Some Secret SocietyJanaan.Dy © Copyright 2021 by Janaan.Dy ![]() |
![]() Photo by Lachlan Ross from Pexels |
I wanted, as a kid, was go out, meet friends, play games or dramas
and watch TV.
Babanmu wanted, was for us to get educated. So all I wanted as a kid,
was crossed and replaced with Karatu. He’d say “Karatu
baya kashe mutum, kuyi karatu kamar zaaku mutu.” (Reading
doesn’t kill a person. Read as if you are going to die) And I
really felt like I would die
school fees was never paid per term, or per year, it was always three
or six or twelve years in advance. It was like every time he got
money, all he thought of was how to spend it on us and our education.
We were more than a dozen, in the best school there was. He would
always say, if he were to die at any moment, our education won’t
abruptly stop because no one could send us home for not paying school
fees. A king
that was all I wanted. To be sent home or sent out of class. And
whenever the names of those owning the school some money were called
out, I stare at them in admiration the way a kid admires an ice
cream. Then they get sent out of classes and have the chance to play
various games, under the tree or any shade. They were literally
living my dream life. And I’d never experienced what it was
like, because everyone knew how our fees were paid in advance, so I
don’t think I’d ever attempted joining the kids outside.
I can only watch from afar.
think that was the end of my dilemma. Lol . Immediately we are
brought home, we eat and start getting ready for another set of
class was built for us at home, our Malam was given a house to stay
with his family, just a walking distance from our house, and was also
made the Imam of our Masjid, basically meaning, after praying Asr, he
won’t forget to come and teach us Quran. Then, when his daily
activities sometimes delayed him, a bike was bought for him.
his affairs, making mine more difficult because that meant, I can’t
enjoy the 10 or 20 minutes delay, his activities blessed me with.
Asr, we have two hours of Quranic classes, when it’s over,
within minutes, it’s Magrib, we eat, then pray Isha, then
another Malam would come for fiqh, Arabic, and other classes.
I cry while going to classes? Maybe. But I definitely nagged and
complained and hide and dragged my legs and play sick and use
whatever medium I could, to avoid anything that constituted learning.
the TVs in the house had been confiscated, only one was left, where
whatever we watch, can be monitored. Initially, we had Nilesat
(dish), but Babanmu, even though he controlled the channels we
watched, from his room, found it distracting because we kept sending
the young kid, to urge him to change to channel 2. MBC 2.
wasn’t any other MBC then. It was only the normal MBC, or MBC
2, which we called “channel 2”. Sometimes, I’m the
kid that’s sent. Honestly, no one needs to send me even. I can
go and shout “Baba a chanza channel 2” till it’s
changed, or I get sent away.
of my unforgettable days came when Babanmu disconnected the NileSat
from our TV, living us with only NTA and the local TV station, BRTV.
I died. How would I go from watching white people, to black people? I
was all over the house. “My channel twooooooo”
said, all we see on TV, is merely a product of imaginations. And that
when we sleep, we can imagine those things and dream of them. That We
need not to watch them. But all I dreamt as a kid, was outrunning my
brother, the best runner in my house. Because whenever we play
running games of any type, he came first and I admired him so much
because as a sick child, I wasn’t allowed to participate in
such games
screen life changed. I went from watching turawa programs, to waiting
for Tuesdays and Thursdays, when ‘This life’ and ‘Super
story’ were aired on NTA. The local station was useless to me.
They only aired’Tom and Jerry’ cartoons, in the morning
at exactly the time I’m getting ready for school. I only get to
watch it during weekends. The rest of their programs were urrrrg
the beginning of every week, I anticipated the coming of Thursday.
The week of the Islamic school I went, ended on Thursdays.
At 8pm, there would be Super storyyyyy
was my Friday.
then, I don’t know how, the Malam that comes after Isha, comes
at the time for Super Story. It was devastating. I missed so many
episodes and immediately we say the closing prayer, I run back to
catch the “Next time, on super story” part. How much I
envied those who at school, say they go to normal Islamiyyas and have
Thursdays and Fridays off.
never had a single day off and even on weekends, our Quran Malam
would come either after Subh, or after breakfast and sometimes both.
Then we have another extra lesson teacher, during holidays. Not
always though. Sometimes, we are given a break from that.
house was referred to as “gidan karatu”. Our mothers had
their Malama, our father at the end of the day had his own classes in
his Parlour. Even though I haven’t read all, I learned of
Ahalari, Ashmawi, Iziyyah, Risalah, from the way he’d
repeatedly talked about them, in that sequence. Then us the kids?
Haaaa. I felt like I was just immersed in an ocean of Karatu. We had
files and drawers in his room, filled with our termly report cards
and school related things.
always thought my house was the only one doing that, till one of my
seat mate, complained to me how she had no time of her own because
all she did was read, at school or at home. And when she complained
to her siblings, she was told “ai kukan daadi kike yi”
because she was the last child and they’d went through more
classes then she did at that age.
was like finding a soul sister. She became my super story recap. She
wasn’t allowed to watch any other station too but she had
breaks on Thursdays. We’d compete over haddas, argue about our
tribes, share what we’d like to be when we grow up and sing the
super story songs of every new super story. I miss her.
one of my sisters had the chance to visit one of her class mates. She
came home and told us they also have a class built in their house.
Just learning someone else is going through what you are going
through, comes as a relief even when that doesn’t lessen yours.
It meant you ain’t alone
kids, there were times we shared secrets. You tell one person your
secret, they tell you theirs, you both make promises to never share
it with anyone else. Minutes after that bond of secrecy, you both
find other parties to share the secrets you were entrusted with,
urging them to not share it with anyone else, because it was a secret
given to you too .
“secret” keeps circulating as secret even when everyone
knows about it, except the real owner of the secret.
one afternoon, we sat with one of my brother and someone who visits
us during holidays, and shared our secrets.
went first.
secret wish was that, I’d like our Quran Malam to just die. I
didn’t think about his family or anything. I was just thinking
about the little break I’ll have, till another Malam is found.
brother’s secret was for the malam to get into another accident
with his bike. Weeks prior to when we had that our little secret
society, the said malam had gotten into an accident. I can remember
when one of my brothers ran and told me, the first thing that came to
my mind was to ask wether there would be a class that day or not. We
were given a break for less than a week, till he felt better. So, I
totally relate to my brother’s secret wish. Besides, mine was
only a pro Max version of his.
third person, who was only visiting and much older than us, had a
secret wish also. There was an old woman, who whenever he comes, she
scolds him and tries to stop him from physically bullying us. So she
was his enemy. And I can’t remember what he had wanted to
happen to her, but it was something bad. He couldn’t relate to
our disdain over our Malam, and we couldn’t relate to his
disdain towards the woman. We all buried our secret wishes there.
did we???
was moving normal. We had the normal day routine, Malam came, we were
sent away to class while we found various reasons to delay going.
might be searching for the other pair of my shoe, or my veil, or
something but I went to class late. Immediately I stepped in, I knew
something was wrong. All eyes turned and feasted on me. At first, I
thought it was because I went more late than my usual late, but the
anger on Malam’s face, and the look on my sibling faces, said
my offense was more grave than just being late. I froze for some
seconds before I was alerted by the thunderous voice of Malam, to
knowing what I did to warrant such harshness was terrifying but it
all made sense when I learnt, between hush whispers, said at moments
when malam’s attention was on someone else, that everyone was
told of my secret wish. Including Malam. Guy snitched on us!
sure my heart went from beating lub-dub, to du-du-dub! Du-du-dub!!!
That super story dramatic drum beat 🥁 before they go “This
is super storyyyyy ”
wasn’t Thursday, but my life was the super story episode of
that day
he went to the class early, and spilled everything. Everything we
said, and probably added more. Then, I understood what that father in
‘This life’, had been telling his son, at the beginning
of every episode.
convinced his son to jump from the rooftop, that he’ll catch
him, when the child jumped, he refused to catch him. And when the
child started crying, he told him “NEVER TRUST ANY BODY! EVEN
mastered that scene but never implemented it in my life. I thought it
was just a scene.
knowing what I DID to warrant such harshness was MORE terrifying.
Mine was worse because At least, what my brother wanted to befall
Malam, was only a repetition of what had once befallen him.
how grave that was?But it was a secret I thought would never get out
because we’ve all shared a secret we wouldn’t want to be
out, and exposing one, meant exposing all. Exposing all, we did. But
that didn’t change how abominable mine was
can’t remember what happened during the rest of the class
because everything became foggy . Whether at the end if the class,
Malam lamented how disappointed and angry he was, issued out threats
of reporting us to Babanmu and leaving the work, or it was my
siblings who after the class, had meetings on our heads, telling us
what Malam had said before I went, how terrible what we said was, and
the consequences when Babanmu gets to learn about it.
way, if my anxiety was a bar, it was filled. 100%. I wished malam had
just punished me instead of submitting my case to Babanmu.
would he do? How would he react? With which cane would I be beaten?
Who will save me? Where would I hide?
don’t know what went on in my brother’s mind, my fellow
secret society member, but I remember following him everywhere he
went, including the Masjid. Even when we weren’t allowed to go
out, I’d still follow him, find a place to hide and wait for
the prayers to end so we can walk back and remain in the house
together. Desperate times they say
night, it was worse because I and my other sister, being asthmatic,
were the only ones whose sleeping room, was at the side of Babanmu.
He made our room close to his, so that whenever one of us had an
attack, or even coughs at night, he’d be there with medications
. Maybe he never slept, or did only a little. Honestly, once you
become a parent, and a devoted one at that, you’ve lost your
life. All you live for, is your kids and your aakirah. And
ironically, you’ve found your life
for two days or more, after I’ve been found guilty of attempted
murder (verbally)and sentenced to days of suspense and anxiety, I
behaved myself, did whatever I was told to, avoided fighting with
anyone, didn’t do whatever I was told not to, got ready for
school early, attended classes early. I legit wore the best of my
characters and avoided anything that’ll make me encounter the
presence of Babanmu
is back? Oh! What a perfect time for me to read my surah out loud, or
do my assignment.
night, when everyone goes to their rooms, and I had to go to ours,
which was close to our fathers, I made sure I had no asthmatic
attack, or let any coughing escape. I never gamble
wasn’t beaten for that offense. I don’t even know whether
Babanmu ever learned of it, or the merciful Lord had given Malam a
change of heart . I don’t think he’d also punished me.
sometimes, the silence of not being punished for something you’ve
done, is more hurtful than being punished right away. It was a
painful suspense. You never know when to expect what. And not being
punished for an offense, is enough of a warning, to never repeat it
because you definitely won’t get as lucky the next time.