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Cartoon image of pyramid with treasure inside.
Since 1976 The Preservation Foundation has been a nonprofit corporation (501-C-3). This means your gift to us will be deductible from U.S. income taxes.

Pay with Paypal

A very easy way to make a contribution is to use Paypal.  All you have to do is  follow the simple directions when you click


Mail A Check

If you'd like to mail us a check make it payable to The Preservation Foundation, Inc.  Send it to:

Richard Loller
The Preservation Foundation, Inc.

2313 Pennington Bend Road
Nashville, Tennessee 37214

Give Appreciated Stocks or Bonds

A tax-advantaged way to make a gift is to transfer appreciated securities directly to our brokerage account. This avoids the capital gain on the sale and gives you full credit for the value of the stock on the date of the gift.  Click here to request wiring instructions for your broker to use to do the transfer.

Set Up A Charitable Remainder Trust

One of the best ways for U.S. citizens to make a substantial gift is through a charitable remainder trust, which provides income for you now and funds to carry on the work of The Preservation Foundation after your death. If you'd like to know how this works, click here to request more information.

If you are a non-U.S. citizen and wish to make a similar gift, contact us and we will help you. (If for some reason this link doesn't work type this address into your letter - preserve@storyhouse.org

You can find out more about us by looking us up at Network for Good, a nonprofit corporation whose goal is to help donors learn more about a nonprofit so that their gifts are more informed and effective.

We appreciate your gifts of both talent and money. Without your generous sharing of both The Preservation Foundation could not continue.



The Preservation Foundation, Inc., A Nonprofit Book Publisher