Tres Amigos - Adventures with Frank and Pat
Richard Loller


Visit Richard's Journal of Fishing and Farming

Florida Trip,  March 21-March 27(?), 2019

Florida Trip, January 3-9, 2008

Florida Trip, January 5-13, 2007

Florida Trip, January 4-11, 2006

Florida Trip, January 1-7, 2005

Hurricane Frank Hits Nashville--Sept. 2004

Nova Scotia and Maine--June 22 thru July 6, 2004

New Year's Trip--2004

Wet Feet, Cold Butt, and Bea 
Florida Trip, January 2-9, 2003

Lake Martin - Frank and Richard's
Big Adventure, April 2002

The Great Bell Project - Adventures In
Luck And Stupidity, January? ???? (Lost file)