure for an “open”
worldview, but in the elevation of ambiguity, the exploration of
God’s kingdom is avoided. Sadly, many find these ideologies
preferable to considering the possibility of a realm where absolute
truth and unfathomable grace bring a distinct hope to humanity.
idea of a personal relationship with our Creator might conjure up a
fear of what could be asked of us. Will the relationship
demand a
sacrifice we don’t feel capable of making? Will we have to give
up personal choices and behaviors that bring us pleasure? Will we
have to reprioritize our values? Will the change in mindset have an
effect on what we find comfortable or routine? While these questions
are understandable, one additional inquiry must also be considered:
what new and wonderful insights will we miss out on if we choose to
turn away from a personal relationship with God? I contend that
pondering this last question will ignite a desire to investigate the
spiritual realm.
those who take the risk and seek understanding, God’s perfect
love casts out all fear (see 1 John 4:18). Like the principles of
science, we have an “if, then” situation. One occurrence,
the choice to seek relationship with Jesus Christ, causes a
consequential occurrence, the revelation of God’s nature. As in
so many issues of life, when comprehension takes hold, fear
as inquiry is a worthwhile process for scientific discovery, it is a
critical process for spiritual discovery. Letting go
of fear
and seeking relationship with God inspires a journey that far
surpasses any scientific discovery. When a person comes to Jesus with
a heartfelt cry of repentance and a plea for rescue from evil, the
veil is removed and entrance to the spiritual realm is opened.
As in
life, when we allow ourselves to explore the more ambiguous spaces of
creativity, we discover the intangible and artistic in a more
thoughtful manner. When we let a beautiful piece of art impart an
imaginary world of beauty, or when we allow peaceful relaxation to
envelop us while listening to the serenity of our favorite style of
music, we are transported to a more abstract place. The
concrete opens up what once was indistinct or vague. And what we
discover brings enlightened wonder. Our mindsets are transformed by
the invitation of exploration. So it is with the spiritual
realm of God’s presence. Once we allow ourselves to explore it,
unimaginable discovery occurs!
with any scientific investigation, there may need to be a progression
or step-by-step analysis as learning occurs. For
one who isn’t certain about climate change may still choose to
recycle or conserve energy by joining a carpool. These are positive
lifestyle changes that feel doable, and participating in such efforts
might open one’s mind to the possibility of a need for better
stewardship of the Earth. Similarly, opening one’s heart to
seek relationship with Jesus may involve small steps at first: having
a discussion with a trusted Christian friend, reading some passages
from the Bible, taking the risk to utter a prayer. The revelation,
insight and understanding received from these steps make the
exploration worthwhile. The hard questions and difficult-to-face
issues of life fall into a proper perspective when a person seeks
understanding of God’s kingdom realm.
like denying the existence of the natural phenomenon of climate
change, some choose to turn their backs on the most enlightened
understanding of all. And, like the climatologist who marvels when
others choose to live in denial about climate change, those who know
Jesus wonder why anyone would choose otherwise.
I have
purposefully used the analogy of climate change in this essay to make
a comfortable comparison. Certainly, there are diverse camps of
belief about climate change, and some of what is presented
as science can be debated. Debate
informs inquiry,
however, so we shouldn’t shy away from it. Like any science,
exploration and analysis are worthy processes in forming beliefs.
Though we hold tightly to our right to make decisions about issues of
our day, a decision must eventually be made. The
issue of
climate change isn’t going away, but neither is the issue of
the condition of the soul.
media has recently called attention to a young, Swedish eighteen year
old named Greta Thunberg who makes an impassioned plea about climate
change. On behalf of future generations, Miss Thunberg urges us to
stop denying the existence of climate change and to modify our
this young activist, I, too, urge readers to stop denying the
goodness and grace of God that is free for the asking. Be brave
enough to face what you cannot face, or what you are afraid of
confronting. Take that risk to seek Jesus. Knowing Christ will impart
a powerful hope for humanity in this fallen and frail natural realm.
A relationship with Christ softens hardened hearts, heals hurting
souls, and opens blind eyes. The assurances and insight that lie
behind the veil in the spiritual realm are yours for the asking.
If you seek to face what you cannot face in
your own strength, I
offer my support and my prayers. Please contact me if you want to
understand the spiritual realm and God’s plan for redemption in
Jesus Christ. For further exploration about the veil that
hinders spiritual sight, read my book, The Ministry
of the
Unveiled Face.
philosophies embraced on this side of the veil:
1. Existentialism is
the belief that through a combination of awareness, free will, and
personal responsibility, one can construct their own meaning within a
world that intrinsically has none of its own.
2. Nihilism is
the belief that not only is there no intrinsic meaning in the
universe, but that it is pointless to try to construct our own as a
3. Absurdism is
the belief that a search for meaning is inherently in conflict with
the actual lack of meaning, but that one should both accept this and
simultaneously rebel against it by embracing what life has to
4. Humanism is
a democratic and ethical life stance which affirms that human beings
have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their
own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society
through an ethics based on human and other natural values in a spirit
of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities. It is not
theistic, and it does not accept supernatural views of reality.[8]
I am a
writer who seeks to inspire readers to take a
balcony view of life's events to gain a broader, more spiritual
perspective. My first book, The Ministry of the Unveiled Face
(Ambassador, International) is scheduled to be released, Fall,
My blog https://atjesusfeet.com contains
both non-fiction and poetry pieces. Additionally, my writing
has appeared in literary journals and story/poetry anthologies.
Having a long career as a public education teacher and coach, I am
now retired and pursuing my passion for writing as an avenue to
broaden perspective.
author's name
the subject
of the message
won't know where to send it.)
Preservation Foundation, Inc., A Nonprofit Book Publisher