Story List and Biography
Carole Wyatt
The City Of Enlightenment
How To Look Like A  Small Town Girl When Traveling Abroad
Welcome To Mayberry

Carole and Sam

Almost all my inspirations for stories and poems are taken from real life incidents. That's one reason I can never give up working in the school system, I would lose a great deal of material.

I have been published in regional magazines and anthologies in the form of poetry, essays, and short stories. I am presently awaiting publication in 2003 in Soaring above the Storm, an anthology which deals with ADHD essays. I recently earned an Honorable Mention in Children’s fiction in the 2003 Bristol Services contest. I  spend most of my non writing time as Special Needs Administrator at a Catholic High School. As for leisure activities, I read, travel, garden, and write! In fact, I am at work on two novels one is horror while the other is fantasy.

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