Childhood Memories
Gracie Bargo Harmon
© Copyright 2003 by Gracie Bargo Harmon |
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For all the days and all the nights that when i was a child would i had ever thought of how my life would turn out, sure when were young we think of proms, boyfreinds, our first dates or just hagging out with our freinds, or even thinking were in love but come to find out its just that little thing called puppy love, but to hear us we all were in love more than once, and then when we get older in our teens we sometime meet our real first love and think the world set and shines in them, until that relationship falls also, But really know that we are all growed up do we really set and think about those days, even the day when we got our first kiss and went with a smile and glow on our face for days, scared to tell our mothers about the kiss scared she would kill us for that,
I am twenty five know married first at fifthteen and stayed in the marriege for nine years had a beatiful son in the marriege but after nine long years the marriege failed i went my way with my son and he went his way, when somthing like that happens all of the memories that we had with our boyfreinds when we were kids seem like they all come back to us and again at that time we fill like a failer again, knowing deep down it wasn't our falt the marriege didn't work out but we feel as if we have to point our finger at our selves,
After nine years anyway me and my son left and went to florida and there i meet a man that was wonderful but in my heart i was scared of falling in love again i thought all men was crul and mean hearted until this man showed me that they wasn't and i desereved to be happy and that all men wasn't mean that they are good ones out there we just have to gain that trust back, and i did. I feel in love with him, he was wonderful in all ways he treated my son with all the respect that well a daddy could give, my son looked up to him, after a time had passed i again married. This marriege was different i had love that i had never felt before i had the trust that every woman should have in a marriege,.
Well i was pregnet with child two we all was so happy, after all i always wanted another child we found out it was a boy and talking about one happy brother my son was our life had turned out to be what we wanted it to be, my son had a daddy and i had a real husband someone that we new would love and take care of us, when i turned six months pregent we moved to kentucky my homeland, there we stayed with my parents tell we got our on place, we were so happy of having each other.
Janurary rolls around and here came my little angel, seven pounds fourteen ounce basby boy, and to me all my dreams had been fullfilded, Just having my second child with a man i truly loved made our lives brighter. Sure i still look at my past my child hood dreams all the boys i thought i loved as a teenager, I set and laugh from time to time thinking of all the mean things me and my sisters had done our even with my freinds, i would ground my boys for a year if they even tryed to do the things i done as a child growing up, our childeren seems to change our lives they turn us in the right derection and we find our selves being mommys something we really never thought of when we was growing up, we set and think of all the bad times we gave our parents and i often feel bad at my self when i think of how or even how i talked to my mother when i was young.
Well its been a year know that i have been married my son is now five months old and my another one is nine years old, i have a wonderful family my childeren are my life without them i couldn't live life they give me the sunshine i need each day there smiles and laughter i would take nothing for, when the sky is gray they still make me have sunshine, my husband on another hand he is the greatest he was sent like a angel in my life a time when i really needed someone so bad and he came to me, know i look to life as different as before just because i know now they are life out there they are someone out there that does care no matter what we go through in life they are always someone out there that is loving that does care, and now i look at my life as great after all the rough times i had getting to where i am today i can look back and say it was worth every mile i took, because i got myself to were i am today with my two sons and my husband that i care so much for.
But the memories goes right back to the times when i was
little and thinking i was all grown up, thinking i new it all even thow
i was told so by my parents i had to find out on my own, if i new what
i did no now i would had lession to my parents when they tried to talk
to me or even counsel me of my wrong doings, but that is the past now and
what i have now i am happy of, so next time when your parens try to give
there advice lession to them because after all they done lived the life
was are about to live.
The Sunset
Gracie Bargo Harmon
© Copyright
2003 by Gracie Bargo Harmon
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Living in Florida at first was scary leaving a place were I grew up at and coming into a town to were I had never been before, when I first got here they were no mountains and all was different, My husband kelp telling me what a pretty place it was and walking down to the beach and watching the suneset over the Gulf of Mexico was like a dream, that it almost looked like the sun was setting down in the water when it went down , The day here he took me around showed me the beach, and oh was it so different than the mountains it seemed like water was all around me and it was but beatiful it was, but the only thing I wanted to see was the sun set out over the gulf, now this was my first time of seeing anything like this I never left the mountains, so seeing this much water with no land around it was supprising to my eyes , it was almost breath taking, and to my eight year old he him self had never seen anything like it also he ran on the beach and I watched him from a distance his hair was blowing from the wind, he had his pants rolled up to his knees and a smile was on his face that I had never seen before and from that moment I new all was going to be great, sure it was scary to us both not knowing anyone not knowing about the place was enough to scare any one, bt we took day by day as it was gave to us and we found new things that we liked more and more everyday,
But the second day we was there I wanted to see this sun set that I had heard so much about so bad,,, the only sun set I had ever seen was the sun coming up over the mountains and setting down between the trees in Harlan County you never got to really see it you just seen the raise that it put out between the trees, That evening came we went down to the beach and sat the sun was so bright it was like a bright light at the end of a howl, it almost hurt your eyes to look at it but the sky around it was the most beatiful thing it almost looked purpule, The sun had got close to the water and it did look like it was melting right into the it but at that moment it closer down they was a sail boat that went threw it and it was like a drawing you see of the ocean and a sail boat I had only seen something like this in a book or a picture but the longer I set there and watched the sun slowly fade away into the night, I that every word my husband had told me was true, and if you stand infront of the sun as its setting and take a picture it looks almost like your holding it in the palms of your hand,
To me seeing a new place was scary but they are more life
out there than I have seen we just got to get out, sure I miss the mountains
that's my home but so is Floirda now.
Answers Of Angels
Gracie and Eddie
© Copyright
2003 by Gracie and Eddie Harmon
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It was the month of August the sniper was on the lose he had already shot
seven people, chat rooms were
full of peopletalking and concerned about where he would
be next, I go into chat room news august the fifthteenth at nine
forty five by the name hope angel eyes, when all of a sudden I see this
person going by the name of Sunday rain holler at me
and says " hey angel are you ready to fly because I know you have the wings"
I took it as a smart remark, a few min.s later this guy instant messages
me and wants to talk, now I am going threw a bad marriage at the
time and I know if my husband sees me talking to a guy I know he will be
mad so I block him off, and ignore him, days go by when every time I get
on I have this guy hollering at me but the words he would say was getting
to were I could know longer ignore him so I start chatting back with him,
at this time in my life I needed someone just to talk to or more
like just be a friend that would stand by me threw my problems I was having
in this marriage I was in.
So days go on and every time
I would get on the Internet me and this guy would talk I started opening
up to him of what I was going threw at home and to me doing that with any
one was strange because I wanted to keep it all bundled up inside me, but
this man gave me answers to all my problems and it felt good to have someone
there that could give me answers to were I needed them, seems like I was
growing more closer to him by just the words that he was sending me, I
seen that this man had a good heart and so caring he was, at this point
neither of us had seen pictures of each other he lived in Florida and I
lived in Harlan County, so I decided I would send him a picture of me now
at this time I had been sneaking and talking to this man at least
two weeks but I felt so opened to him and I was, here I am getting
a picture of me ready to send him I push the button send, I am setting
in the chair thinking what am I doing sending a picture of
my self to a man that I don't really even know, he receives the picture
in his mail box opens it up and the replies back at me I have butterflies
in my stomach of what he thought about me, and his reply back at me was,
" you look like a angel" just all the words this man said to me was like
it was meant to be for us to meet the way we did, Everyday was getting
more and more interesting the words we spoke to each other were reaching
our hearts and we were helping each other, but for me he was really showing
me that there was more to life than staying home in a closed up room
and having a husband that just didn't care, in a months time we were getting
really close sharing our thoughts with each other laughing and showing
love, we both seen what was happening we were falling in love with
each other but I didn't want to believe it I was scared of the word love
from the marriage I was in, and he taught me not to be scared that all
men weren't that way he really started showing me love and I felt it even
though we were so many miles apart it felt like he was there in the
same room with me telling me about his life, about his daughter and his
grand children, and before long here I am calling him, I would catch my
gone and he would buy me calling cards to call him, and
by the first month was over with I had talked to his mother, brother,
daughter, and his granddaughter., I was getting so close
to him a day went by that I didn't call him and I was feeling so down,
Starting the second month of
us talking we are getting more and more involved in each other were telling
each other everything like we had new each other a life time, he was helping
me with the way I felt about my self, I was taking what my husband was
doing to me and my son and keeping all that in me and by the time September
is here I notice that this man was helping me more than just one
way, he had guided me out of a way that I had built up in my self by the
way of feeling inter heart a special way chosen by him by saying
you don't have to use just your heart use what's in side your heart that's
were your true feelings come from, and he was bringing this trueness out
of me that I didn't even know I had, he came to teach me the new way of
living without all the pain that I had put on my self because of someone
else I rather not even talk about, he always told me there was always a
way out, but I needed to find it with in my self and maybe he was
that angel on my shoulder teaching me the way, showing me the way,
the right way, once he taught me I could take away the hurt any time I
wanted to, all I had to do was go back threw the words that he had spoken
to me and seemed like all the hurt would go away, the second month was
almost over with and he was always in the back ground when ever I needed
him,, when one night I tried to get him into my home town chat which he
new nothing
of, trying to direct him into the room turned out to
be fun he couldn't find it, but after all it turned out to be fun, so we
decided to talk by instant massager because it was much
easer, in the last of the second month I decided to tell my niece about
him so I did and with her she thought it was great, she
even got to the point were when I would call him she would have to talk
as well, she seen nothing wrong with me talking to him, she seen that he
was opening me up to where I was feeling better about my self and
my life, each night we would talk on the internet till late in the morning
and times my husband would walk in the room I would push x to let him know
that my husband was in the room not to type back to me and he wouldn't,
nights was so much better laughing and having that internet friend that
I needed so bad, just to know that I had someone there to talk to and open
my feelings and my heart up to made my days go so great with him it felt
like I could face any problem that life threw at me, I felt safe and secured
with him didn't have a worry in the world as long as I new that he would
be there when I got on the computer was all I ever worried about and he
was each time I gave a holler he was there to answer me, and he is the
only person I have ever seen that could give me a answer to each of my
questions and be right about the answers he gave me, my love for this man
was growing each minute that I had with him either on the phone or
on the internet, that love was there at all hours threw out the day, and
the next day the same love was there but a little bit stronger than the
day before it was starting to scare me I really never had this feeling
that I had with this man with any one not even my husband, the bond
was so strong between us, when the end of the second month of talking to
him came I felt like a angel and I new at this point in my life that this
man was also my angel. Some one I could trust and believe in not only as
a friend but as a soul mate as well, Yes all is true as she is telling
I am her trust, her best friend, of all her soul mate for life. Three months
ago this change in my life
came by way of faith, belief, and a true feeling that
I could make the most wonderful thing happen to this woman by teaching
her a different way of looking at herself instead of being withdrawn from
a world she had and was so close to all but giving up on I was not going
to let this happen, I was going to be that chosen angel in her life, I
was by her side in feelings of need and I was her guide to her heart by
spirit and by faith to open up and not hide what can hurt you, fear is
no where but within your self stand in front of
it and you have it made, I opened up a part of her being she had
kept shut inside and didn't know how to lift away that hurt not caused
by her, but by the lack of care needed and not given when so,
This meeting between our hearts
and our souls will last forever I am that chosen angel for her in spirit.
She attends church and feels spirit of life as she has mine, we did meet
in a god sense way and for a purpose that only our hearts and souls know,
or I wouldn't have come to know her as I do. He had told me that there
is so much more to life then just getting up and throwing your whole
life away, just ask your inter heart and it will give you your answer to
anything you ask and I was the one that had taught her that way of thought
that she had buried in her self and wouldn't let go to come out and
say this is the real me I have lifted her self esteem up and told her that
this is the most important quality of your life that keeps you from
sickness makes you healthy and the most of all happy.
This is how
I was bought up to believe that once this is stripped away from your heart
that true sense of your self and spirit just disappears. This must have
been my job to do , to keep this from happening from this special person
or at least try to stop this because know one should have there self worth
put down because someone told you to be that way, that choice is your own
and know one else's and that your guide is your faith in God and
the angels that do his work for him, I found this out a long time back
with my younger brother we had found out that our father was to sick to
bare the weather change and the doctors said it would be best if he moved
to the south were the climate was better suitable for his health.
Well unfortunately my father died leaving mom and brother on there own,
in my heart I knew I had to be there with them and that's when I became
my brothers role model, an angel on his shoulder and today he has a great
career and is doing fine I had kept him from going down the wrong road
of trouble drugs and everything else in his way growing up, today I have
a daughter I raised my self she is a fine mother of three and a angels
work always goes on as if its coming from your heart to do so faith will
take over as your guide for I feel a special ones cry for answers she cant
find she knows my gift to make better as her angel to help her in need
to always be there I guess my path threw life will be an angel of faith
,trust and well to help those you truly love to feel the real life in them
selves from my gift of word to know you put them special words into someone's
heart that you come to love for that life's a highway and I am her guide,
of pure untouched feelings for one another in a way that cant be explained
by either of us and to this day we are both in awe, and wonder why this
has come about for our two lives meeting each other, There are angels among
us what else could it be, we have taught
each other that there is so much in life out there and
that there is a real world that I taught her how to find threw
inter heart, I taught her how to find the hole that was in her heart how
to fill it up, with faith and belief in her self and that she could
do any thing that she wanted to do by letting her fear go away, and stand
up for her self as the true woman I taught her to be,
As the third
month came on, the killers had been caught and the chat room had disappeared
as far as we knew, our instant
messages came more frequently soon as the messages weren't
enough then came more phone calls, as she started opening
her heart up to me more and more each day I started finding
the real truth about who she was and what the real troubles were in her
life, that's when I knew I wasn't going to stop until I could really take
her away from all this, I am that angel on her shoulder and not just
for her but for her son that she loved so much, they were and are
going to be part of my life for ever, my heart told me that with each passing
day and each day got brighter as she started telling me more about
her life and the marriage she was in, a marriage that know one should
be in it made me hurt and more determined to pull her and her son away
from that all together, our time on the net started getting better and
fun especially when we drifted into early morning hours, times on
the net were good times and bad times, I always seemed to make the bad
times she was having go away, every night was different meaning I always
had something else different to say to her it was never the same this is
how she was learning in her heart, lord above did she ever love it, and
so did I for both of us knew that each of our hearts were intertwining
to become one, this was truly one of a kind relationship that was building
between us and we both knew that this doesn't just happen to any body we
knew there was a helping hand it
could only have been the man up above our angel
that has guided us together with his on special path with love, she never
wanted to believe that something like this could really happen, as of me
I wasn't going to back away I knew she was in trouble but at
the time I couldn't really get the whole truth from her for she was that
scared not knowing what would happen if the other part found out meaning
husband I didn't want to play with fire but I chose to do so because I
knew this was the right thing to do and she knew that to or she would had
let me go in the beginning so this told me she wanted this to, but in her
she didn't want to believe the inter heart that she had wouldn't let her
go this far so I wrote her a poem and this is the poem, " My angels walk
as do my angels talk my angels fly as do my angels cry my angels sing as
do that bell I ring, angels don't fall they only rise to keep watch over
us with there open eyes yes my angel walks my angel talks my angel flies
my angel cries can never close an
angels eyes" I started writing these little things to
her it became a habit I was writing quotes, stories, poems the more I wrote
more she took in because she knew in all I was writing
was only the truth she was really starting to believe my word, she was
really starting to feel what I taught her as inter heart,
The forth month starts of us
talking about everything that he could give me as well as my son, of making
our lives new and for ever change, at this time being so confused in what
my life has turned out to be at this time would I do right or wouldn't
I , I
didn't really know at this time but he was sure trying
to make me believe that it was the right thing to do, but at this time
in my
life between him and my husband it was almost like tossing
a coin in the air and seeing what way it turn heads or tails, I was closed
up at this part in my life and didn't want to believe in love at
all didn't want to believe that someone could really make thischange in
me and my son as he wanted to do, do I jump for a better life as he was
telling me it would be or do I stay with the man I married and be put threw
so much hell that I had went threw for nine years what was the decision
that I must take I didn't know, besides telling him I had to take this
one day at a time he told me that my heart would let me know when that
time was right that it was up to me to do that just listen and open up
to what my heart told me and that would be my answer, I started going to
church and looking for my answer but seemed like the answer wasn't coming
to me in the way I wanted it to, I thought it would have came easy but
I learned that life doesn't work that way pray and seek and you will find
but at his time he will tell us but we have to be open about all to him
as well, this is when we both told each other that we will wait for that
answer, we keep up with the phone calls but I was always hiding them because
I feared of what would happen to me if I were caught, I knew what would
happen but he didn't, this kind of hurt and pain happened to me everyday
I just couldn't tell him that, this is what held me back from everything
and made me not believe in my self anymore, he seemed to know this but
waited for me to tell him taking the kids to the movies out in the cold
making phone calls at the pay phone just to get to hear his voice made
all worth while, as far as I was concerned it made that much difference
in my life to know that he was there to hear me , he gave me more
courage everyday he was teaching me to stand up for my self and be the
woman I was never had any body to show me or teach me the way he did and
the way he does, Thanksgiving comes around and all though we are so many
miles apart we still have it together as if he was right
around the corner by me calling him every time that my
husband would leave the house, it was coming that strong between us, if
the world only knew how hard this was to me to keep this a secret
between me and him and not for any one else to find out, has to have been
one of the hardest things anyone could do in there life but I chose to
do it this way and I did it, each day that passed by I knew that my love
for this man was getting more and more, when time came for me to go to
bed and leave him we always used this special code which was 1 2 3 that
way we could leave together but when we got to 3 it was hard for either
of us to leave but once we did, we knew that we would be with each other
threw out the night we would meet each other in our dreams, Morning came
and he was there on my mind, know matter where I was threw out the day
he was there with me teaching me guiding me threw out the day,
Fifth month comes about which is the
month of December, my birthday was around the corner which was the tenth
and his was the twelfth another thing about us two that caught our
eye our birthdays, I will never forget it when he told me his was the twelfth,
thought at first it was someone playing a joke on me that knew me, well
any ways my birthday comes about and I had already sent him a present which
was a necklace and a card with a little saying about love, hope, and faith,
to me birthdays was just another day before I met him I looked at them
as nothing and this was the first birthday that I felt really good about,
he had changed my whole day by just saying the little words that he had
always said to me from the beginning, someway some how he always could
make my days brighter if I was sad, all I had to do was hear and talk to
him and by the time we were finished I had forgot about why I was sad or
just hurt, so our birthdays pass by, and Christmas is almost here hoping
so bad at that time I was there with him spending this special day with
him my heart wanted it so bad as did I, it was like the air I breathed
was for him, Christmas morning comes and yes we spend it together we had
our time with each other and then our time with our families but neither
of us weren't happy enough just knowing we had to spend the holidays away
from each other but it made us happy just getting to hear each others voices,
at this time we are making plans of what we wanted in life, we even had
plans of a child which we wanted a girl, and we had picked the name Chrissie
Lee out that was going to be our little girls name, and yes we believed
this with all of our hearts nothing could change
the way we felt about each other what was there was there,
we always had time for each other know matter if it was two o'clock
in the morning we made that time with out each other
we were lost I even caught my self so many times wanting to tell my mom
about this man that I loved so much, she knew that my marriage was going
down hill she seen what all I went threw at home and even her my mom told
me so many times why do you let someone treat you so bad, and my
excuse would be mom we have a child by each other, and she would always
tell me I know but your happiness you deserve as well I knew this deep
down, but I was so scared of my feelings scared to make a move and go on
with my life, Christmas wasn't even joyful at home seemed like all went
on was fighting and then bed time would come and I can remember going to
sleep with tears praying for god to help me answer me show me the way,
lead me in the right direction for me and my son, I wanted god to show
me on what to do about my life , but seemed like days would go by and I
would receive nothing I was giving up on my faith which I shouldn't have
done, but every morning I would wait for my husband to leave and
when he did I couldn't wait to either call this man or get on the internet
to see where he was I would find him and when I did I was so safe from
the world almost like he was holding me in his arms or being a shield that
wouldn't let any one bother me, But as I can remember it Christmas night
was special we had each other and the love we wanted was there, Christmas
is gone by and the year is coming to an end the year that turned out to
be so special to me, our plans together were to celebrate the coming of
the new year on line, and know one was going to stop us from doing that
and if you think about it how many people really do that not many of them
I am sure, Yes we were and the best way to do that was to take it right
from the top and I did just that , it went as perfect as anyone
could imagine 11.59 with 10.sec,s to go right to the
strike of midnight we had did it , I could not have made it any better
I hollered back at her on line we did it baby we did it , never in my life
was I ever so happy to do something knowing that on the other end of that
computer line she was just as happy you really can't describe that special
moment in someone's life unless you have been there to do it yourself .Have
you ever heard that old line try it you'll like it ? Well, we tried it
, and we loved it. There is no
better way of bringing in a new year then the way we
had done it. I remember I kept telling her that in no way could we be doing
this alone we were being helped with and by that big man above our lords
angel and that we have been blessed this far and will be forever in our
lives together. So the new year is here and now were following it day by
day, waking up to her little lines of hope, for that time
to come her wishing to make her life brighter, she told
me that if things did not change in her and her child's life that she would
be with me in April that's when I knew something was really wrong up there
in what I come to call the hell hole she was living in and she so agreed
to that as true, it was just that and she wanted out but she had
to keep trying to make it work for the sake of her family and I told her
that in 3 strikes he would be out and I would be in and she excepted my
word to that she knew I was not going
to back down at any cost and I would be there in waiting
. Everything I seem to do weather it be walking the beach, working, eating,
playing my music , spending time with my daughter and my grandkids , she
was always there in my thoughts and in my heart , my faith and love for
this woman I only knew by voice and on line told me that in do time she
would be my partner, my companion, my best friend, my love as my wife ,
all I had to do was let it happen, So here it is the first couple of days
into January and my feelings for this man was strong I was confused and
going threw a sickness that I had put my self into and lying to him, to
make him think I was fine and in good health, but I didn't have the heart
to tell him the truth, so the truth finally comes out
and he is very upset about what I had been doing to my self my whole self
esteem was gone for my self, and we both make the decision that January
the 16 I was flying to Florida to be with him and my son, at that time
I say okay but deep in my mind I was scared to what would happen to make
that move and what would my son think would he hate me for this I didn't
know what to believe at this point but I knew deep down my heart wanted
to be with this man, making
the move was the hardest part of all, how would I do
it how would I begin, I didn't know, so days pass and my heart is so happy
just thinking it would take four hours to meet this man that has helped
me in so much and helped me over come my sickness that I had, in everyway
he had helped me feel good about my self, So its Wednesday night I go to
church and that following Friday I was to meet him in Tampa, but then again
something tells me not to make the move just yet , I was setting in church
that night and I
wanted a true answer should I or shouldn't I make this
move so my heart tells me go home and talk to my husband about all was
on my mind so I do so, at that point I am so scared but I make the move
to tell him all, so I begin telling him what he was doing to me and our
son and that if he didn't change then I was leaving, he promises me nothing
but lies but at that point I think he is true about all he is telling me,
I wanted to get on line so bad to tell this man that is waiting on me but
at that point my husband tells
me I was know longer aloud to get on the computer
any more my heart falls to the floor, I don't know what to do I have to
talk to this man that I love so much, so that night I go to sleep crying
not knowing what to do, what to tell this man or how I was going to get
to tell him, this next day comes and I am made to get on line and do nothing
but lie to him but I throw in words that he knows isn't mine and hoping
he would catch on to what I was saying, and deep in my heart I know he
does, but as soon as I got the
chance to call him I did, and this man was there
waiting for my call, we both are so happy were in tears just to get to
hear each other's voice made a big difference in it all, I tell him
I was forced to write what I did by my husband that I didn't want to but
he had made me, and he answered back I knew that wasn't your words, January
slowly goes by day by day he would tease me, he would tell me that I would
be there with him by valentines day I would always reply know way to soon,
each night he would tell me
this , its meant to be this will happen I knew in my
heart that something had to come out of this but I didn't know what, so
my husband never did change didn't keep his promises if anything he got
worse with his drugs and his attitude, throwing things at me cursing me
staying on to of anything he could find, that s when I knew it was over,
my boy and I were going to have a better life with the man I cared so much
about and loved me for who I was, and was going to take my son and I under
his wings as his own,
everyday seemed to get worse by the minuet, income taxes
come and I didn't get any thing from them he took it all and used all of
it on drugs and didn't think about me nor my son, seemed like the month
of January was going bad I was getting sick again from starving myself
losing weight fast, the time comes to were I did eat and I couldn't keep
it down how was I to over come this sickness I had, and lying to this man
that held the key to my heart was about the hardest thing I could do, here
I have someone
miles away from me that loves me and cares for not only
me but my son as well and wants us in his life as we were his family, and
I wanted that more than anything I wanted my son a better life but this
scariness I have for my husband I just couldn't get it out of me scared
to talk, or was I wearing the right clothes, was I laughing to loud with
my son, always scared of making him mad was enough on me besides trying
to find away to be with this man that promised me the moon if he could
get it for me, and I knew deep
down that this man wasn't lying of all he would give
me and my son I new there was truth in his heart and his word because he
had not failed me yet and I knew he never would, but how was I to
make this move that I wanted, at this point I go to talk to my church and
they are welling to help me with all they could just to get my son and
I out of this home that wasn't good for neither of us they were welling
to take that extra step to help me with all they could, at this point I
start praying to the lord to show me signs
show me what I must do and I wanted and wanted for those
signs, and seemed like one day I woke up and all started hitting me right
in the face sign after sign I seen, I seen my husband taking drugs spending
all the money we had on his habit he had and I knew that these was the
signs that I had prayed so much to see, they hurt to see but all started
being played out like a deck of cards it was like a puzzle being put together
the answers were there and they were all opening up now right in front
of me, and at this point in
my life I know the angels have had a hand in bringing
us together knowing that a friendship like ours was simply meant to be,
but it was more than a friend to friend thing it was almost like being
married to him but looking at it in a way that he was just on a trip and
at the end I always new he would be there for my son and I, would always
look back over the months we had talked and shared so much of our lives
with and I would try to find the words that he said or the poems he wrote
me to see or understand what had happen here between us why were we pulled
together the way we were, it could only be meant to be we both agreed on
this so many times, here we were sharing our nights our days together as
if we were arm and arm with each other trying to make each other feel that
we were together with each passing minute but sometimes yes it did get
old because there were times that we just wanted to hold each other and
cry and love each other the way it should be and not by our computer's
I remember one night I was wanting to hear his voice so bad and as with
him he wanted to hear me as well I couldn't get the chance to call him
from home so I make up this big excuse that I needed to go down my moms
house at 10:00pm so I do, go to call him were both so happy to hear each
others voice but at that moment mom knows something is up, but all alone
she always told me she wished I would get out of the mess I was in always
trying to get me and my son to come live with her, or get up the courage
to get out at least, it comes to the point to where I tell her about this
man she doesn't like the idea or at least she tells me she don't but deep
down inside I know she does but for her telling me would come in a way
that I don't even know about at this time,
February comes rolling in and knowing that with all the trouble and pain
that she was going threw my time to make my move was there and I wasn't
going to turn back I told her it was time to make that choice before her
life was really to go down hill and she told me that was fine she had enough
hurt and that it was time to leave she said the twelfth would be the day,
the reason was that she wanted her son to have his eighth birthday with
his grandparents before she would make her dream of that new life come
true. All of a sudden I want to change the date to the
twenty second to keep anyone from knowing about it, I talk this over with
my church and they had planed to take me to Knoxville airport but I knew
my son had the fear of fling so that's when he decides to drive up and
get me from Knoxville, which would take time so I had to leave earlier,
I choice the sixth, I go to church and talk it over with them and the plans
are set as of February sixth to meet him in Knoxville so he had to leave
the fifth early that morning and my
son wasn't going to have his birthday in Harlan as of
now, this hurt me a little bit but I knew I had to do what I had to do,
to make his life as well as mine the best its ever been, and from here
on out I knew our lives would never be the same, they were
going to be better he told me he would be spending valentines day with
me and at that point I believed him I was going to spend that day with
him, that day was soon approaching up on us and he tells me to wipe out
and delete all that was on my computer leave know trail
behind to were my husband could get a hold of anything,
and I did my last contact with him on the computer he told me good luck
he was on his way he would see me on the morning of the sixth, so that
morning comes I have two close friends of mine from church picking me up
at my sons school, all I had with me were two bags and
my son his own bag, my son didn't know at the time anything if what was
going to be, so my friends come to the school and pick us up to take us
to Knoxville to meet this man that
means so much to me , as were driving to there
I call him two times to see where he is, he tells me he is in a white
ford tarsus, so we get to the point were we are to meet at a place called
the American steak house as setting in the parking lot I don't think I
had ever seen so many white cars in my life but I see one white car turning
of into the parking lot and at this point I know this is him my heart
had never felt so happy in so long, as it did when I see him getting out
of this car, we switch my bags from one car to the
other and off I am with the man that had talked and had
been there for six months of my life and had showed me and my son more
love than we had ever had, we stop to
eat at this little dinner when all of a sudden my sons
throws one of these tantrums and wants to go home I am stuck not knowing
what to do about this, but Ed talks to him and explains all to him
and from there on out all changes things start to look so much
better and our love that we have for each other takes
over us it seems like it takes forever for the three of us as my bond with
her and the little man I will come to know as my son to reach that new
place that we together will call home I catch myself sometimes laughing
at what has happen to me for it all came down to faith in thee above because
it does work when you want a change in your
life all you have to do is ask and believe and it will
come true, it surly has come true for me and I thank you lord for lending
me your helping hand.
As he said we are both
happy with our lives and how all turned out to be, he is my heart my friend
and someone that I would be lost to death if I didn't have him in
my life now I cant imagine not having him in my life, my son loves him
and they get along great which it has took some time for my son to except
us as we are but day by day that passes by he sees how happy his mom is
and he takes that in, with all the hurt a sadness I had in my life seven
months ago I never imagined my life could be filled with so much care as
it is now, its amazing how things have worked out a month ago I was ready
to give up all I had, give up on life and that meant giving up on my son
as well, but I never thought that I would ever find my way out of the dark
hole I was in and that's the way I felt all the time I begged for
help or cried out just for someone to hear me and help me or just
be my friend, and then this special man comes into my life and helps me
and my son escape the pain and sadness that we both had and takes us in
as his
own and loves us just as much as he does any one else,
a big step he took as taking us both on and being a father to my son that
really never had a father to do things with him and even share his thoughts
with, well now he has that and every time I see them together and sharing
what there day has been, it brings a tear to my eye just to see my son
finally have that man in his life and not just mom, I thank the lord as
well as he does for all he has done and all the angels that helped us both
not give up of something we
believed would happen as it did,
So here it is March
and were together and still happy as we could ever imagine taking life
as its gave to us, our love only grows with each passing day, and for us
were trying to have our little Chrissie as we had talked about months ago,
I would have never believed life could be as it is today, the darkness
that I once had is gone and the sun shines brighter for my son and I as
well as the man I love, he took me away and gave me something far beyond
just being happy he gave me life again, took away all the hurt I had
in me, he is always by my side and I know if I am feeling
down he will always say those special words to me as he always have, my
parents are happy of the move I have made for me and my son they know I
am happy and know that I did right by making the move I did, sure I am
miles away from them but they know as well as I do that I am there by love
and spirit and I haven't gone a day without calling them, but as for me
and my son were both happy and we feel the love that is given to us, if
I hadn't made the
change I did today I wouldn't know were I would be or
what would be going on in my life today, it took me a while to get use
to the fact of someone loving me as I do them because I was always
given the love and never receiving it back but now I give it and receive
it, for so long I was scared of the word love but this man showed me that
everyone isn't mean and cruel that there are people out there that care
and can give you the love that you need and that's exactly what he done
all the years I spent in hell sometimes I wonder was it meant to be that
way, because at one time in my life I thought all people were good, but
from this I not only found out that people do care I learnt that what ever
happens in life there are ways out, and that there is an angel out there
that can help you and that's just what I found, I will always believe that
this man was sent to me by god and the angels in heaven helped us both
out, and showed us what we had to do, we had that faith and never gave
up in what we wanted and all our dreams we
talked about and all the words we spoke to each other
are planned in our hearts like a plant that grows beside the waters they
never die because they always have what they need and now I can say I have
all I will ever need in love, caring, faith, a campaign I know that
this man will never lead me wrong and watch over my son and I, for all
the days we talked and so many hours we spent talking, all the laughing
and crying we did together I thank god for each and everyone of them, I've
heard so many people say we get
trouble and trials to learn from them and I use to think
how can you learn from your mistakes, but now I look back at those words
and I do believe them we do learn from them nothing never happiness with
out a cause and this is what had happen here god sent me this man and I
learned so much from him that life is just more than waking up and doing
the same routine everyday get out and explore the world, live life as its
your last day here on earth and love what you have not because you have
it but because you were
given a chance at it, and ever who said there not angels
out there I don't believe that because they are, my angel talks to me sleeps
with me, walks by my side and never leaves me alone, and to this I call
him my husband that we will soon be come June the fifteenth on fathers
day as well as his daughters birthday for my love only grows stronger for
him and he is the best father to my son and soon will have a child that
was made from the both of us, I look at life in a different way now when
morning comes and he is
laying along beside me its like he is my strength to
go on with each passing day he gives me hope to go on and makes me happy
for what I done, he is my sunshine my rainbow with each word that we speak
to each other only makes our life brighter, six months ago I would have
never thought that my life as well as my sons life would have came to a
change as it is today but all is for the better even though I lost two
sisters of doing what I had to do doesn't change a thing about the way
I feel for this man, so don't
never say never and never think that you can never escape
a abusive life or marriage because you can I did and was so sacred but
once I left that house I was so relieved and I left my pain behind sure
I still think back to what my life was for nine years, but I have to over
come that and start out a new life
to make my son happy as well, and to all of this I thank
the angels that helped me over come the scariness I had within my self
and thank them for the new life me and my son has now it could never be
better each morning of my life now is different I don't have to worry about
waking up and knowing how my day is going to be, I know now each day will
be as bright as the sun that shines down on the waters, for all this my
angels still stand with me guides me to were I need to be and gives me
the joy that I need for
each passing day, I opened my ears up my heart up and
I was given a whole new life for my son and I we do have a new life,
I will always know that it was meant to be this way and love the
man that my angels help me get to for caring and his loving thoughts that
he always gave me, and love me for who I am. Our love was patient, it was
and still is kind, it don't envy it wasn't proud, it wasn't
rude, it wasn't self seeking, it wasn't easily angered, it kelp no records
of anger, it keep no record wrong. The
love we had didn't delight in evil but rejoiced with
the truth, it always protected us, they were always trust, always hope.
Always persevered, love never failed neither of us, and now these three
remain of us faith, hope and love, but the greatest of all of these we
had and still does do have is love, and this is how a loving couple should
treat each other love is the main thing that all couples should have and
that's what we do have for each other is love, nothing nor know one can
take that away from us, for all the trouble and all the pain that we both
have had in these seven months I think we deserve all the happiness we
can get, and all the love we also can get , each day that passes by we
always think our angels for all the work and all the days that they helped
us over come, have truly done there work for us. Having almost traveled
twelve hundred miles to make both of our dreams really come true and to
take away any doubts in anyone's minds that something so magical could
ever happen to her or I or anyone for that
matter is the gift of a life time that we both wish everyone
had at least one time to experience but to challenge the odds and win is
what its a about and when you do win its only with that special help that
extra something , that we both tried to figure out but at the end we see
our lives as one and what ever comes we together will fix all the trouble
that life throws at us, we will work as we have from the beginning and
like we have since I have been with him, sure life throws problems at us
all but the thing to do is talk things out and work as if we have
a life time, but of all we love each other more everyday we share our thoughts
with each other and our problems are worked out together not as one but
as a couple that we are and will be, only more good can come out of this
fascinating relationship which it can only be, god grants these special
relationships far and few between I guess we must be one of the few that's
out there what a honor to be blessed with this event, miracles do happen
to those who believe but with that you have to have also faith ,hope,
and surly lots of love, or nothing like this could have never happened,
its amazing what computers can do, bring two people together as it has
us can only be faith we believed it then and we believe it now, to make
things work as they have is another thing to have it happen is another
thing but out of all of this we have each other my son and the baby that
we will have, the man I will soon marry the blessings that my parents have
gave to this man, for taking me and my son from what he did he
has all of there love, my family has took him in as one
of there own, for now things look great just as planned for us and our
family soon to be, for his family also took me and my son on as we were
always in there family they show all there love to us both, and for me
being a mother and a grandmother to his daughter and his grand children,
and for him being a father to mine has only made things in our lives that
much more special, my son now has a sister that he never thought he would
have and looks up to her as if
she was his big sister all along, for so many hills that
I had climbed threw out my life and never seem to reach the top with out
trouble, he knocked down those hills to were I could see what lied on the
other side he opened all that was in me that was there for so long but
never could find its way out, all the bad things are gone and filled with
happiness I now look at life as a gift and not another day, the air I breath
is so much better, I don't see those mountains anymore I see flat land
and sunny beaches, the air
is clear the sun so bright, the sunset is so beautiful,
but of all of this there is love that I long for so long and never could
get, at one time I didn't think I would ever find that love that I longed
for so long, but all the words we spoke and all the wonderful days we spent
on the computer we will never forget about we hold them so dear and close
to our hearts, that's why we wish to share this festinating and true story
of real faith of real hope of real love, that we share as one, that others
we hope will read with reason and
understanding anything can happen in life if you out
your heart to it and this is how it all came a bought if it wasn't for
a story that we both chose to look into, of all things a chat line, my
name was hope angel eyes his name was Sunday rain and those names we can
never forget, but with each passing day that we talked we read our horoscope
and they came out as we were living our lives day by day, he taught me
how to read the stars and the way I taught her was to show her that the
inter heart of our souls revolves
around those stars there your everyday way of living
and that there's nothing false about them this goes back to the beginning
of time its self when all they had were the stars in the heavens to make
there day go by, they studied them they watch them , in a way the stars
told each of us how to live right not wrong in this world we call earth.
If you look at the blind side of your self and ask where's everyone well
when times get rough and it seems your life feels hopeless and yet you
pick yourself up and put the
pieces back together yet your still alone in the dark
because your star isn't shining , you just want to scream out but there's
no one there to hear you or listen and then you say to yourself can I walk
that extra mile will I find what im looking for, can I find that road that
everyone wishes to travel down, maybe so maybe not that choice in your
life has to be yours and no one else'sfor you want all the goods inside
to be right at your feet well that won't happen as easy as said if it were
that way this world surly would have ended a long time ago. For Gracie
and Ed we both knew the risk we both knew the truth that would come out
of all of this, but for the best of all reason's we took on that challenge
weather it was wrong but in our lords eyes it was right and we both knew
it in our hearts to make it and let it happen yes we will have our hard
times , but we will have our good times and many of them more to come only
because we come to believe in each others hearts souls and minds and that
it only came by way of our feelings
and the true answers to both
Our angels answers.
The Love Of My Son
Gracie Bargo Harmon
© Copyright
2003 by Gracie Bargo Harmon
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My son is now eight years old, he is my little man we have been threw bad times and good together but know matter how hard times have got for me and him he always new the words to bring a smile to my face, i watch him sleep at night and thank God i have such a loving and understanding son, sure he is a kid he has his days were he is so mean but under all i know what the in side of him shows, i am just like other mothers when it comes to there kids they are your life your rainbow, and when there skies are gray yours is also,
I have recently remarried to a wonderful man i was worried at first what my son might think about him but at the beginning they were friends, my son took the ideal like a little man, he just didn't want mommy making a mistake and him being eight years old he talked to me about marring this man looking over me as a little adult, but the wedding went on June the fifteenth of this year and he walked proud and happy to be his stepson, as a mother its hard to make decisions for you and your children but we do and sometimes its not the best but we all learn from our mistakes, when they happen, but as a mother of my son i am proud to be,
On May the twenty third i found out i was pregnet at first it scared me what will i tell my son how can i tell him, what will he think of me and me not married yet but he new i was going to, all sorts of things were going threw my head i was scared to tell you the truth would he hate me we he be happy on the way home i thought of everything of how i could tell him, i stopped and got him a happy meal at McDonnell's and still at this point i wasn't for sure of how the words were going to come out, i pull in to the drive way get out and walk into the house were he is he comes to me and asks well mom what did the doctor say i "well bud Mom is going to have a baby " i just spelled my words right out i showed him a picture of what the baby looked like at that time and he looks at me with the prettiest smile that he could ever give me, it was a big relieve off my shoulders and now i am three months and my son is as happy as he could e about it all, but to see my son happy the way he is and his laugh he gives me each and every morning makes my day, for so many times we have had our little words with each other, its always learnt us both something about life, and with my new baby i hope to be just a better Mom with it as i have been with my son for each and every good word and all the love you show to your kids pays off and then you finally see your self in them, but i am a proud wife and a very proud mother with my second child on the way...
Special Angel
Gracie Bargo
© Copyright
2003 by Gracie Bargo
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Then one day I was setting feeling so helpless when that angle appeared in my life I didn't know it at the time because to me having a angel meant nothing but as days went on and even weeks I caught myself opening up to the person telling them of my life sharing good things and bad, it was like I could tell my whole life story to them and they would come back with answers that I needed for so long, to me I didn't know what to think was this a game what was it, I went threw my whole life and felt a emptiness and know I didn't feel that anymore I felt so whole but what could I offer this person that helped me nothing, but my love that's all I had so I gave it and they gave me there's in return it felt like I was a new person, they were there when I needed someone the most they listened to my problems and gave answers back,
Now weeks had
went on I was feeling on top the world like I had know problems in my life,
just put it this way I didn't think about problems even though they was,
it was like they wasn't I paid know attention to them because this person
always told me why worry why get your self so down, on things that you
cant help, even before this person cam e in to my life I was feeling so
bad about my self always putting what I did down I just gave up on my self
and my life, they taught me to be me not to live for what someone else
wants you to be and that's what I was doing trying to be someone that I
wasn't and they taught to stand up look the world in the eye and tell them
who you are, put that smile on your face not for someone else but for you,
and when you laugh don't let it be fake let be real, because there know
one on this earth that's better than you, this person showed me what life
was they opened me up when I was trapped for so long, they put that back
in me and that's what I call a angel, when someone feeds you and helps
you threw all your bad times and always can find away to left you up and
make you feel as good as this person did that's your angel, and today my
life is great just because a few words that was spoke to me from my angel
lifted me so great and opened my eyes and made me see the real me and gave
me nothing but there love and showed me they are life out there you just
have to seek and look and listen and all those roads that seem closed they
will open and from there on out your life will have a different meaning
to it just because of that special angel that you looked so long for came
in to your life, and as long as I live that angel will always be with me
threw my life, it will never leave me because when I found it I found a
friend for life, and now I know when I have that problem or just sadness
that bothers me I can always look ahead on that person and they will give
me a answer because they have the first time yet of leaving me alone, and
I love this angel very much I hold them dear in my heart and nothing can
take that away from me as long as I live.
Drug Addiction
Gracie Bargo
© Copyright
2003 by Gracie Bargo
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I have seen kids that are so hurt over there parents of being addicted to drugs that they are a shamed of them, people that are addicted they take all they can, they steal they take what ever they can to seal and to get that one high that they are looking for, they don't care for others or about what you think of them all they think about is were they are going to get that high for that day,
They turn against there kids there family and all they do this for is to get their hands on this one pill, they never think about tomorrow or anything else, they just care about that one minute when there sniffing the pill or shooting it up in there arms while there child is watching them around the corner and asking god why, blaming god for there parents turning out this way, I have seen so many families go threw this that my self I can't understand why people just can't enjoy life as god gives it to us, I will never understand what people get out of being high everyday of there lives and running of from there families and not caring about if they are food on the table or shoes on there children's feet, they never care about how there children is doing in school, never go to a ball game with there child,
So finally the child grows up and that's all they know to do also because they seen mommy and daddy do it so nothings wrong with it in there eyes, we as parents have to wake up our kids are the future and if we don't raise them up the way we should they will never be nothing, you hear about it everyday on the news that someone has took a over does and died because of these addictions that more and more is falling in to it don't have to be like this, I know they are some out there reading this and saying sure once your on it your on it but that's not true sent your mind that you want to stop and help your self and we all have a friend that will help us threw our hardest times but he have to show him first that we want to stop what we are doing, and things can change with out a doubt, I know some of you are reading this and saying its easier said then done, yes its hard to but I know by washing a very close person to me that it can be done not by your self but by the grace of god it can,
In Corinthians 13:13
it talks about faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love and
if we have that then we have all we ever need to escape from these addictions
that's in our homes today you can accomplish anything if you have the gift
of love, I once was told that a drug is like the devil it controls all
your thoughts and all you do it makes you do things that you would never
do not in a life time, and mothers that takes drugs when they are pregnant
just think of what your going to put this child threw that wasn't even
asked to be brought in to this world to a parent that can't take care of
them selves I think its sick and it makes me so mad to see these little
babies born in to the world with problems that they will have to live with
for the rest of there lives because there parents were to stupid and didn't
care at the moment they we doing there pill to think about what it was
doing to this child that's in them, people wake up this is life enjoy it
don't throw it away to something that is no good, and to something that
is going to control you as long as you will let it, look at your life and
thank god for it look around and see what these drugs have done to so many
families before you touch one and look at the little children's that are
threw away and not knowing what to do, ask for help and you will receive
it seek and you will find it knock and it will be opened for you.
Sisters But Not By
Gracie Bargo
© Copyright 2002 by Gracie Bargo |
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I became Marys aunt in 1994 we became very close as soon as we meet she
was six and I was 15, we had our times when we had our differences
and all though we loved each other, we fell apart we could not communicate
with each other we didnt see eye to eye on things at all we were like
to sisters fighting, seemed like everything I did Mary didnt seem to like
me at all, she always did things that she new would make me mad, sure she
was still a child but still I tried every thing to get her to like me but
no matter what I did she would just hate me that much more,
As years went on we had rough times things were good for a while and then
in know time things went bad, I was even the first person to take her to
her first day in school she cried and begged me to stay, even after that
day she still could not like me for who I was, I tried so hard to be her
mom her friend and her aunt all at the same time but for some reason I
could not get close to her, it was like she was scared or didnt want me
to love her but no matter how she felt I loved her and that was all it
Days went by she was growing into a young lady and seemed like she was
starting to come to me for answers, but seemed I would give my advice and
she would do the opposite from what I told her, I was the one taking her
to school, going to her cheerleading games just doing all I possibly could
do to make her like me,
Although Mary had a big sister named Samantha we were close from day one
she was like a child that I never had, I think we were so close because
she was so much like me in so many ways, we tried to let Mary do things
with us it would last for a hour or two and then Mary would get mad go
home and the next day she was so hateful at us what could I do I thought
to my self to make this child that I love so much love me back,
Years went on that way Samantha and I was like sisters always trying to
get Mary to join in the fun with us but she wouldnt, we kelp drifting
farther and farther apart and at this point I was giving up on trying to
make her love me for who I was and to try a make her understand that I
wasnt trying to take her mothers place I just wanted to be her aunt, and
know matter how long it took me to get her to love me I was welling to
try for a life time if it took that,
The year 2002 came alone Samantha was wanting to live with her mother and
so she did sure Mary and Samantha didnt get alone very well but it broke
Marys heart to see her sister leave her alone, but at this time in mine
and Marys life we finally started agreeing on so much we even caught our
selves laughing together and seemed like all those years that we couldnt
even have a laugh it was catching up with us we started being like to friends,
we still had our rough times at disagreeing with each other but as time
went on we figured out how to work things out together besides being alone
we were working together as one,
Seems like know we are the best of friends, all this time that we was apart
I figured out Mary didnt want me to be her aunt but she wanted me to be
her sister, and to be the one she could come to, lean on when times got
rough, and thats all I wanted to be for her to but we couldnt see eye
to eye on what we both wanted,
We are friends we are sisters, we are there for each other when one is
felling down the other has a shoulder to cry on, and know when you see
one you see the other we are not apart know longer but together, know Mary
is fourteen and I am twenty three but like some young teenagers they would
not like having there aunt tagging alone, but Mary does not think of me
as her aunt but as her sister, when me and my son goes out she is
with us and were like one best friends hanging out, our day starts with
a laugh and ends with a laugh so this goes to show us all never give up
on someone just because you cant get their love right then and there never
give up on what you want because in the end it will all come together.
Angels Among Us
Gracie Bargo
© Copyright
2002 by Gracie Bargo
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Life Is A Highway
Gracie Bargo with Donald
Wayne Bargo
© Copyright
2002 by Gracie Bargo
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Life goes bye so fast its like driving down a long and lonely road, sometimes
we all dont know what to do life throws things at us that we must face
we cant ignore, we have to decide what the choice is for our selves to
take, they are problems in everyday life that we have and that we and only
we have to make decisions for, some times for the better,
Going threw life is hard but we all have to press on and do what our hearts
tell us, your heart will not lye if we lesion to what it has to say we
learn a lot, but sometimes we seem to want to ignore what our hearts tell
us and we go on and do our own thing instead of following our heart, and
then at the end when its to late we wished we had made that right
choice, sometimes threw life its hard to lesion to what our heart tells
us but I have learnt in life that we must, even though it seems like it
may be the wrong choice at the time its not,
We all have angels among us each and everyone of us we may not see it or
feel it but its there and all we have to do is follow our heart and it
will lead us in the right direction, we all have anger and some of us keep
it bundled up in us for so long that finally we get tired of holding our
feelings in and we let it out we feel so much better, all of us deserve
to be happy and thats what we should do, have a laugh it feels so good,
dont let your selves be unhappy life is to short not to have what you
want in life,
Unexpected changes do come, they may be hard to understand at first but
all will make sense in the end, and we are not to question our selves why
or why not that this has happened to us we go on and hold our head up high
live life as it is given to us, dont question it,
You know sometimes we feel like we have covered so much ground in life
and we have, we feel like sometimes the roads get longer threw life and
theres know way out but they are we close our selves off to everyone,
but if we get out and talk and tell people what we feel and what life has
gave us it takes so much from your shoulders and you feel like you could
fly, the birds in the sky has no worries of tomorrow and we should be the
same take one day at a time and we all are sure to see that they are life
out there,
My granny use to tell us kids that if you write a letter and everything
is going well for you emotionally, in other words set down if you have
know one to talk to and write about your life, write what you feel down
and things will go good for you, I even took that advice myself and it
helps me just to know that I am not holding all the hurt and all the anger
in helps me threw life, I use to see a rainbow and wonder were the end
was so I could get the pot of gold from it but know I think this way a
rainbow is good luck even if you dont find the pot of gold at the end
of it, it tells me that they are roads out there that never stop and hills
so tall almost looks like they touch heaven and threw our lifes we all
must seek and look for our answers and they lay in our hearts if we just
look hard enough we will find what we are looking for threw this life that
we have.
With God
Gracie Bargo
© Copyright
2002 by Gracie Bargo
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Double First Cousins
Gracie Bargo
© Copyright
2002 by Gracie Bargo
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Summer of nintyfour i married this man that had a twin brother me and my husband hadn't been married but about a year when my older sister married his brother and things did seem weird at this time here are two sisters that could not stand each other growing up and know we go and marry twin brothers, boy was this talk of the community two sisters marring twins and what was going to happen know, which at this time i was pregent and i wasn't feeling to good at the ideal of my sister marring my brother in law,
So on a cold Feb. night at 7:15 i go in the hospital to have my child he was a seven pound twelve ounce baby boy, seemed like everything was changing so fast for me here i was a married woman and a mother and all this had happened in a years time but looking at my son i would not change none of it for nothing in this world, after coming home with my son i got depressed i was still in school i was only fiftenn and i had alot of growing up to do, and that is what i plained on doing, and thats just what i did i grew up at the age of fifteen and was a wife and was feeling like a hole new person, and i was in every way, things were so diffiernt for me, well it was just my life know had changed so fast a littl eto fast but as a mother and a wife i done my best and gave it all i had in me to be the best mom and wife taht i could be, sure being a mom was hard at fifteen but i think i done a very good job at what i had to do,
Know time had passed on things couldn't have been any better my son was growing up right in front of my eyes he wasn't no little baby any more and I was loving mother hood so much, just watching this child play and learn things in life i was above the world as you can call it, At this time my sister finds out that she is going to have a baby also things were changing everyday for not only me but for the whole family,
April of two thousand was here and my son was playing little lead basket ball he was only five at this time, he had a game one night and my sister was going to go with us but she didn't feel to good so she decided to stay home, so thats what she did, the game was over we came home and my husband had told me that my sisters water had broken she was only seven and a half months pregnet also, we were all scared at this point, her husband calls and tells us that they are taking her to uk hospital to have the baby because its to early for her to have this baby and that things could go wrong, we are all praying and worried to dealth that something is going to be wrong with this child, that night i don't think that none of us sleep any my husband had went to knoxville with his brother were my sister had to go, the next moring rolls around and my husband calls and tells us taht she has had a boy and he was so little but all was ok, she stayed in the hosptial with him for four days, i could not wait to see this baby boy i was so excited about them coming home i danced around the house all day couldn't wait any longer i had waited for four days and i was ready to see this baby, so that night came and they had finilly got home with him i could not belive my eyes how small he was, he only weighed 5 pounds 9 ounces boy was he small, he was adourable a very perfect baby also all was ok,
Time passed on and
my son and my sisters boy they were growing up so fast right before our
eyes they were like brothers them selves, well they were as close as brothers
could be they were doulbe first cousens, they even fault like brothers
but they love each other more than anything me and my sister had our hands
full, boy are they a hand full they fight all the time and we are constanly
begging and pledding to them not to fight we can not let them be together
by them selves because we are scared of what they might do to each other,
and times that me and my sister are out by our selves with each other we
laugh at what they do but we can't let them know that we laugh at them
or what they do,
seems like they are
so mean and the other one gets jelious of the other one or they get mad
because one has somthing that the other one don't have,
But nothing else in
this world could make us both as happy as these two boys do they have gave
us something to live for and to go on with life they bring us joy each
passing day and not a moment goes by that one of them isn't learning new
things in this life.
With God
Gracie Bargo
© Copyright
2002 by Gracie Bargo
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The Will To Live
Gracie Bargo
© Copyright
2002 by Gracie Bargo
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Harlan County
Gracie Bargo
© Copyright
2002 by Gracie Bargo
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As a child growing up in Harlan times were rough, worrying about what other
kids thought of you because of your cloths that you whore, walking down
that long hall way in school you could feel eyes allover you hearing people
talk about you and laughing at you. But in my mind the words came back
to many so many times that my grandmother use to tell us kids no matter
who you are or what you are they are no one that is better than you and
these words kelp me going on threw life, so I would hold my head up high
and paid know attention to these words.
Living in Harlan County has really showed me what life is about, sure jobs
were short growing up here but it made us respect things more and showed
us how to love and share and be kind to people. We had gardens in the summer
and worked in them and what fun that was, picking the green beans off there
lines, putting them in baskets taking them to momma and knowing that she
would have the best supper ever that night thats really what we kelp in
our minds, and when it came time to shuck the corn we really enjoyed that.
Seemed like everyone enjoyed life so much better then, people handing a
hand helping you in so many ways, parents didnt have to worry about letting
there children go out side and play, Because they knew everyone you didnt
hear about people trying to pick your kids up and taking them off if anything
they washed your kids,
Sure a lot people say what do you see in Harlan theres nothing there but
they really are we have love and we know what hard times are really about
and that has taught me to be a better person to respect and to work for
what I get.
I remember growing up here and yes I wished so much as a child of waiting
to get out of here and couldnt wait tell I was out of school and just
pack my things up and get out of here, Im twenty three know and
wouldnt trade my life for nothing and still today theres not much here
in Harlan, the only thing really to do here is to work in the coal mines,
unless you do have a degree of some sort, which know the coal mines is
not booming that much at this time we still find ways of making a living
I know a lot of people think that Harlan is a poor county but its not we
have morels and values and people help one another and we pull together
know matter what happens, sure we all get aggravated at times but we have
learnt to go on and live life for today and not worry about tomorrow live
today as its your last day because we are not promised tomorrow.
Church was one of the most important things to do here on Sunday mornings
as growing up if we didnt go then rest of the week we had to stay home
and help which we all had chores to do but, like on Fridays nights if we
didnt go to church on Sunday morning then moves was out of the question
and we knew not to ask to go, I raised in church and today I have my own
child and he is in church also every Sunday morning, I also teach him the
morels that I was raised with .
I am a better person today because of Harlan and I thank god I live here
it has taught me to be a better person I am out going and loves to meet
knew people I am learning more things everyday as life goes bye,
The mountains
here are also one of the most beautiful places that we have the pleasure
of getting to walk in the hills are as pleasuring as can get its a pleasure
to me just to straw threw the valleys here, when times get hard and seems
like the day cant go on I take a walk and just admiring the trees and
the beauty that god has gave to us all in Harlan, the wonderful thing about
it all is Harlan is surrounded by mountains and its a refresh to me to
know that we have what we got here and to know that farmers lived here
and still does. And that at one time wagons roamed the land that we know
drive cars on,
I look back know at all the times I said I was leaving from here and laugh
they are know way that I would leave my home that I had so much fun in
as growing up here so many memories that I keep in my mind of when I was
a child and a place in my heart that I can call home that I would never
think twice of leaving behind, and all those laughs that I heard behind
my back in school I thank those people know because for them it has brought
the good out in me, know matter how many tears I left school crying back
then everyone of those are like in a jar and can never be released because
if I let go of them I let go of what I am.
As A Child Growing
Gracie Bargo
© Copyright
2002 by Gracie Bargo
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I was born in Harlan County December tenth of 1978 as the fourth child
to Betty, Sonny, here I am the third daughter they had and one son, growing
up being the baby of the family wasn't to much fun seemed like the others
constantly found a reason to pick on me, my other two sisters and I didn't
get alone to good at all but my brother he always stuck up for me he was
always on my side growing up, sure we had our good times but as I can remember
they were more bad than good, they all ways would say I got my way with
everything but not true I had my share of whippings also, but for some
reason my sisters couldn't see me as being there sister though.
So as time went own seems like things was just getting worse for me will
I thought so anyway, But being the baby of two sisters and one brother
maybe I did want everything to go there way it was really my way or I wasn't
going to play at with them, so after a while they would do it my way, and
I just ate that up and yes if I have to say so my self I was a brat.
Well times were changing we was older and still fighting a lot seems like
us being in our teens things was hitting up, I was stuck at home the others
going out with boys and here I am not old enough to go out, I was feeling
left out of everything, mom and dad would tell me though you will have
your turn Gracie, but still that was no good for me, when my sisters would
get home all I would do was pick on them and then I would end up getting
my hair pulled by them or running to the bathroom and locking the door
so they wouldn't get me and I would actually set in the bathroom and laugh
boy I look back on that and laugh.
Here I am know old enough to start talking to boys myself and I thought
all right its my turn know but for some reason I didn't want no one but
I would go to the movies and come home go to my room and had a journal
that I wrote everything in my whole life would go into this book and it
was like all my hopes and dreams was in this book that I kelp so dear to
my heart I mean that everything happened to me went into this book my dreams
that I would have and just what the day would bring,
I am fourteen know and I had meet some boys but I just couldn't find myself
getting to like just one, I have always growing up just like meeting people
and talking and just sharing my thoughts and dreams with them I couldn't
understand here I am I can talk know to boys but I donut want to, and how
jealous I would be of my sisters when I was smaller I took it as a laugh
and pushed it a side, all growing up in school I was a cheerleader and
as my sisters would call me miss perfect and boy would that make me mad
but o well I learnt to live with it.
Ok here my oldest sister has feel in love and soon to be married, I didn't
like that one bet me and her boyfriend didn't get alone at all, I always
found ways to really make him made at me, October rolls around and they
have this big church wedding and I am crying my big sis is leaving me and
all those memories of us growing up they just keep coming in my mind one
after another and those tears that are coming from my eyes some to be happy
tears seems like all our life all we did was fight and fuss and to me it
felt like we had just threw our sister hood away by being jealous of one
other, and at this time I am happy for her and for the first time I look
at her and tell her I love her and all those little fuses we had growing
up just mad us love each other more.
So time pass on she moves away to Tenn. and all that was left was my other
sister and brother and me and for some strange reason my other sister and
I was doing things together we had our fuses but not as much, she had her
friends and I again would get jealous of her friends because she wasn't
spending the time with me, I felt alone it was like I was in a dark hole
and looking to find a friend and they wasn't there and at this time I knew
that I had to change I had to get out, I had to meet people and open up.
So years and days went bye I had found me someone I really loved I was
fifteen and he was thirty four, my sister didn't like that ideal at all
but we soon get married, and my husband has a twin brother and a year after
we are married, my sister and his brother gets married oh did that make
me mad, here we was enemies growing up and know we are married to twin
brothers it felt so strange, and seemed like the older we got the more
of best friends we came we looked back at all those fuses and laugh
at each other, my older sister that lives in Tenn. we are sisters and best
friends never dreamed that we would be this close in life, and brother
is married has his own family and we are all doing so good we love each
other very much were always there for each other know matter how many miles
we live from one another were there know matter what.
So today our parents are proud grand parents of four grand children and
two step grand children we are as close as we can be and love each
other very much, sure we look back all of us do and laugh at the pass and
even sometimes cry over the stupid stuff we done as growing up but all
four of us has came to the conclusion that we were children and children
does some pretty nasty things, but I have to say it has brought us closer
and never in a million years would I have thought that we would be like
we are today,
Life is good for us all four we married people that we really love and
we have children of our own know, we can see us in them to we set at moms
and she will say my grand baby's put me back to were you all was little.
We all love life today and enjoys being around each other cant wait for
week ends so we can spend them with each other.
My Life
Gracie Bargo
© Copyright
2002 by Gracie Bargo
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Then on a cold day in January ,This man that my dad knew all his life came to my house and told on me for sitting with other guy dad didnt like it and I got mad at my dads friend for telling on me, at this time this guy that told on me was interested in me also and told my dad this he was thirty two years old ,he explained to my dad that if he wasnt too old that he would love to come set at the house with me and talk and get to know me better at this time dad replied Ah buddy if she would I wouldnt care for you to come down and set with her .
After this man left dad was telling me about what he said I w as like know way dad he is to old but do remember that older men was right for me, I took it as a life and got on with rest of my day but to tell you the truth I did find this guy interesting in always he was nice had a job not a bad looking man at all. The rest of the night I had this on my mind here is a guy that likes me and is cute and nice works everyday in a coal mines and he is also thirty two what do I do I asked my self?
So finally the next day was upon me and I had decided to call him I asked dad his name and he said Donald so here I go looking in the phone book for his name I came up on his mothers name and so I called her she answered the phone she said hello and I said yes is Donald at home she said yes he is then gave him the phone I didnt know what to say I was frozen my words would not come out and so he started talking and then I felt ok to talk back. So we both decided that he should come down to the house so he did.
When he got down there he told me that he had his eyes on me sense I was twelve years old he said he thought that I was the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen, that made me feel so close to him we talked and told each other about our lives and laughed and had a good time together .At this time I was getting to were I more and more enjoyed being around him and hadnt been around him but three hours at the most I felt comfortable with him around me.
So days went on and we still enjoyed being around each other I was falling in love and it was scaring me this feeling that I had for Donald was getting more and more deeper in side and out and at this time he was to.
The next month rolled around February and Donald and me was still together so in loved I was going to school and calling him at break I was making every excuse to call him everyday at while in school. In my heart I had never felt this way about anybody which I was only fifteen also I was falling more and more in love with Donald I hated being apart from him at anytime.
Months went on Donald and I had talked about getting married I was so ready I could not see living with out him or having him not in my life I loved him so much, and sure we got talked about him being so much older than me and all but we didnt seem to care what people thought we just knew we cared for each other and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.
So time went own it was March 1994 we decided that we would try being apart so we did, weeks went on and I was so depressed being away from him. So here I am sitting on my porch and missing him so bad, I look up and here comes Donald riding on his four wheeler I was so happy to see him, He says we have to talk I said yes we do , we tell each other how much we love one another and that how we dont care about what people thinks that we should think about our selves and not focuses on everyone else around us ,mom and dad is gone at the time we set down and we decide that we want to get married I was already for it.
When mom and dad got home we sat them down and tell them how we fell and that we want to be together in more ways than just boy friend and girl friend Donald tells dad that he wants to marry me they set down and talk about it, dad says yes so here we are the most to happy people in the world.
April was here and we have planned on getting married the big day arrives the four teeth we go to the court house and we tie the note it felt so weird I was fifteen married and he was thirty two but no matter how many years was between us we loved each other and that was all that mattered,
A month had passed on we were still happy as ever and here I am worried about being late on my minstrel period I was scared and lie to his mother told her that I had ,me and Donald had decided that I should go get a pregnancy test. I go out get one brings it back home and takes the test o lord was I so scared, I wait two minutes and I go back in the bathroom to see what its says at this time we are both like o lord were in a shock were really scared to go see what it says, so I get up enough of courage and go in see what it says, I open the door its laying on the sink I take a fast look at it and its purple which means we are going to have a baby, we are happy I cry and then I think I have some explaining to do to Donalds mother I go over to her house which is next door to us and tell her she is happy but worried also were I am so young.
So nine months pass bye I am fat as can be this child in me it feels so I dont know its part of me I have made this person its wonderful, to fell a child in you moving and kicking words can not explain it. But something happens I cant have my child natural, so Dr. Lee which is my doctor he sits a appointment for me to come in and do a c-section on me I go in on February the ninth he sedates me puts me to sleep and I wake up and my life has changed I am a mother of a seven pond fifteen once baby boy I name him Donald after his father.
Its been seven years
ago since my child has came in to this world and everything about my life
has changed instead of me thinking of what I want its the other way around
I am always thinking of his needs doing all I can for him. He is my life,
and now I look back on my life and thank the Lord everyday for my wonderful
family he has given me. And my goes to show you follow what your heart
tells you dont lesion to strangers about what you need best in your life
if I had lessoned to everyone that told me I was making a mistake I wouldnt
have what I got today.
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Gracie's Story List and Biography