The Wolf-Pup and the Kitten Puffer.

Colleen Robinson The Wolf-Pup and the Kitten--Colleen Robinson

© Copyright 1999 by Colleen Robinson
Cat Story Logo.

This is the story of two lost animals who became friends despite their differences. During their adventures they save a bird who is unable to fly south for the winter and they help a littl girl find her way home.

A wolf-pup, who had lost his family in the early October snow storm began to howl sadly in hopes that his family would hear him and come for him. No answer came, so he went further into the woods.

The wind howled and his little nose grew cold. In the moment the wind stopped, he thought he heard a faint sad little mew.

"A kitten" he thought. The young pup followed the kitten's scent to a tree.  The kitten wimpered, this time in fright, for she had seen the wolf-pup and was scared.

The wolf-pup looked up it was a kitten, a teeeny-tiny kitten, only days old. The wolf-pup knew very little about cats, all he did know was that he'd better save the little thing before she gets worse, or falls out of the tree.

The wolf barked to the kitten, who quickly and carefully climbed down the tree. She looked at the wolf-pup in fright.

"Aren't you a wolf?" she asked. "aren't you supposed to chase me?"

"Maybe when I'm older, but now I need a friend, I'm lost and I can see you are too" he said.

"I agree" she said.

The wolf-pup with the kitten on his back pushed through the snow and cold to find a cozy place to stay for the winter. They found a place. It was a cave.

"Is there anyone home?" asked the wolf. Only a loud bear-sized snore could be heard. Wolf and Kitty continued until they found a nest high up in a tree.

"There's something." The kitten mewed.

"That's too small for me Kitty" the wolf told her.

"She can stay here for the night" said a voice.

The two animals looked up to see a Blue-Jay.

"Thanks" she said.

The kitten slept in the Blue-Jay nest with her while the wolf curled up at the foot of the tree. The next morning, snow had fallen in the bird's nest and it didn't look good for the Jay. Both Kitty and Wolfy knew that they must save their friend. Kitty put the sad and near-frozen bird on her back and carried it down to the wolf.

"She needs food" said Kitty.

Kitty knew birds ate worms and drank water, but where do you find a worm in the winter. A few moments later Kitty returned to see the wolf pawing at the ground.


"I saw a worm here" he said.

When she walked over, the wolf had pawed away at the snow and found some worms for the Blue Jay. The kitten and wolf had given the blue bird some worms and water so she was looking better.

She had hurt her wing so she couldn't fly very far, but she flapped her wings waving good by with the one good wing and hopped away.

Wolf and kitten were getting hungry. They had been eating lots of snow, but they needed real food. Suddenly they heard a wimper and a sniffle. Wolf was about to go, but Kitty stopped him.

"It's a human child, let me go" she said. Kitty went up to the child.

"Child, why are you out here in the cold?"

"I-I got lost. Mommy's cabin is somewhere around here" she said with a sniff.

The wolf came to see what was going on and the child screamed in fright.

"Don't be afraid, this is Wolfy, he's my friend."

"I'm only a pup," he said.

The little girl and kitten rode on Wolfy's back while he tracked his way back to the little girl's house.

"Thank you for saving me Kitty and Wolfy." the little girl said.

"You're welcome, but could you please give us some food, anything you have is fine" Kitty asked.

The little girl came back with hot dogs for the wolf and cheese for the cat.

"That's all I could take," she said.

The two animals thanked her and went on their way to find better shelter.

The kitten and wolf-pup stayed friends through the spring until one mid-spring day when Wolfgang Wolf was teaching Karen Kitty how to play frisbee. It was then that Wolfgang's family showed up and saw the huge wolf playing with a little cat.

"Wolfgang!" howled his mother. "why are you playing with with this cat?"

"I like her, she is my friend, we kept each other company through the winter"

Wolfgang turned to look at Karen Kitty, but she was gone. Wolfgang heard human voices in the woods.

"Mommy! A Kitty! can we keep her, he's purring and licking my nose" cried a little girl with a giggle.

Four months later, Karen Kitty and Wolfgang Wolf met in the woods. Karen just had kittens and Wolfgang's mate just had pups and they wanted their 'children' to play.

They played Wolfy-Kitty games until sunset when Karen returned home to her owner Sara and Wolfgang returnd to his family in the woods.

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