Kerstin and the Alzheimer'sAlva Isaksson © Copyright 2018 by Alva Isaksson |
name is Alva and I am 20 years old. I am born and raised in
Stockholm, Sweden. Currently, I study psychology at the University at
Buffalo, in Buffalo, NY, in the US. I was born in a southern district of the inner city of Stockholm. From year four to year nine, I went to an art school, with a focus on photography and filming. In high school, I went to a school for social science and media, with added courses of writing, english, and psychology. I completely fell in love with psychology after one course, and decided to major in it when I went to college. More than psychology, however, I love reading and writing. I have been reading fiction since I was five years old, and writing stories since I was eight. My biggest dream would be to be able to work full time as a writer, but other than that I would want to work with research in psychology. |