Story List and Biography

George R. Frost

Go Get Charlie
Plus One Perspective

Fifth Person in the Room

Photo by Alexander Nachev on Unsplash
Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

I am an author living in Eugene, Oregon.  As of this June, 2024, I have retired from teaching at Willamette Leadership Academy and will be devoting full time to writing.  I am married with two adult daughters and live with my wife Amy of 29 years.  I have been writing all my life and enjoy attending my local writers' group.  I am also a musician and vocalist.  From 1979--1992, I was enlisted in the United States Air Force (1979-1992) and I've been a teacher from 2008-2024. I'm currently putting together a memoir of my time in the United States Air Force  and teaching for over 15 years. I love telling stories from some of the adventures of my life.
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